Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 498: A psyker transfer student from Yingcai Academy?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

I think you don't want to care about it at all!

Seeing Li Yalin's pretending to be innocent, Yu Jian was furious. After getting along for so long, she knew better than anyone else what kind of person Li Yalin was.

He is a complete sister-in-law! Now that his sister is being pursued by other boys in school, he will definitely feel upset. He is happier than anyone else to help him stop those boys!

You bitch! Can't you think about my sister?

Do you know how much pressure I'm under?

Uh... well, I know, I'll let Uncle Hao Saburo restrain himself, but at the same time, you also have to warn those first-year boys, let them be more or less enough, don't go too far.

Seeing that Yujian was really anxious, Li Yalin also knew that he couldn't really just sit idly by, at least warn Seto Gosaburo that it is necessary for him to restrain himself.

But at the same time, he also has three chapters with Yujian. He can restrain Gosaburo Seto, but also, those little boys who always want to get close to Can should do what they want, and stop causing trouble to Can. troubled.

Otherwise, even if he doesn't make a move, that daughter will definitely not be able to hold back the bald fish uncle!

Well, leave this to me.

Li Yalin took a step back here, and Yu Jian naturally couldn't ask for anything more, so he nodded immediately, and at the same time began to think about how to deal with those adolescent boys.

Maybe... it would be nice to let them learn a profound lesson, wouldn't it?

Oh, by the way, I don't know if you've heard of something.

Huh? What's the matter?

Although Gosaburo Seto had encountered a complaint letter, it was indeed troublesome, but the solution was already there, so there was no need to worry about it, so soon, Yu Jian brought up another topic.

But when talking about this topic, her expression suddenly became mysterious, and the most important thing is that she just finished talking halfway, and didn't continue talking.

This made Li Yalin completely confused.

Did you hear anything? If you don't understand, how do I know if I've heard of it?

You've said it all!

Recently, Sakura Academy has transferred a new transfer student.

It's just a transfer student, what's so new about this?

After deliberating for a while, Yu Jian continued to speak, but what she said next made Li Yalin roll his eyes.

Seeing her serious appearance, he really thought that something happened, but it turned out that Yingcai also had a transfer student.

It's just a transfer student. Although it's rare, it's not too mysterious, right? Is it necessary to exaggerate so much?

Of course the transfer student is not new, what is new... is the identity of the transfer student!

Huh? Isn't that transfer student an ordinary person? Is he an idol? Or a star?

Even though Li Yalin wasn't interested at all, Yu Jian's interest didn't diminish at all. Next, she also put the accent on the word of the transfer student's identity, which was obviously the key point.

When she said this, Li Yalin finally had a little reaction, and Yu Jian was able to make Yu Jian care so much, which meant that the identity of the transfer student must not be simple.

As he said, what kind of big-name idol star?

Could it be that...Runa has transferred to Sakura Academy?

No! impossible!

If it was Runa, knowing that Chan and herself were both in Eiryo High School, it would be impossible to go to Sakura Academy to go to school. With her character, she probably would have chased after her long ago.

But if it wasn't Runa, who would it be?

Idol stars of high school students... are relatively rare in this world, and there are even fewer famous ones.

No, no, not at all. In terms of identity, that transfer student is just an ordinary person, but in a sense, that transfer student is not an ordinary person at all!

Hearing Li Yalin's guess, Yu Jian immediately shook his head with a mysterious smile on his lips.

If you say that... I'm even more confused.

What is it to be an ordinary person and not an ordinary person? Guessing?

Looking at Yujian in a daze, Li Yalin couldn't figure out what she wanted to say.

Let me tell you, according to rumors, that transfer student from Sakura Academy seems to be a psychic!

Huh? Psyker?

Seeing Li Yalin's stupefied face, Yu Jian finally announced the answer, but when her answer came out, Li Yalin was even more dumbfounded.

Are all the psykers out?

are you kidding me?

Are there any psychics in this world?

If it is this question, Li Yalin can definitely answer - yes! There are indeed psychics in this world, and even legendary ghosts and monsters exist!

But the problem is, neither psychics nor ghosts or monsters will appear in front of ordinary people. Rather, the existence of ghosts is simply not visible to ordinary people. Monsters basically don’t live in cities , only relatively remote villages can see their traces.

Psyker, this is just a more general term. People who are born with inspiration and can see ghosts can be called psykers, and people with professions like onmyoji can also be regarded as one of the psykers, but What kind of psychic is Yu Jiankou, Li Yalin is still unclear.

The most important thing is that he is now very suspicious of the authenticity of the so-called psychic. After all, you must know that psychics will not reveal their identities at will. Most of them wander in the dark corners of the world, and it is impossible to announce themselves identity of.

Once someone publicly states that he is a psyker, has superpowers, etc., then congratulations, you have met a liar.

So... is this so-called psychic who joined Yingcai Academy also a liar?

And a high school girl liar?

Isn't God miraculous?

Seeing Li Yalin's stunned expression, Yu Jian thought he was frightened by the so-called psychic. In fact, she had the same reaction when she first heard the news, and then she didn't believe it. Thanks to the explanations of several witnesses , she finally confirmed the truth.

Amazing... what a ghost! How do I know if that psyker is real or not?

Seeing the smug expression in Li Yalin's eyes, Yu was speechless. He still didn't know anything, how could it be amazing?

In addition, you are so proud of yourself! Even if it is a real psychic, he is still in Yingcai Academy, not our Yingling High School, what does this have to do with us?

It doesn't matter if it's true or not, we can verify it! You should be fine after school today, right? Come with me to Sakura Academy!

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