Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 583: Sekihara's Array (1)


(Please keep in mind) (Please keep in mind) 7 o'clock in the morning.

Tianmanshan, before the Tokugawa army position.

In the thick fog, the entire Guanyuan was silent, and even the sound of war horses neighing was inaudible.

Tokugawa Ieyasu stood in place with his sword in both hands, looking at the direction of Oda Army Kawajiri Hidetaka before the white mist.

Tokugawa Ieyasu squinted his eyes like a boulder, motionless. After a long time, Tokugawa Ieyasu stroked the beard on his lips with his right hand.

At this time, the eldest son who had been standing next to Tokugawa Ieyasu, Tokugawa Shinyasu said: "Father, the fog has begun to clear, and I can prepare to take over."

Tokugawa Ieyasu raised his head, glanced at the sky, and said, "Not enough."

Tokugawa Shinyasu nodded, and said in a refreshing manner: "My father, as a forward, it is an honor for me and the warriors to be able to shoot the first arrow that determines the world's battle!"

Hearing what the eldest son said, Ieyasu Tokugawa narrowed his eyes, waved his hand, and said, "No, this arrow cannot be shot by the Tokugawa family. The whole army is waiting for my order and is not allowed to attack the enemy at will."

"My father!"

Tokugawa Shinyasu reluctantly said, "Why?"

Seeing Tokugawa Shinyasu's unwilling expression, Tokugawa Ieyasu shook his head and said, "Because the strength of the Tokugawa family is not strong enough!"

at the same time.

Near Maruyama in Sekihara, Li Zheng's immediate legion, Tiger Armor, 1,500 troops, is slowly moving forward.

"I see, the one on Mount Sasao ahead is the Mino of the Oda Army!"

Ogihara Katsusuke Ashikaga stopped his horse, pointed his spear forward, and his face was full of joy.

Behind Ogihara Katsusuke, the commander-in-chief of Tiger Benbei and Shigemura Takenaka nodded his head when he heard this. Pick up the brass monocular telescope. He glanced in the distance and then put it down.

Shigeru Takenaka still frowned, and said, "The fog is still too big."

Takenaka Shigemo's book is pure and pure. He said: "But the young master meant that the first shot in this battle to seize the world must be shot by his own family. If it is delayed for a long time, I am afraid the Tokugawa family will do it first."

Ben Duo is pure, he is the son of Ben Duo, and he has always had a good relationship with Li Zheng.

Ogihara Katsuji said: "I am the young master's army. If the first shot of the Sekihara formation is fired, it will be a great help to the young master's reputation."

"Now that the house-shaped hall has been issued, the generals are ready to take over the general order, indicating that our army is ready. In this case, our army will act first and leave the prestige!"

Ogihara Katsusuke is Li Zheng's hairpin. Since childhood, he decided to assist Li Zheng to achieve his great cause. So Ben Duozhen is the same in mind.

Shigemura Takenaka looked at these two people and made a decision immediately. Flicking the whip, he said: "Well, in that case, order the iron cannon team to shoot at the Oda army!"


After Katsuyuki Ogihara and Masazumi Honda took their orders, they both looked at each other and saw joy in each other's faces.

Takeda Army Honjin.

After having breakfast, Li Xiao closed his eyes and sat on the horse with a straight body, seeming to be sleepy, but in fact he was listening to any movement on the battlefield.

Outside the formation, Cejintou Shioka Kazuha pressed the sword, and together with hundreds of others, guarded the square of the formation.

On the outer layer, there are the Meinongs of Dao Shengmeng, guarding the outside.

In the current battle scene, Li Zheng, Honda Masanobu, Tora Zongyi, and Usami Nami are whispering on the map at a very fast frequency, discussing the next battle.

Just at this moment, the bang of the subway cannon, like falling sand, clearly spread to everyone's ears.

Li Zheng and the four of them stopped talking instantly and stopped their hands above the map of Guanyuan. At this time, Li Xiao opened his eyes and asked in a deep voice, "Iron cannons?"

"Lord, it seems to be from the north."

"My question is, which team carried out the attack?" Li Xiao repeated.


Right now, Li Zheng stepped forward, lowered his head and said nervously: "My father, I was the one who ordered the attack."

"This determines the world..."

Li Xiao stopped his hand and said with a smile: "Good job!"


Seeing that Li Xiao had no objection to his reputation, Li Zheng let out a long sigh.

At the moment Li Xiao stood up from Maza, Huo Ran, and shouted to the next envoy who was on standby: "The order is passed down, the Taiko drum will be followed, and the Taiko drum will be marched on, set off the smoke, and order the whole army to attack!"


The envoys took the orders and left.

At the moment, Takeda Army's main formation was filled with rapid footsteps and horse hooves on all sides.

While Li Xiao strode out of the battlefield, Li Zheng and Bendo believed that they would follow behind.

Li Xiao raised his head and glanced at the dense fog that had not completely dissipated. He turned on his horse and said to his men: "Moving the main formation to the front line, I will personally direct this battle."




Above the main formation of the Takeda army, a man with a naked upper body shook the 20-sided Taiko drum to the sky.

In the direction of Tao Pei Shan, the guard samurai threw the torch into the pile after hearing the order.

Three deep black wolf smoke, even more soaring into the sky.

Above Sekihara, 60,000 soldiers of the Takeda army, as well as more than 100,000 soldiers of the Oda army on Sasao, Matsuo, Nangong, and Tenman also saw this straight rising smoke at the same time. .

Tokugawa Ieyasu saw a scene, threw half of the lunch to the ground, drew out the sword, and shouted with the sword: "Order Okubo, Sakura!"

Puff puff!

The horse's hoof stepped on the ground, making Fan Cema pass the order away.

Tokugawa Ieyasu's dignified eyes, chasing after the envoy, silently said with a knife: "Hachiman Daimyojin, bless my Tokugawa family!"

In the thick fog.

Masazumi Honda commanded the iron cannons equipped with sixty tigers and fired at the Mino crowd of the Oda Army at the foot of Mount Sasao on the opposite side.

Logically speaking, at such a long distance, under the cover of dense fog, the hit rate of the iron cannon is extremely poor.

But what Tiger Ben is equipped with is the original matchlock gun shipped by Franji, which has better performance than the native Japanese iron cannon.

Therefore, at the foot of Mount Sasao, behind the wooden fence, the Oda army is waiting for it.

The two rounds of volleys of iron cannons passing through the mist were baffling.

The general under the main formation is Hineno Hiroyuki, and he immediately ordered his subordinates to step forward with his iron guns, and fight against the Takeda army in the dense fog through a wooden fence.


Kawajiri Hidetaka heard that iron cannons roared loudly on Mount Sasao to the north.

Hidetaka Kawajiri couldn't help but laughed, laughing at Inaba Ichitetsu's misfortune of Mino, who actually became the first target of the Takeda army.

At this time, the dense fog in front of me gradually thinned.

Kawajiri Hidetaka's laughter came to an abrupt end. He saw a large group of Tokugawa troops with a large group of three-leaf aoi in the thick fog, approaching his own square with guns.

"It's Sanhe Savage!"

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