Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 789 How to increase the experience of getting along with girls?

Li Yalin definitely couldn't understand Lubbock's mentality.

what is this?

inferiority complex?

Or is there something wrong with this guy's brain?

Why is the perfect goddess so far away from you, but the incomplete goddess makes you feel no sense of distance?

To be honest, no matter whether Najieta is perfect or incomplete, no matter whether she has arms and eyes or not, with your attitude, you will definitely not be able to catch up with her in your life!

Not to mention that in the original plot, Lubbock failed to catch up with Najieta until his death, but now in reality, with Li Yalin's random entry, his pursuit will inevitably be more difficult and longer.

How should I put it, the possibility of him being able to catch up with Najieta is almost the probability of Mars hitting the earth, basically infinitely close to zero.

Does this guy have no self-knowledge?

At this moment, Li Yalin really wanted to complain, but because the relationship between the two was not bad, he didn't have the nerve to poke Lubbock's scar.

Poor guy, you'd better go on complaining about yourself here.

After listening to Lubbock's heartfelt words, Li Yalin turned around and prepared to leave without saying a word.

He was really not in the mood to listen to the other party's blah blah blah blah.

However, when he turned around and was about to leave, he looked at Lubbock again, and he jumped up suddenly, sat up from the roof without saying anything, and even grabbed Li Yalin's clothes.

What are you going to do again?

Li Yalin was quite helpless when he was about to leave, but was caught by Lubbock.

You say you want to feel sorry for yourself, so go and lick your wounds by yourself!

You are a loser in life, do you still plan to let me accompany you to the embarrassment?

I finally understand. All my life, I can only watch Najieta silently, and I will never catch up with her.

When Li Yalin turned around, his tone was more or less impatient. After all, he was really not interested in Lubbock's mental journey.

But looking at Lubbock again, he first showed a resentful face, and after he finished the above words, his expression changed immediately, and his whole person became treacherous.

So...since I can't catch up with Najieta, I have to think about it for myself. While Yalin is here, help me out with advice.


Lubbock's painting style became so sudden that even Li Yalin was caught off guard.


Any ideas?

What the hell are you trying to do?

Well, after listening to Lubbock's next words, Li Yalin is really not well.

What does Lubbock need Li Yalin to help him with?

Regarding this matter, we need to start with the secret meeting between Lubbock and Tazmi and others not long ago.

As a group of teenagers who are in their adolescence and are extremely energetic, the four guys Lubbock, Tazmi, Will, and Iyeas have quite a common language.

When these four people get together, what they say is nothing more than a beautiful girl.

After all, they are all men, and this kind of thing is completely understandable.

For teenagers of their age, if they are not interested in girls at all, then there is something wrong with them. It is completely normal to like and talk about beautiful girls.

As for the beautiful girls, the quality of Night Attack is really high. Whether it's Najta or Leone, or Chitong, Maine, and Hill, they are all first-class beauties.

Judging from the appearance alone, if he could woo any of the girls in the night raid and marry them back home as his wife, then it would not be an exaggeration to reach the pinnacle of life.

It's just that, apart from their super good looks, the girls in the night attack are also formidable in personal force. As companions, they must be the best, yes, but if they marry home and become wives... …

Well, let's not talk about whether those guys are happy or not, just being looked down upon, and with a bright light like Li Yalin shining on them, those idiots have completely cut off their thoughts.

Whether it's the girl from Night Raid, or the black pupil who is still a job hunter, none of these guys dare to pursue.

This road was completely blocked before it even started.

The matter of pursuing the companions around him died before it even started, which is undoubtedly quite a pity for a few young people who are full of energy.

But it is completely impossible to say that they were completely sunk by such a trivial matter!

Since the companions around him are useless, then simply turn your attention to other girls!

Yes, according to the thinking of these guys, this is quite normal, yes, but the problem is that the emotional intelligence of these idiots is lower than the other, even though they did join forces to find a lot of goals recently , but they often encountered repeated heavy blows.

Either they were issued a good person card, or they were issued a brother card, or else the girls had their own hearts, which broke the hearts of these guys.

The companions around him can't pursue it, and it's completely useless to pursue other girls. Could it be that they can only be like this, lonely and single for the rest of their lives?


This will not work!

We must stand up and resist this pitiful fate!

We are also popular with girls!

After the four unlucky ones suffered heavy injuries one after another, they shivered and hugged each other to keep warm. When they were sad and helpless, Lubbock, who was a representative among them, also raised an important question. idea.

Why can't everyone keep chasing girls?

In fact, this question is very simple, it's just that everyone has no experience with girls, so they don't know what to do!

If you want to catch up with girls, why not increase everyone's relevant experience in this area?

As soon as Lubbock said this, Tazmi and the others were astonished. What he said made sense, as if he had been enlightened, it made people suddenly enlightened!

If you don't have enough experience, then increase your experience!

There is nothing wrong with it!


How to increase the experience of getting along with girls?

When Lubbock proposed this idea, he seemed to have become the life mentor of Tazmi and others, so the next three people looked forward to it, and naturally they have always been cast on Lubbock without moving away.

Facing the adoring gazes of the three, while Lubbock felt proud, his heart was beating non-stop.

To be reasonable, he has always been just talking on paper, and has no actual combat experience at all. How could he know about getting more experience with girls?

After hesitating for a long time, Lubbock still couldn't say one, two, three, four, five, and finally could only find a reason to muddle through.

It just so happened that not long after this happened, Li Yalin came with Bai, not only giving Lubbock a critical blow, but also giving him hope.

On Najieta's side, he is completely useless, but this matter of getting along with girls...

Teacher Yalin!

Ask for advice!

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