Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 825 You are completely too nervous!

Regarding Zuo Hezi's request, Li Yalin did agree. After all, in his opinion, this is not a big deal at all. What's so difficult about maintaining a pretend relationship?

At best, when facing her friends in the future, Zuo Hezi can move herself out, have a name and a saying, that's all.

However, what he didn't expect was that Zuo Hezi's friends... were far more enthusiastic than he imagined!

Huh? You said your friends wanted to see me?

It was only on the second day after the date that Li Yalin saw Zuo Hezi again that he got such amazing news.

Just last night, Zuo Hezi's friends formed a group to block her, and they condemned her together, thinking that she had concealed the truth from everyone, and she even fell in love without telling everyone.

Then needless to say, as the object of everyone's condemnation, Zuo Hezi must be treating guests to a drink. After all, they are a group of good friends, and they often play and play together.

Just at the wine table, Zuo Hezi's friends made a request to see Zuo Hezi's boyfriend again.

After all, except for that Ji Mei, no one has ever seen the true face of the legendary boyfriend. I just learned from Ji Mei's description that he was a young man with a weak writing style. An unremarkable boy.

Catherine is such a beautiful woman, and she is also a high school teacher. Although she has some personality problems, she is still a very good woman in general. She had a lot of female fans when she was in high school.

But now that she has found a boyfriend who is younger than her, he doesn't seem to have any advantages at all.

Then, after three rounds of wine, five flavors of food, and taking advantage of the swell of wine, everyone will of course want to meet the legendary 'mysterious boyfriend'.

What kind of virtue and ability does he have, and why can he win the heart of our Catherine?

That's why next, there will be such a scene of Zuo Hezi clasping his hands together and begging sincerely. As the person involved, Li Yalin's expression at the moment is so weird.

I didn't expect that they still remembered what they said last night, and they also gave me an ultimatum. They will not give up until I see you today, so...

To be reasonable, Zuo Hezi also knew that her request was a bit difficult. After all, her friends were not so easy to dismiss. If Li Yalin agreed to go today, she would definitely be surrounded by crowds.

As a friend who has known everything for many years, she is not bad, she can barely endure it, but Li Yalin's words...

At this moment, even if she is rejected, Zuo Hezi will not have any surprises, after all, in the final analysis, this is all caused by her.

Okay, I get it, I'll go.

Looking at Zuo Hezi with a tangled face in front of him, Li Yalin was actually quite helpless, but helplessness was helplessness, and he didn't think of refusing.

Leaving aside that he had agreed to Zuo Hezi long ago, he was more or less prepared for this in his heart. The friends who are about to meet Zuo Hezi and see the legendary DEATH-DEVIL are already quite interesting. isn't it?

After all, that was Sawako's original band!

Really? Yalin really agreed?

Originally, Zuo Hezi was already prepared in his heart to be rejected, but he didn't realize that at this moment, he turned around at this moment, it was simply a bright future.

Such a change made her overjoyed, but at the same time made her a little unbelievable.

It's just to meet your friends, not to go up the mountain of swords and into the sea of ​​fire, what's so difficult about it.

However, Mr. Zuo Hezi, since we are going to meet your friends together, then you should be more careful when the time comes, and don't reveal your secrets, otherwise the previous performance will be all for nothing.

Since it was something Li Yalin promised, he couldn't go back on his word, but before that, he had to remind Zuo Hezi.

After all, in the final analysis, the relationship between the two is just fake, and it is still unknown whether they can get along like real lovers.

In this case, once something unexpected happens, it is easy to expose the truth.

As an experienced driver, Li Yalin thought that his side would be fine, but Zuo Hezi's side... needs her to pay more attention.

Okay! I'll pay attention!

Li Yalin's reminder was also a timely way for Zuo Hezi to correct his mentality.

Before that, she just came to ask for help wholeheartedly. It wasn't until Li Yalin agreed that she finally thought of her own problem.

When she sees her friends next time, she needs to get along with classmate Yalin like a real lover. She must recognize this and don't make any mistakes!


Are you really okay?

To tell the truth, even though she had already made up her mind, Zuo Hezi was still feeling uneasy at this time. Such a tense mood was even more serious than when she first performed on stage.

I said, Teacher Zuo Hezi, don't be nervous. If you're so nervous, won't you be going through the gang in a while?

Originally, Li Yalin's reminder was just a good intention, but he didn't expect that his reminder made Zuo Hezi even more nervous.

If I knew this earlier, it would be better not to remind me.

Well! I'm not nervous! I'm not nervous!

Li Yalin made Zuo Hezi not nervous, and Zuo Hezi himself kept trying to hypnotize himself, hoping that he could maintain a relaxed state.

But the problem was, the more she tried to calm down, the more obvious the nervousness became, and in the end, she began to tremble herself.

Hey, you are completely overly nervous!

Teacher Sawako!

Seeing Zuo Hezi's state, she would definitely not be able to meet her friends next time, so facing this situation, Li Yalin could only sigh lightly, and then suddenly reached out and pressed Zuo Hezi's shoulders.


Feeling her shoulders being pressed and hearing her own name, Sawako raised her head subconsciously.

And the moment she raised her head, she realized that she was less than half a meter away from Li Yalin, and even said that she could feel the breath coming from Li Yalin.

This... what's the situation?

Since you are lovers, then Mr. Sawako, you have to adapt to some intimate actions between lovers.

So before we meet, let's get used to it from here.

Facing Li Yalin, Zuo Hezi was already a little dizzy, and in this case, she could only be the one being guided.

If this is the case, then let yourself guide this Sawako-sensei who knows nothing about men and women!

Who made himself a man!

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