Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 62 Can the main task be done simultaneously?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Li Yalin was really not interested in the matter of guarding Yingling High School that Yujian was talking about, but in the end, he still couldn't refuse Yujian.

It wasn't his Holy Mother, nor was he caught in Yu Jian's beauty trap, but just when he was about to refuse, the system suddenly issued a task for him.

Main task - to save Yingling High School.

Task content——In a one-year period, use various methods to increase the popularity of Yingling High School. Whether the task is completed depends on the judgment of the system.

Task rewards - system lottery x3.

Task reminder - please actively trigger side tasks.

Are there any unexpected mainline missions! Obviously, the previous main missions have not been solved yet, why is there another one all of a sudden?

Can the main quest be two-pronged?

To be honest, when Li Yalin saw the system task, his mood was quite complicated. Fortunately, the time given for this task was long enough, a one-year period, no matter what, it was enough, and it finally let him relax. Take a breath.

But... what does it mean to complete the task based on the judgment of the system? You give me a category as a reference, hey!

Are you too irresponsible?

And that task reminder, could it be a little too hasty? Actively trigger side missions or something... I need to know how to trigger side missions!

what the hell!

Although he kept complaining in his heart, it was useless, and in the end, he still had to agree to Yu Jian's joining.

After all, the mission has come, no matter how troublesome he is, he can't give up the mission, right?

You know, he is very greedy for the reward of system lottery × 3.

The more good things like this, the better!

It's really the person I fancy, and it didn't disappoint me.

Now that you know our plan, you should understand why yesterday's video appeared, right?

The plan was shown to Li Yalin, and he also made a choice, so Yu Jian felt that he didn't need to say too much about the video.

She felt that Li Yalin could guess the truth.

The conflict between the volleyball club and the basketball club attracts the audience's attention, coupled with my activeness and your driving force behind, to achieve such a broadcast volume, it has indeed made Yingling High School famous in a short period of time.

In fact, as Yu Jian thought, Li Yalin really didn't need her to explain more, after all, the matter was already clear, and all of this was promoted by the chairman behind the scenes.

Although conflicts between clubs are not uncommon, it is not new to be filmed and uploaded to the Internet, especially in this conflict, there is also a hero-like character appearing, which is very normal to attract the attention of the audience.


Does it really work?

I've already seen the comments on this video. Leaving aside those malicious comments, the vast majority of viewers still hold a positive attitude, which can be regarded as a good publicity.

However, Chairman Yu Jian, the attractiveness of sports clubs has limitations. If you want to use this kind of video to promote the school, the effect may not be very satisfactory, right?

It is undeniable that the video clip of the battle between the volleyball team and the basketball team was well edited, and it did attract the attention of some viewers, but the problem is that the effect of this video is nothing more than that.

So what if the video gets over a million hits in the end? After a week or two passes, as the popularity of the video drops, the audience's attention will soon be diverted, and this once-hot video will eventually be forgotten without causing any impact.

After all, this is not a classic work, which can make people want to watch it again after watching it once.

If you really want to go this way, unless you can produce something that shocks the hearts of the audience and completely touches the hearts of the audience.

Could videos from sports clubs have this effect?

No, that's simply not possible.

Having said that, it's a pity that the well-developed clubs in Yingling High School are all sports clubs...

Everyone knows what Li Yalin means. If possible, she also wants to start in other fields. No matter how you think about it, it is better than sports clubs, right?

But the problem is that the clubs in Yingling High School are relatively slanted. The sports clubs are developing well, but the rest of the clubs are not so satisfactory.

This is also a problem that has always troubled her.

President Yu Jian, please help me find all the club materials of Yingling High School. I need to read the materials before I think about it.

Seeing this reaction from Wang Yu, Li Yalin knew that the situation would not be too good. In this case, he could only read the club's information before making a conclusion.

After all, he has received the task of saving Yingling High School, and if he wants to be rewarded, he must complete this task with all his heart.

So how to complete this rescue mission?

It's a pity that Li Yalin didn't think about the direction at all, so he didn't worry about it right now, and just followed Yu Jian's train of thought.

Didn't she want to promote Yingling's club through the Internet? Then let me see what clubs are there in Yingling High School!

no problem!

Yu Jian never thought that Li Yalin would be so caring after agreeing to help her. Seeing his reluctance at the beginning, he thought that even if he agreed, he would only be perfunctory to himself. It was completely beyond her expectations.

But for Yu Jian, this is also the result she hopes to see the most. When she came to Li Yalin, she hoped to get his wholehearted help. Now that her wish has been fulfilled, what is there for Yu Jian to think about?

Information about all clubs in Yingling High School?

Although it is a little troublesome to organize, as long as it is what he needs, I must satisfy it!

Student Li... what are you busy with?

It is impossible for Li Yalin to read all the association materials of Yingling High School during the lunch break. In fact, Li Yalin spent all the time in the two classes this afternoon looking up materials, and has no intention of attending classes at all. .

Because of this, Chunxiang, who was at the next table, was very curious. She was surprised to see Li Yalin bring back a large stack of materials when class was approaching, but now she saw him keep flipping through the materials. Even when the school bell rang, I didn't get up.

what on earth is it?

I'm looking for which associations are suitable for vigorous development and can be promoted to serve as the facade of our school. Now it seems... the situation is not very optimistic.

Chunxiang's question made Li Yalin recover from the sea of ​​information, and he couldn't help sighing as he looked at the curious neighbor at the table beside him.

During these two classes, he had already read all the club materials of Yingling High School from beginning to end, and it was precisely this that gave him even more headaches.

The situation is even more troublesome than imagined, the club that can serve as the face of Yingling High School... I really can't find it, you bastard!

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