Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 897: Defection

Once the auction was sold, Ji Sixuan bought nothing except a jade pendant that the former princess had carried all the year round.

The auction is over, and someone from each of them will take them into different rooms to rest.

Ji Sixuan brought Xiao Nuan into the room. As soon as he sat down, Ding Hui walked in with a pile of paper filled with densely written characters.

"The owner."

"let it go."


Xiao Nuan caught a glimpse of the densely packed paper around the corner of his eyes, and felt the corners of his eyes twitch.

You won't want her to watch these things again!

"Read it in an hour."


Xiao Nuan held a mouthful of old blood in her heart and almost squirted it out!

The last time Ji Sixuan showed her so many books, there was no use!

Now let her look at these things!

"I do not want to see?"

Xiao Nuan was silent in protest.

"Or, you want to do something, what you should do as a concubine?"

Xiao Nuan gritted his teeth and took the paper on the table and looked at it seriously.

The more I watched Xiao Nuanyue, I felt shocked.

What is recorded on this paper is actually about the methods and practicality of various weapons!

Although Xiao Nuan didn't know much about this country, there were some things that would not change no matter which country it was in, that is, the control of weapons by the country's monarch.

Even her mother is extremely rigorous in this regard, and absolutely does not allow any mistakes!

Weapon is definitely the top secret of a country. Who is Ji Sixuan on earth? !

Even though Xiao Nuan was thinking about it, because Ji Sixuan was on the sidelines, he had to write down all the contents recorded on the paper.

Seeing the last page, it turned out to be some people's detailed information.

Zhao Hede, the man behind the scenes of the largest black-market weapons factory in the country, is forty years old and has an almost crazy love for weapons.

This time on the black market, he intends to find someone to sell a batch of weapons that were just released at the end of this year, with as many as tens of thousands.

In addition to Ji Sixuan, there are several people who want to get this batch of weapons. As for what to use, this is not what she can know.

An hour later, Xiao Nuan put down the last piece of paper in his hand.

A man in Tsing Yi walked in from outside the house.

"Owner, Zhao Hede has arrived."


The man in Tsing Yi looked up at Xiao Nuan who was sitting next to Ji Sixuan.

I have heard Ding Hui say that the owner now seems to be interested in a woman in the villa. For the first time today, apart from being overly beautiful, I didn't feel any difference.

Mu Ke sat down opposite Xiao Nuan.

"Owner, although we have found someone to ventilate with Zhao Hede before, it is inevitable that others will not..."

"Are you worried that the old guy won't sell us things?"

Mu Ke nodded.

Qianguo has very strict control over iron. Every year, even the merchants can buy only limited iron. Therefore, if Zhao Hede's business cannot be done today, they will probably have to wait for two years.

Xiao Nuan listened to the two of them as if they did not shy away from talking there, Xiao Nuan consciously played dead.

She was leaving soon, but she didn't want to get involved in unnecessary troubles.

She stood up and said softly, "Owner, I have a stomachache and I want to go to the toilet."

Ji Sixuan's expression moved slightly, until he did not refuse.

"Go ahead."

Xiao Nuan walked out of the house.

The cottage is in another cave behind the house.

As soon as Xiao Nuan walked into the cottage, a hand suddenly stretched out to cover her nose and mouth!


"It's the son, be good, don't move."

The enchanting voice rang in his ears, and Xiao Nuan's body suddenly stiffened.

She didn't guess wrong, all the flowers are the same as the previous playboy!

She nodded honestly, and Huamandu slowly let go of her.

Xiao Nuan's figure moved, and his body pressed against the door panel and looked at him guardingly.

"The **** is really amazing!"

Huamandu raised her chin and looked at her with a smile. "Naturally because the son missed you."

"I haven't found what you want." Xiao Nuan didn't want to talk nonsense with him.

When Huamandu heard this, it seemed no surprise.

"If you can get it easily, he is not the owner of Qingxiao Mountain Villa. Now we are going to talk about another thing."

"what's up……"

"I want you to do everything possible to make Zuo Quan's next thing impossible!" Huamandu said word by word.

What to do next...

Thinking of those weapons, Xiao Nuan couldn't help but look at Huamandu. Does he want to...

"It's not for me to decide... Um!"

Xiao Nuan didn't finish her words, but she felt something being thrown into her throat, making her eyes red.

"This is half the antidote. When things are done, I will give you the other half, good..."

A quarter of an hour later.

Xiao Nuan walked out of the hut, his expression unchanged, but the air pressure was extremely low.

What a bad luck!

After adjusting his emotions, Mu Ke was still sitting in the room.

Because of her entry, the two did not speak.

"I heard that the third lady has the ability to remember?" Mu Ke seems to have a good relationship with Ji Sixuan, at least that kind of natural and undisciplined attitude is not pretended.

"It's just that my memory is better than that of ordinary people."

Mu Ke still talked to himself. "I heard that generally women with such abilities are very smart. What I said to the owner just now, I don't know what the third wife has in mind?"

Xiao Nuan glanced at Ji Sixuan who was silent.

In fact, she didn't think about turning to him. Although this man was unfathomable, at least she didn't feel that he was killing her.

If she tells him the truth, I wonder if he will help himself get the antidote from Huamanlou.

Xiao Nuan was thinking about this all the way back just now, but he didn't know what to do.

If Huaman is a great person, what should Ji Sixuan do if he doesn't want to offend her?

Thinking of this, Xiao Nuan gritted his teeth and looked at Ji Sixuan. "Owner, if you saw me fall into the river with your own eyes, would you jump to save me?"

This is a test, no matter what the answer is, Xiao Nuan will always make a decision!

Ji Sixuan's face was still warm and moist, but his eyes sank slightly after Xiao Nuan asked this question.

If you see her falling into the water with your own eyes, will you save her?

Ji Sixuan never thought about this issue.

In other words, for more than 20 years, there has not been a woman worthy of him to think about such a problem.

After a long time, when Xiao Nuan thought he would not answer, Ji Sixuan spoke quietly.

"Yes." Who saved her last time in the villa, did she forget?

Upon hearing this, Xiao Nuan suddenly smiled.

This was the first time Ji Sixuan saw her smiling after she fell into the water.

She was very beautiful, her eyes were big and clear, and the smile instantly made the whole room lose all its color, making him lose sight of it for a while.

"Villager, please save me!"

While Ji Sixuan was stunned, Xiao Nuan suddenly fell to his knees before him.

Ji Sixuan was slightly shocked, and immediately returned to normal color.

"save you?"


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