Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 91 Is this a hundred million dollars?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

A big event happened at the 3rd Island Special Zone Game Exhibition Conference. A game called Alice Sonata: Wheel of Fortune appeared out of nowhere. It was obviously just a game produced by a high school club, but it became popular in a short period of time. The entire gaming industry.

It is reported that this high school club took out a thousand copies of the physical discs of the game for sale on the day of the game exhibition. After they were sold out in a short period of time, they did not make any more supplements, which frustrated the hopes of the players who had been looking forward to it.

It is also because of this that this game occupied the first place on the most anticipated list of players that day, and there were more and more voices calling for the continued release of physical discs.

But unfortunately, in the next two days, the club named Yingling High School Video Game Club seemed to have disappeared and never appeared at the game exhibition.

If the largest online game website SLEEP hadn't publicly promoted this game and sold it online, this game might have become something like an urban legend.

So, what is the content of the game that can cause such a sensation?

With the increasingly developed and convenient Internet, even gamers who failed to participate in the game exhibition soon learned of such news, and were full of curiosity about this game that attracted a large number of players.

Under such circumstances, the online sales volume of Alice Sonata was imminent, and it reached an astonishing number in just a few days.

Game sales of 120,000... Really or fake...

As the producer of Alice Sonata, Li Yalin can clearly see the sales figures in the background of the website.

The sales volume of more than 127,000 copies of the game cannot be compared with the works of those large game companies, and it is not even a fraction of others, but please don't forget that this is only a few days of sales.

What if it is a month later?

two months later?

How much will the game sell?

How much money can I make by myself?

Li Yalin doesn't know how much potential this game has, but he does know that his mission seems to have been completed in this way.

Yes, when Alice Sonata was released, the official price he gave was 3,000 island coins. After deducting the share of the website and various taxes, he could get a little more than 2,000 net profit from selling a game.

After all, this is a game that he completed alone. There is no need to share it with others, and there is no cost to speak of. If he sells it, he will make money.

That is to say, the game sales in the past few days have actually increased his income by more than 200 million.

So, that's it?

The task of earning 100 million yuan in three months is so simple?

After realizing this fact, Li Yalin's expression is difficult to describe in words. He has put in so much effort before, drawing comics and publishing them in magazines, and planning to publish a booklet. made a game?

I always feel... There is a feeling of powerlessness in my heart.

Well, in fact, Li Yalin also knows that the potential of the three Maoyan sisters has not been tapped at all. As time goes by, Maoyan will only bring more and more income to herself, which is not comparable to Alice Sonata. of.

Don't look at Alice Sonata is indeed very profitable now, but at the same time, the potential of this game is exhausted extremely fast.

Why is this game so popular now?

The reason is simple, because this is a type of game that has never appeared before, and gamers will naturally have a sense of freshness and anticipation for it. Coupled with the hype on the Internet, it is normal for it to sell well.

But in fact? Is this game really that popular?

No, it's not like that. In the past few days, Li Yalin has seen many bad reviews on the Internet. This game is fresh, but it is absolutely impossible to conquer everyone with just new ideas.

Therefore, the ultimate achievements of the Alice Sonata are also limited. Maybe it can still be sold while taking advantage of the popularity, but as time goes by, it will still be forgotten after all.

However, that is not something he needs to consider, because what he should do most now is to withdraw the money and pay off all the debts owed by Xiangfeng's family!

That's 100 million? Is this really 100 million?

When I heard that Li Yalin had really earned 100 million yuan, Tibi's expression was so weird, how should I describe it, was it tears of joy or surprise?

It is really difficult to describe the rabbit's expression in words, and to be reasonable.

But one thing is very clear, Tibi couldn't believe what he saw at all, as if the 100 million was a counterfeit banknote.

Obviously this is cash that has just been withdrawn from the bank.

According to the agreement, I have earned enough money.

Ignoring Tibi who was on the side, Li Yalin's eyes were all focused on Chi Nao at the moment.

This is the promise he made to Chino before, so now, he has fulfilled this promise.


Faced with the 100 million island coins that Li Yalin took out, Zhi Nai's mood at the moment is also very complicated. Naturally, she is very happy to have 100 million and the Rabbit-House can be saved, but at the same time, she doesn't know whether she can do it or not. Accept the money with peace of mind.

Although it was agreed before, she still became entangled when there was a hundred million in front of her.

Chino, don't think too much. Paying off the debt is the most important thing. Rabbit-House is our home. As long as we can keep our home, it is more important than anything else.

Li Yalin couldn't figure out what Zhi Nai was thinking, and he didn't need to guess, he just needed to let Zhi Nai understand.

It is enough that the Rabbit-House can be kept, and everyone can live here happily in the future.

For the rest, you really don't need to think too much about it.


Looking at Li Yalin's sincere eyes, Zhi Nao nodded subconsciously. She felt that she should say something of thanks, but when the words came to her lips, they could only be turned into a word of um.

It's not that Zhi Nao doesn't appreciate Li Yalin, in fact, she is more excited than anyone else, but she is really not good at expressing this feeling.

Speaking of which, we are all one family, Chino, don't you always call me Yalinsang, how about calling me brother?

If you don't say anything at this time, you always feel that the atmosphere will be very awkward, then... just follow the previous expectation and let Chino call yourself brother.

Regarding this idea, Li Yalin has considered it for a long time, but has not been able to put it into action, so if it is mentioned now, Zhi Nao should not refuse it.

That's not taking advantage of others' danger, is it?

Well, definitely not!

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