Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 860: Evil Spirits from Different Dimensions

Inviting these four cute little guys to the house as guests, Li Yalin must treat them well as the host.

This is also thanks to the fact that he is an upright and good-natured young man who has no ill intentions towards these four little fellows. Otherwise, the following plots will probably be so harmonious that they can no longer be harmonious.

Of course, although it is impossible to have bad thoughts about these little guys, as a qualified sister-in-law, it is no problem for them to be willing to call a big brother, right?

Well, Xia Hai and Xiaoju are fine, Lianhua is also OK, and only Yingying still cares about his status as an idol, and keeps calling Master Yalin.

Then... let me show off my powerful elder brother power, and let a firefly fall under my elder brother's jeans!

Cough cough... morals, morals!

Because he really likes this kind of pastoral life, Li Yalin has frequently appeared in small towns recently. Although as a super idol, he would cause a lot of siege whenever he appeared in front of the public in the past, but in this remote In the small town, there are not so many troubles at all.

At best, he is familiar with the residents of the town, that's all.

Sure enough, the decision to buy land here was the most correct choice!

Feeling the simple folk customs of the residents in the small town, Li Yalin is naturally quite relaxed. After all, he doesn't really like the feeling of being under the spotlight. Living in this small town makes him feel like the most ordinary ordinary person. Man, this is the best day-to-day for him.

It's a pity that although it is a daily life that I like very much, there are always people who don't open their eyes, and they have to give him some eye drops to be reconciled.

No, the Rongguang Society, which had been silent for a while, has come out to make trouble again.

So... what the hell is an evil spirit from another dimension?

Facing Mu Banqian's friend, Antilicia, the leader of the European magic organization Getia, Li Yalin pressed his temple with a headache.

How many days have passed since these happy days? Are you telling me that Tokyo is being targeted by evil spirits from another dimension? I'm not a messenger of justice, bastard!

Yes, as Li Yalin said, today's Tokyo is being targeted by evil forces again, and the world is once again facing a huge crisis.

So what is the source of the crisis?

We still have to start with the Glory Society.

Since the joint school festival, Antilicia has been tracking the movements of the Glory Society. Although many small fish and shrimps have been solved, it is a pity that the big fish have not been caught.

According to Antilicia, those guys were as cunning as sewer rats, they would run away immediately at the slightest sign of trouble, and would even sacrifice their subordinates at critical moments, which made her very passive.

It is precisely because there is not much progress that the conspiracy of the Rongguang Club appears frequently.

As I said before, the Rongguang Society has always wanted to open the gate of the spirit world and reproduce the night walk of the ghosts, but they couldn't find the key, so this conspiracy failed.

But failing to open the gate of the spirit world doesn't mean they will give up doing things. No, I don't know where those guys got the means to collude with the evil spirits from another dimension.

The group of guys from the Glory Society are responsible for opening the door to connect the different dimensions and the present world, while the evil spirits that exist in the different dimensions are going to make trouble in the present world.

It is worth mentioning that although the so-called evil spirits of different dimensions are called evil spirits, a more accurate description should be called different-dimensional life forms. After all, they are not much different from evil spirits. relation.

It's just that those different-dimensional life forms and evil spirits belong to the same spiritual energy body, and at the same time, they also attach to humans and absorb human life energy. They are similar to evil spirits, so they are called different-dimensional evil spirits.

So far, a total of three different-dimensional evil spirits have descended into the world. Although the Psychic Bureau and the Yin-Yang Hall quickly launched operations and successfully killed the three different-dimensional evil spirits, the problem is that after three battles, It also brought considerable losses to the Psionic Energy Bureau and the Yin Yang Hall.

After all, it was the first time they met an enemy, and they didn't know the opponent's ability. If it wasn't for a few generals who shot at the critical moment, I'm afraid they would have to pay a heavier price.

And more importantly, the three exterminated evil spirits from another dimension should be the lowest-level minions, and there must be more powerful existences above them.

Just beating a few minions, and the two major psychic powers in Tokyo are in such a mess. If a stronger enemy comes, how will they deal with it?

Although Gatia, where Antilicia is located, and Yin Yang Hall do not belong to the same faction, but the arrival of evil spirits from another dimension obviously has a great relationship with the Glory Society, and of course she cannot just sit idly by.

It's a pity that she is alone in the special zone, and it is difficult for her to get the support she deserves. Even if she has reached a consensus with Akane Muban, she can get the support of the witch of the special zone at critical moments, but it is still not enough.

The evil spirits from another dimension are approaching menacingly, and she must make all-round preparations.

So she has no choice but to ask Li Yalin to come here. After all, Li Yalin's strength has already penetrated into everyone's heart.

Although I don't really like to ask for help, but this time, I'm afraid we really need your strength.

Antilicia is a proud person, she doesn't like to beg for help, very much.

But this time, she had to let go of her pride, because if Li Yalin didn't act, the situation might become very serious.

After all, those evil spirits from another dimension are really not simple characters!

Not to mention, before coming, Antilicia further probed into the intelligence of those evil spirits from another dimension through her influence in Europe.

Those evil spirits from another dimension...didn't they come to this world for the first time? There were already written records two thousand years ago? They were called demons at that time? Interesting...

Although he complained endlessly about the incidents of the Rongguang Society, Li Yalin carefully looked through the information about those evil spirits in different dimensions.

According to the intelligence records, those evil spirits from another dimension had invaded this world two thousand years ago, resulting in the loss of a large number of lives.

According to the records, in order to fight against the invasion of evil spirits, some psychics in the West united together and expelled all the evil spirits with the joint efforts of everyone, and after the fact...formed an organization of psykers?

The name of the leader of this psyker organization is...

Jesus Christ?

are you serious?

Well, after reading this information, while Li Yalin knew it well, he also became very interested in it.

Yes, it's really interesting isn't it?

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