Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 496 It’s Great to Come to Tokyo

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Don't be nervous, everyone is just curious about you.

Huh? Curious about me?

Chan felt awkward about everyone's enthusiasm, of course Li Yalin could see it, and he also smiled and explained at the moment, he knew very clearly what these little girls were thinking.

But after hearing Li Yalin's explanation, Can became even more confused. He was just an ordinary mermaid, so what was there to be curious about?

However, what Can didn't think about was that just being a mermaid was enough to arouse the curiosity of others.

After all, you are a mermaid. This is the first time these little girls have seen a mermaid.

Ah? This...

Seeing that Can still didn't understand, Li Yalin further explained, but it was precisely because of his words that Can's eyes widened accordingly.

The fact that she is a mermaid is a secret that needs to be kept, and it cannot be known by outsiders at all, but now... why did my brother say it all?

Don't underestimate these girls. Although they are just ordinary people, they have more knowledge than you imagined. Your identity as a mermaid only makes them a little curious, and it is not worth making a fuss about. They will never Leak the secrets of the mermaid clan.

Although the identity of the mermaid is a secret, it is nothing to the girls in the family. What's more, Akane Muban once helped the Setouchi group. Even if Li Yalin wanted to hide it, she must have no secrets .

Therefore, some things are better to be admitted and announced, at least there will be no barriers when getting along like this.

It doesn't matter. Since she is Yalin's younger sister, she is also our family. It's okay to know the truth. This doesn't count as breaking the rules of our mermaids.

At this time, Seto Lian was still a seasoned mother. She saw her daughter's worries and also understood Li Yalin's thoughts. Although the identity leak was indeed a small problem, it would not be too much to go online.

Rather, this is a matter that will be said sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you hide it or not. If you know it, you will know it, as long as you don't leak it casually.


After having a mother, Can also finally calmed down. The reason why she was a little nervous just now was not because her identity as a mermaid was exposed, but because she didn't want her brother and sister to be hurt because of the rules of the mermaid.

So now, she doesn't have to worry about anything anymore, and after admitting to revealing her identity, she doesn't need to worry even more.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be easier.

Yes, in getting along with the girls at home, Can did feel very relaxed. Rather, because of the simplicity and kindness of the girls, Can was quickly infected and got along very happily with each other.

After all, there is such a pistachio as beloved, the atmosphere is really hard to think about.

Choosing to come to really great.

Seeing the scene of the girls getting along in harmony, Seto Lian was very pleased. Leaving aside the relationship between her daughter and Li Yalin, she just said that she can make friends with her peers and show such a happy smile. Mother's already very happy.

Because of the special relationship in the Setouchi group, Can seldom makes close friends of the same age. If there is no such change, this state will probably continue and will not change.

But now...

In short, coming to Tokyo is really the most correct choice!

Of course, Li Yalin was also very happy to introduce Seto Lian and Chan mother and daughter to his younger sister, so today he also cooked a big meal to celebrate this reunion.

On the way, the sisters Akane Muban and Makoto Muban who had gone out returned, and everyone got to know each other again, but when Kuro finally appeared, the scene was a bit embarrassing for a while.

She is... so scary...

I don't know if it's the mermaid's natural keen senses. Since the beginning of the black appearance, Seto Lian took a breath, and her body subconsciously made a defensive movement. Although Can was a few seconds behind her, she felt After seeing Hei's existence, he couldn't help but shudder.

A mermaid... Qing's family... No, I didn't feel Qing's breath, it's weird...

Seeing Seto Ren and Can's mother and daughter, Kuroshi saw through their identities at a glance, and it also made her feel a little confused.

In the other world, mermaids naturally also exist, but the mermaids in the other world belong to the family of the Blue Dragon God, and naturally have the aura of the Blue God on their bodies.

But the Seto Ren mother and daughter who do not belong to the family of the Blue Dragon God, of course, there will be no black familiar aura, and it is reasonable for her to be surprised.

Ahem, this is Hei, a clerk in our family.

Hei, the restaurant is closed today. I have two family members visiting me. If you don't mind, let's have a meal together.

The mother and daughter Seto Lian and Can trembled at the existence of Hei, which was purely due to their mermaid instincts, and Li Yalin could also see the unnatural expressions of their mother and daughter.

But since Hei has shown up, he can't drive them away, can he? At this moment, he could only stand up and try to ease the atmosphere back.

Is it closed? Then I'll go back to my room. My meal...can you prepare a separate one for me? 』

This... that's fine, sorry, I'll send it to you later.

It doesn't matter. 』

Hei is indeed the most intelligent dragon god. Seeing the fear of the mother and daughter in front of her, coupled with the embarrassment on Li Yalin's face, she knew that she appeared at the wrong time, so in this case, she also quickly Choose to leave.

Because in her opinion, such an occasion is not suitable for her to stay.

Although Li Yalin really wanted to keep Hei, at least he had to introduce Seto Ren and Can to get to know each other and eliminate unnecessary barriers, but looking at the state of the mother and daughter, there was indeed something wrong. He could only say sorry to Hei with a wry smile.

Looking at it like this, at least he has to let Seto Lian and her daughter prepare mentally before introducing each other further.

Yalin... who is that girl? Why... why does she give me a very scary feeling?

After sending Hei upstairs, Seto Lian was quick-sighted, and grabbed his arm immediately, with a serious expression on her face.

That trembling feeling in the soul is definitely not a joke. That seemingly beautiful black-haired girl is definitely not a simple character!

Especially when facing that young girl, her instinct was telling herself that she was facing a monster that looked like a prehistoric giant beast, it was a terrifying existence that could not be shaken even with all its strength!

Such an existence...why did it appear in Li Yalin's home?

Just a simple clerk?

It is impossible to believe this kind of words even if Ren Seto is killed!

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