Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 848: The show begins, kill

Of course she is not willing to take out the will of the queen!

Because she knows the true and false of the edict better than anyone!

"The king slandered Gu, and forged a will and took her down to Gu!"

"Your Majesty is guilty? Did you want to kill someone? When your Majesty asked me to arrest the third emperor with a fake will, I suspected that there was something wrong with the edict, but unfortunately the mother emperor passed away. After seeing the real will, I understood that you were deceived back then!"

The king took out his will and held it above his head.

"There are many senators of the two dynasties in the main hall, and they can distinguish the authenticity of the edict!"

Hearing that, an old official stood up from the hall and stepped forward.

"Your Majesty, since what the king said is so well-founded, why not verify it. If so, let this time pass for fear of being criticized. As long as you verify, you can prove the authenticity of what the king said. Take out the edict for comparison."

It was the veteran of the three dynasties of Rong Zhen who was already 70 years old this year, and was going to return home, but there were too many disciples under the house, and the queen was dragged on by the queen. Who knows that it is now causing trouble!

"Yes, Your Majesty."

When someone speaks out, more and more people agree.

The king looked at the old officials who stood up and smiled triumphantly.

These are not the people she can buy. These senior ministers have come from noble and high-ranking ministers. They have the arrogance of a literati and a bad temper. If you really want to be true, the queen can't do anything.

The empress was so angry that the blue veins jumped on her forehead, wishing to step forward and pinch those old things to death.

Usually it's useless, keeping her is just a good name for her, I didn't expect to add to her at critical times!

"Okay, Xiao Xinlan, if you say that your will is true, let them see a priori, is it right?" She is not mad yet, if the king's hands are fake, she will take the fake Take it out, don’t you dig a hole yourself and jump.

"it is good."

The edict from the king's hand was handed over to the veteran officials.

The empress saw the veteran officials rushing forward, gritted her teeth with anger, and was anxious.

What if the edict in the hands of the king is true?

Where did she get this thing! ?

Even though the queen is usually smart, she feels a little rushed now.

Those veterans gathered to take a look, whispering quietly, completely immersed in their own world.

"This is a real will!"

The hall became quiet instantly because of these words.

The oldest Lord Wang raised the edict in his hand tremblingly, but his voice was extremely loud!


The queen stiffened.

"The first emperor wants to pass the throne to Xiao Nian'en, the three emperors!"

The first emperor wanted to pass the throne to Xiao Nianen, but now it is Xiao Yazheng who has become the empress!

These veterans felt that it was too weird for the first queen to pass the throne to Xiao Yazheng, after all, compared with Xiao Nianen back then, Xiao Yazheng was really not the slightest difference.

Almost everyone thought that the throne would belong to Xiao Nianen, but when the edict came out, they were all confused.

It turns out that the last edict of the year was fake!

"Xiao Yazheng, what else can you say?" Feng Wang was even more proud of the empress's panic expression.

"Today, I will get rid of you as a rebel for Rong Zhenguo!" Feng Wang shouted and pulled out a handful of software from his waist.

The empress took a step back in shock, and subconsciously looked at the national teacher, hoping that he could find a way.

But the national teacher seemed to have nothing happened, and his eyes fell on the hall!

"Come on, the king is going to assassinate Gu and get her up!"

Soon, a guard rushed into the main hall and surrounded the Feng King standing in the hall.

Feng Wang sneered. "Today, I will avenge the Third Sister, and take her down for me with orthodoxy!"

The king screamed and pointed the finger at her guard one second before turning to the empress in the next instant.

The empress widened her eyes in shock, as if she couldn't believe that the people around her were actually bought by the king!

"Hmph, do you think you can succeed in rebellion like this? Xiao Xinlan, you are still too impatient."

"Protect Your Majesty!"

There was a commotion outside the hall, and in a blink of an eye the armoured army rushed into the hall and surrounded everyone.

"Catch all the rebels to the lone! Rebels, kill without mercy!"

The queen gave an order, and the officers and soldiers rushed forward and fought with the guards around Feng Wang.

The hall can't fit, but it has been accommodating so many people before, and now it has squeezed in so many people, it can't fit at all!

Many people were injured by the innocent and wanted to escape, but the gate of the hall was sealed by the officers and soldiers, and they couldn't get out at all!

"The emperor, the emperor is injured, protect the emperor!"

I don't know who shouted in the crowd, and the hall suddenly became more chaotic.

It is because the monarchs of other countries have been injured.

Yue Li stood at the end of the crowd, as there were still people guarding her, so she wouldn't get hurt.

She quietly watched the situation in the palace. Those officers and soldiers seemed to be fighting with the king, but they hurt people from other countries intentionally or unintentionally, and they acted fiercely.

This is not an accident, those officers and soldiers did it on purpose!

Xiao Yazheng wanted the lives of everyone in the palace!

"Daddy, will my mother be injured?" Xiao Jin's buns, who were guarded by Xiao Zhan, stood on their toes to look for Yue Li's figure with concern.

Xiao Zhan seemed to be watching the situation in the palace, but in fact, his eyes never left Yueli.

Just as Xiao Jin asked, Xiao Zhan's figure stiffened. "Protect the prince!" Before the words fell, the figure quickly flew through the crowd and landed in front of Yue Li.

A "pop" palm forced the approaching Qin Shang back.


Yue Li stood behind Xiao Zhan, looking at Qin Shang, who was dressed in white, unconsciously tightening the hand holding Xiao Zhan's sleeve.

"Don't be afraid."

"I am not afraid of you."

The eyes under Qin Shang's mask sank slightly.

"You Ruo, come here..." He stretched out his hand to Yue Li.

"Qin Shang, I said, I am Yueli, not Youruo!"

"You Ruo, soon, we will be able to get back everything that belongs to us. Come here and I will return them to you. We are still together forever and will never be separated again." Qin Shang completely ignored Her words, immersed in her own world.

Yue Li could actually understand his persistence. After all, he had been obsessed for hundreds of years, and it was impossible to change it day and night.

"I said, You Ruo had died hundreds of years ago."


This word seemed to stimulate him, and Qin Shang suddenly became emotional.

"No, no, how could Youruo die, she won't die!" After speaking, the whole person rushed towards Yueli...

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