Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 808 Are you ready to die?

Facing Li Yalin, Shiranuo Ming felt guilty, but even so, she didn't say a word of begging for mercy.

In the end, she simply didn't open her mouth, she just closed her eyes and made a heartbroken expression with a look of death.

She never forgets Li Yalin's kindness to her, but she has her own choice, so...

This kindness can only be repaid in the next life, as for now, she only seeks relief!

Yes, perhaps for her, death might be the best ending...

Smelly dare to be arrogant when you are about to die? As a lackey of a nobleman, is it reasonable for you to attack my daughter?

Stinky boy! What are you still struggling with? Kill her directly! I will do it myself!

Regarding Akino Shirano's attitude, Li Yalin hadn't expressed his position yet, but Gosaburo Seto on the side exploded first.

Facing this murderer who intended to attack and kill his daughter, he hated it to the core. After all, if Li Yalin hadn't given Chan and Runai Teigu the power to protect themselves, I'm afraid this time it would have been really difficult. If you want to be Shiranuoming, you will succeed with a group of people.

Thinking of the possibility that his good daughter might die at the hands of these noble lackeys, Gosaburo Seto wished he could skin these killers right away!

In his eyes, even if these people died ten thousand times, it would not be an exaggeration!

Okay husband, Chan handed over the child to Yalin, which means that she wants Yalin to solve this matter. If you want to, please give me a little peace!

Gosaburo Seto jumped up and down as soon as he opened his mouth, as if he didn't dare to fall off, but he didn't see it. Just when he was about to do it himself, Mr. Zheng standing behind him, However, there was an expression that was difficult to speak, and at the same time extremely entangled.

Gosaburo Seto is a reckless man who doesn't know how to observe words and emotions at all, but Ren Seto, who is his wife, has a delicate heart.

Mr. Zheng's behavior was very strange, of course she saw it, but she didn't know the specific situation yet.

Of course, not knowing, doesn't mean Seto Ren won't respond, she knows exactly what she needs to do most right now.

The best choice is to stop my idiot husband from running away and wait quietly for Li Yalin's decision!

I... am I worried about Chan!

After all, it is still the so-called one thing, one thing. When Seto Ren opened his mouth, Seto Gosaburo, who was afraid of his wife like a tiger, was immediately discouraged.

Although he was unwilling and muttering in his mouth, he returned to his seat obediently after all.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Zheng, who was struggling just now, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Is it up to you to kill me? That means, Shiranui, you are ready to die?

Mr. Zheng's weird performance was not only seen by Seto Lian, in fact, Li Yalin had already seen all this in his eyes.

Of course, he knew why Mr. Zheng's reaction was so weird, but right now, he didn't expose it.

On the contrary, when he faced Akino Shirano at this time, he suddenly exuded a strong killing intent, that cold killing intent that seemed to be able to freeze everything, made it difficult for everyone in the room to breathe.

This killing intent... is really terrifying!

So... Li Yalin, who erupted with such a strong killing intent, did he really intend to kill those killers who attacked his sisters?

To be reasonable, although Akino Shiranuo did lead a team to attack and kill Chan and Runa, the problem is that the mermaids she led were really not that good. Facing Can and Runa who held the Teigu, they were in a row. After failing to block it for a single round, he was completely defeated.

After all, the strength of mermaids is only slightly stronger than that of ordinary people. Facing the two Teigu holders, they have no chance of winning at all.

Because it was a complete victory, Can and Luna naturally didn't suffer the slightest harm, maybe there was a little fright, but that was just fright.

Afterwards, due to Chan's kind nature, she couldn't bear to hurt Akino Shirano and his party, and even planned to let them go, but Gosaburo Seto refused to allow it, so she had no choice but to choose a compromise method. Li Yalin came and asked him to help make a decision.

It's just that no one expected that Li Yalin knew Akino Shirano, and from the very beginning, he even showed an expression of emotion, which meant that he might let the other party go.

If not, Gosaburo Seto would not be able to jump out all at once. The reason why he did this was firstly that he was stimulated by Akino Shirano's attitude, and secondly, he was actually warning Li Yalin that there should be no mercy towards these killers. heart of.

After all, in the final analysis, they are still lackeys of the nobles, the killers who attacked and killed Chan and Luna!

It's a pity that Seto Kosaburo's rampage was stopped by Seto Ren, and everyone instinctively thought that Li Yalin would forgive him.

In the end, he didn't expect that Li Yalin's murderous intent erupted, which was obviously the intent to kill him!

He really wants to kill Akino Shirano?

At this moment, no one doubted Li Yalin's thoughts, because the killing intent was too terrifying.

elder brother……

Feeling this terrifying killing intent, Chan subconsciously wanted to ask for mercy, after all, from the beginning, she was kind and never thought of killing Akino Shirano.

If not, she would not have asked Li Yalin for help in making a decision, because she knew very well that her brother was also a kind person, and he would not insist on killing the girl of her age like her father.

But the problem is, this result is far beyond Can's expectation.

Before Can's brother could finish speaking, the next moment, she suddenly saw Li Yalin's gaze. Although it was very obscure, and no one could understand it except herself, she still quickly read her brother's gaze clearly. The meaning conveyed in the eyes.

Brother, do you have other plans?

What is he going to do?

Although she didn't know exactly what Li Yalin was going to do, the tacit understanding between the siblings allowed her to understand Li Yalin's intentions well.

Because she had absolute confidence in her brother, Can also immediately chose to remain silent at this moment.

Although I don't know what the situation is, since this is my brother's decision, then I choose to trust my brother.

Master Yalin!

Chan didn't speak, and Li Yalin's killing intent naturally continued to be released.

At this moment, no one would doubt Li Yalin's murderous intentions, and it is very likely that at the next moment, he will attack Akino Shirano in front of him!

And at this critical moment, Mr. Zheng, who had been trying his best to restrain himself, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He understands that he should not stand up at this time, and he also understands that all this is his own fault.

But the problem is that he has to stand up for a reason.

Just because...he is Akino Shirano's older brother!

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