Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 86 I am not such a frivolous woman

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

As for everyone's wishes for gifts, those brought back by Ningning are considered normal, but the wish of Yujian, wanting a book, is really impossible for people to realize.

So in the end, Li Yalin could only take out this necklace, and at the same time, he got Yu Jian's weird look.

This necklace... the price is not cheap, right? What is the purpose of you giving me this necklace? Want to bribe the leader?

Suddenly receiving a gift from Li Yalin, the other two members of the student union came in a little panic, because the price of the gift was not cheap, and they didn't know whether they should accept it or not.

But unfortunately, Yu Jian said such a sentence at this time, which immediately made them dare not think about it.

Bribe leaders?

This gift cannot be accepted!

But... As the vice president, Li Yalin, does he need to bribe us?

Obviously he should be regarded as the leader.

If you can say this with a little more expression, I might be able to give you some more anticipated reactions, but now... President Yujian, you better set an example and accept my gift.

Looking at the expressionless Yu Jian in front of him, Li Yalin couldn't help sighing, what is this? Yujian-style complaints? It's really too bad, isn't it!

How can you ask Mori and the others to accept the gift when you say such ambiguous words in front of your fellow students?

They were already hesitant, okay?

Look at the atmosphere, hello!

Since it's not about bribing the leader, then it's about chasing me? I'm not such a frivolous woman, and you need to think carefully about dealing with such things.

Li Yalin was sighing helplessly. Yujian finally had an expression on the other side, and saw her raise her hand, covering her lips and making a shy expression. If it wasn't for the distorted expression, if there is really no way to give a comment, I am afraid it is true. Someone will be fooled.

The girl's shyness is not like this expression. I have limited time here, and I have to go to classmate Nan and the others in a while. Can we make a quick decision?

With the deepening of contact with Yu Jian, Li Yalin found that he was getting better at dealing with the chairman. At this time, he only needed to do a good job of complaining, and complaining according to his own duty.

Although I don't really want to be the one who complains, but this is the most suitable way, isn't it!

Quick battle? You, Yalin, are fast? I really didn't see it...

Chairman Yu Jian, staring at a boy's lower body while saying such dirty words, is this really okay?

To be reasonable, although Li Yalin is used to speeding up the car when Yu sees a disagreement, the problem is, there are two girls watching beside him. Is it really okay for you to say that?

Well, Sen Hope and Aoba Taoli's faces are already covered with red clouds, it's too late to complain at this time, isn't it!

By the way...don't the three of you stare at my crotch together!

Anyway, that's it. I'm going to find classmate Nan and the others.

Rao had been very calm before, but Li Yalin still felt embarrassed at this moment. The sight of the three girls really made him a little unbearable. Even he knew very well that the two girls, Sen Hope and Aoba Taoli, were just subconsciously I was caught off guard by the fish, but that feeling is also super embarrassing, isn't it!

So, it's better to leave as soon as possible!

Wait! You can accept this gift if you want me! But you have to promise me one request!

Li Yalin wanted to leave as soon as possible, but Yu Jian couldn't let him go that easily. Just as she turned around, she rushed over and blocked his way.

Tell me what you want.

Seeing Yu Yu's expression, Li Yalin knew that she was going to do something, but he couldn't help her, so he could only nod helplessly.

No matter what the request is, it is true that it should be resolved as soon as possible.

My request have to help me put this necklace on yourself!

Looking at the helpless Li Yalin, Yu Jian smiled, picked up the necklace in his hand, and at the same time swept the ponytail on his shoulders, revealing her pink neck.

Speaking of this requirement, it is really very simple, isn't it just a matter of putting on a necklace and reaching out to solve it.

But don't forget that for boys of Li Yalin's age, their control is quite weak. It's really hard to say whether they can have such an intimate contact with a girl.

Yes, this contact is indeed very intimate. Looking at Sen Hope and Aoba Taoli at the side, their faces are blushing, and at the same time, they can see a look of anticipation in their eyes.

This you want to see Li Yalin embarrassing?

Li Yalin really couldn't figure out what Yu Jian was thinking at the moment, but he was very calm about her request.

That's right, if he was really the age he appeared to be, he might still blush because of Yu's words, and even hold the necklace in his hand, not knowing what to do.

But it's a pity that he was an older fake housekeeper who was nearly 30 years old, and he didn't have any pressure at all to help a girl who was only 16 years old to put on a necklace.

Okay, I've put on the necklace too, so I'll go find classmate Nan and the others. See you when we gather.

He took the necklace very easily, and then put it on Yu Jian's neck very naturally. From the beginning to the end, Li Yalin behaved very calmly, as if he had been tempered and did not waver in the slightest.

And this was beyond Yu Jian's expectation, even when Li Yalin said goodbye to her, she still couldn't react.

So... put it on for yourself?

Can he understand what this necklace means to him...

Seeing the back of Li Yalin leaving, she subconsciously stroked the necklace on her collarbone. Although Yu Jian couldn't see any expression on her face, her mood...was far less calm than it seemed on the surface.

It's so bold... That classmate Li actually put on a necklace for the president.

Yeah, I thought he would back down. If it were me, I would probably back down.

That's why I say he is very bold.

As witnesses of this incident, the other two members of the student union murmured in private. They were quite amazed at Li Yalin's bold move.

I hope classmate... Taoli classmate...

Although Sen hoped to talk to Qingye Taoli with a low voice, he couldn't hide it from Yujian who was beside him, and at this moment, Yujian's voice rang out, which made the two girls tense up uncontrollably.

Oh no!

Did he annoy Chairman Yu Jian?

Although Chairman Yu Jian is very approachable on weekdays, sometimes...

Since there's nothing else to do next, let's take a good look at the game exhibition together.

When Sen Xixi and Qingye Taoli were worried, they did not expect that Yu Jian who was opposite suddenly smiled and didn't mention anything at all, as if nothing had happened.

Chairman Yu Jian doesn't care at all?

Or is she ignoring it on purpose?

Looking at each other subconsciously, Sen Hope and Aoba Taoli were very sensible and didn't mention it again. Since the president didn't say anything, it's better to simply forget it.

Otherwise, it is really a death...

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