Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 806 This is your army?

Is that self-defense force garrison scary?

Yes, for an ordinary person like Zhu Xia, the God Holder, that place is definitely a terrifying abyss, which cannot be set foot in anyway.

But if it's Li Yalin's place...

I'm sorry, that was just a small supply point, and the horrific corpse swarm to ordinary people was no different from a group of ants to him.

Even without Esdeth's troops, Li Yalin alone can easily clean up those zombies as long as he throws out a few bolts of lightning, but for him, that's not necessary at all.

In addition to searching for weapons and supplies, the more important part of capturing the Self-Defense Forces station this time was to train the troops under Esdeth, so that the soldiers could understand the characteristics of the zombies more intuitively.

Oh, by the way, there is one more thing, by the way, let Zhu Xia and her subordinates see the powerful force from the Zhantong world.

This can be regarded as an invisible deterrent.

After all, the woman who holds Zhu Xia...she is not the type to subdue. Even though she is very respectful to Li Yalin at the moment, there is no guarantee that she will have a second heart one day.

Zhu Xia, the God Holder, is different from the girls around Li Yalin, and one should still be more or less vigilant towards her.

Only by doing it properly can we ensure better control over her.

I always feel that... I am starting to get dark.

All in all, Li Yalin has made up his mind here, and by the way, he also plans to use Esdes's troops to beat the god Zhu Xia.

As for the next step, since it is going to be beaten, Zhu Xia himself, the divine wielder, will definitely be there, and besides her, because the troops on Esdeth's side lack sufficient means of transportation, they also need the help of the Fighting Faction .

Before Esdeth's logistics supply soldiers are familiar with the world, the militant faction should let them take on the logistics work for the time being.

Here...Master this your army?

Since there were a lot of zombies in the Self-Defense Forces station, Li Yalin also discussed with Esdes, and directly dispatched a combination of 200 infantry and 300 spearmen.

After all, it was only a small camp, even if it was for training, there was no need for all the soldiers to flock to it, especially in the extremely harsh transportation environment.

Originally, Li Yalin asked Zhu Xia to prepare hundreds of cars and corresponding drivers at one go, but Zhu Xia still felt very embarrassed.

After all, even if it is her fighting faction, it is not easy to gather so many cars. Not to mention that those vehicles have to be modified, the internal space needs to be opened up and the external defenses need to be strengthened. The amount is already a headache for her.

However, when she saw the troops under Li Yalin and Esdes, she finally understood why so many vehicles were needed!

my God!

How many people are there?

Although there are nearly a thousand fighters in the martial arts faction controlled by Zhu Xia, the divine wielder, there are still a small number of usable combat power among them. It is already a big move to gather a combat power of more than a hundred people every time we dispatch.

But now, when she saw those soldiers lined up neatly, wearing heavy armor, holding heavy shields and swords, or holding unknown firearms, the shock in her heart can be imagined.

She finally understood why Master Yalin was so confident that he had already made plans to fight back against the zombies.

With such a strong army, she would have that confidence too!

Where did Lord Yalin find so many soldiers? really incredible!

For Zhu Xia, the god holding Zhu Xia, while trusting her, Li Yalin also retained a sense of vigilance. Naturally, it is impossible to know everything about her. At least he has not told her about the origin of Esdes and his party. .

Although she may know the truth in the future, that is all in the future. Anyway, let's continue to shock her now!

Well, including those militant faction members who came with her, it's really interesting to see them all dumbfounded.

Is it just that you are dumbfounded?

After a while, will they drop their eyes to the ground?

You know, these soldiers under Esdeth are not good-looking. They have experienced many battles with General Shau S, and all of them are elites with one as ten.

Although it is impossible to compare with those unconventional Teigu holders, their combat power should not be underestimated.

At least it's more than enough to deal with those zombies, isn't it?

The ensuing battle proved this very well. is this possible? Are they not afraid of being bitten by zombies?

As the elite of Esdeth's subordinates, these soldiers did not make a fuss like Tazmi when they boarded the car for the first time, because they knew very well that an important battle awaited them next. Before the battle begins, what they need to do most is to recharge their batteries, only in this way can they survive on the battlefield.

What's more, they all know that this will be their first battle to open up a different world. In this battle, not only their general Lord Esdes will be behind, but also His Royal Highness Li Yalin will accompany him to watch the battle.

It's about the future, how could they not do their best?

Although it is the first time to face zombies, in Zhantong World, most of these soldiers have experience in hunting dangerous species, and they are also very aware of the characteristics of zombies, as long as they are not scratched or bitten, they will not be infected by the zombie virus , it will not affect their combat effectiveness.

So at the beginning of the first battle, the infantry in the front row took on the role of guarding, firmly protecting the spearmen responsible for long-range damage.

As for the spearmen, they fired freely under the command of the chief. After all, they were all sharpshooters, and it was commonplace for them to want to blow the heads of zombies.

As far as the first battle is concerned, the performance of these soldiers is not bad, at least Li Yalin is quite satisfied.

It's just that as time went by, more and more zombies emerged from the garrison, and the weakness of the spearmen's lack of firepower was also exposed.

After all, there are only 300 spearmen, even if they are elite, it is absolutely difficult to eliminate all the zombies in a short time.

So at this time, it is necessary for the infantry in charge of close combat to step forward and destroy all enemies in front of them!

In fact, because of this, the performance of the infantry made Zhu Xia and her subordinates couldn't help opening their mouths.

my God!

That's okay too?

Those people... aren't they afraid of death?

Even if they were wearing armor, they dared to confront zombies head-on?

Their even greater than zombies?

How can this be?

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