Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 871 Paladins go to battle!

Send someone! Provide support to the allies in the Vatican!

Although I feel uncomfortable that the Vatican has only sent a little girl as a combat force, but she has come all the way to help eliminate the evil spirits, and it is impossible for my side to really watch her fall into trouble.

So soon, Genji Canghashi issued an order, whether it was to destroy the enemy as soon as possible, or to help the friendly army, he must immediately send his own Onmyoji to fight together.

Wait a moment!

Just when Genji Cangqiao's order was issued, and his subordinate Onmyoji turned around to execute the order, and even the generals in the conference room were ready to attack, Li Yalin suddenly made a sound, which instantly attracted everyone's attention Notice.

Master Yalin?

Li Yalin suddenly called a stop, which was extremely puzzling to everyone. Time is running out now, and if there is a delay, I am afraid that something bad will happen to that little girl.

So what does Master Yalin mean?

He intends to die?

Or does he have other plans?


Yes, this subordinate understands.

Li Yalin didn't care about everyone's gaze, he just looked sideways at the great priest, and Katarina immediately understood his intention.

In various senses, Katarina is a very good subordinate, and Li Yalin can understand it immediately with just one look.

No, after realizing what Li Yalin meant, Katarina reacted immediately and directly issued orders to the two paladins behind her.

Destroy the evil spirits!

Yes! Great Priest!

Although they are characters that don't even have a name, but logically, the strength of these two paladins is real.

The twelve elite believers of Baizhi who followed Li Yalin to the main world this time, the six paladins are four men and two women, and the priests of Bai are all women, and all of them are handsome and beautiful. It must be a proper protagonist in any novel.

If they just follow Li Yalin's side, their light will undoubtedly be covered up, but please note that they are only covered by a more dazzling light, not because they are dimmed.

So after Katarina gave the order to let the two paladins stand out, the powerful aura exuded from them shocked everyone present again.

Although I felt their strength before, but now their aura... It's not like what humans can have at all, okay!

Let my two subordinates help. With their strength, they should still be able to play a role.

Only then did Li Yalin finally speak to everyone.


Can play some role?

Are such two powerful existences only able to play some role?

My Lord Yalin, are you too modest?

I don't know if it was because of the shock, anyway, what happened to Li Yalin made many people unable to speak for a long time.

But being unable to speak does not mean that they are all scared stupid. After all, the battle is still going on there, and time waits for no one.

Because there was a witch at the scene, the two paladins under Li Yalin didn't have to rush there. They sent the magic one by one, and someone took them straight to the scene of the incident.

And through the big screen, Li Yalin and his party can also see their every move.

Such a live broadcast is really convenient enough.

Then look at the scene where the evil spirits descended.

Due to the large number of enemies, Clarus's face is already showing fatigue. Although she has exorcised many evil spirits, after all, those evil spirits are a minority, and she has never tried The enemy fights.

Although it seemed easy to forcefully kill two evil spirits just now, it actually consumed a lot of her strength, and against the remaining five evil spirits, she was actually at the end of her strength.

It's just that as an anti-teaching, she can't retreat lightly in the face of evil spirits, so she has no choice but to fight the enemy desperately, even if it means sacrificing her own life!



Although the battlefield was changing rapidly, relying on her keen sense of touch, Clarus discovered that someone entered the battlefield indiscriminately at the first time.

Ordinary people around here?


They are not ordinary people!

That is……

Yes, under the astonishment of Clarus, the paladin who was successfully teleported entered the arena, and after entering the arena, the two paladins who could be the protagonists immediately burst out with strong light.

Transformed Transformed Transformed!

Paladin transformed!

Chang Chuang? No... This is not Chuang Chuang, what are you guys...

The anti-doctrine entanglement is to use the power of high-dimensional gods to complete the transformation. At this moment, the black armor on Clarus is the product of her entanglement.

The transformation of the paladins is not actually a transformation. They just use the power of their paladins to summon their own white armor to arm themselves.

Although as white paladins, they don't rely too much on the power of their equipment, but as knights, how could they abandon their armor and weapons?

This is already their habit, but they pretended to be coercive invisibly.

Yes, white light suddenly burst out from his body, and after the light dissipated, he turned into a fully armed armored knight. This scene is super dazzling, isn't it!


As white paladins, Li Yalin's two subordinates are not just handsome and dazzling on the surface, their strength is the most commendable thing!

Facing the evil spirits of another dimension, the two paladins charged side by side. With their tyrannical strength, they profoundly demonstrated to everyone why they are the elite paladins of the White Temple!

It's really simple...

As the intelligence said, the energy attack and the holy light energy attack have an extraordinary damage bonus to those evil spirits in different dimensions. It is very difficult for Clarus to fight those evil spirits just now, but When these two paladins appeared on the stage, they were directly destroyed, and the battle was easily completed.

It is even said that this battle did not last for a minute, and it was only a few tens of seconds, which was an easy solution without pressure.

Seeing the results of the two paladins, Li Yalin also nodded secretly. The move of finding Bai borrowed by himself was really right. Although it was only the most elementary evil spirit of another dimension, such a relaxed and simple battle situation was enough to make him laugh. People are proud.

As for what kind of high-level evil spirits he will face next, he is not under any pressure. After all, apart from the elites under him, he himself is also not bad.

It's better to say... If there is a powerful enemy coming, he will be more interested in it.

If it's just those low-level evil spirits, then this task is really no challenge at all...

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