Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 478 The couple was forced to kiss again?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!



Kissed again!

Why do you say again? Because this is not the first time!

I still remember that the first kiss of the Scarlet Queen was a sudden attack. Li Yalin couldn't react at that time, and the Red Queen ran away after kissing him.

And the second time, the forced kiss came from the White Dragon God. That forced kiss was quite intense, and it happened in front of Her Majesty the Queen...

So now...

The third time! The third time!

You said you want to kiss, so tell me first, it's good if you can be mentally prepared, are you all dragon gods from other worlds so domineering for this repeated kiss?

Having said that, my girlfriend and I haven't had our first kiss yet, isn't it too much for you to just come here and win the first place!

Well, no matter how much I complained in my heart, the touch from the lips still did not disappear. Unlike the fleeting moment of the first blessing, Her Majesty really kissed her enough this time!


What's the matter with this hot feeling?

Li Yalin was surprised by the kiss from the Scarlet Queen, and at the same time, he found that his body was also undergoing inexplicable changes. From his heart, a scorching feeling burst out, as if to set his whole body on fire.

Could it be... Her Majesty the Queen is planning to give herself something like a blessing?

Hey, that's actually true.

Congratulations on getting the protection of the Scarlet Queen, the strength attribute increases by 15 points, the physical attribute increases by 20 points, the agility attribute increases by 10 points, the strength attribute increases by 10 points, the spiritual attribute increases by 10 points, the fire element affinity increases by 50 points, and the Special proprietary skills - Red Dragon Divine Power.


After continuing the blessing, come up with another protection? Do you think this is playing online games? Even with continuous upgrades?

The most important thing is, why is this so-called protection so much better than blessing? Even the least attribute bonus is 10 points and 10 points plus, should it be so exaggerated?

It's scary. Hey!

The attributes have skyrocketed so much all of a sudden, it's hard for me to get used to it!

And... the power of the red dragon?

Special know-how?

Red Dragon Divine Power - After the skill is activated, the divine power of the Red Dragon God will be obtained in a short period of time, all attributes are doubled, and the duration is 10 minutes. After the effect ends, you need to wait for the cooling time to expire before continuing to activate it.

Well, another sky-defying skill has appeared, a skill that doubles all attributes within ten minutes, I ask you if you are afraid!

By the way, what kind of device is the lips of this otherworldly dragon god? Why can a kiss give both blessing and protection?

Well, now is not the time to complain about that.

Remember! Yours and mine!

After the kiss was over, the Scarlet Queen put down Li Yalin's collar. At this time, she no longer had the domineering president Fan Er just now, but the expression on her face was very calm, as if she was simply stating such a fact.

But if you look carefully, there is a faint blush hidden under Her Majesty's calm expression, but if you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

At least at this moment, Li Yalin couldn't see it, and was completely confused by the power of this protection and the calmness of the Red Queen.

Is this your man?

It seems that in a sense, it is not impossible...

Anyway, that's it!

After saying this, the Scarlet Queen turned around and walked through the gate of the other world without looking back, leaving only Li Yalin standing in place and the girls around her staring wide-eyed.

However, before everyone could react and figure out what happened today, the door to another world was opened again.

I forgot something!

This time the gate to another world was opened, not because of the arrival of new guests, but because of the return of the Red Queen.

However, Her Majesty's return was not to explain anything, she simply came to her dining table, packed away all the food, and then quickly left again.

Don't forget to eat at this time!

what the hell!

Speaking of which, at this moment, what should Li Yalin complain about?

Red protection... is rare. 』

The Scarlet Queen came and went, causing everyone to be dumb and unable to speak until the end, it was Hei who was also the dragon god of the other world with Her Majesty the Queen who broke the tranquility.

Although she didn't speak, her voice was transmitted to everyone's mind, and she seemed to be sighing at the meaning of her voice?

Hey, do you know what this is?

Hei finally took the initiative to speak, and Li Yalin, who was brought back to his senses by her voice, also asked quickly.

Although he has pointed out the effect of this protection, but the specific situation is still not very clear.

The protection of the dragon god is generally only available to the closest relatives, and not every dragon god is willing to give it, at least Chi... she has never given it. 』

Hearing Li Yalin's question, Hei nodded slightly, and at the same time, her voice appeared in his mind again.

Is it the protection that only the closest relatives can have? Moreover, it is also a blessing that Her Majesty the Queen has never given.

After getting such an answer, should I be touched by the generosity of the Scarlet Queen? Or should we express our helplessness towards Her Majesty's dominance?

I always feel that this relationship is quite complicated.

The blessing and protection of red, the blessing of white...then you should be able to bear my power now...

Just when Li Yalin was struggling with the protection she received this time, looking at Hei again, some changes appeared for the first time on her delicate face that was always calm.

It was as if she was thinking about something, until finally, she finally made up her mind.


They were forced to kiss again?

Li Yalin felt that there were a lot of things that happened today. First, he had a girlfriend, and then he was kissed by the Red Queen. When he was struggling with this, he kept silent and kept a very low sense of existence. on his lips!

When the cold and soft touch reached his lips, he found that he was no longer surprised.

Isn't it just a forced kiss, isn't it just without my consent, all of you dragon gods from other worlds are like this, I'm completely used to it!

The Scarlet Queen gave me a blessing, it doesn't matter if I kiss you, but if you come back for another kiss, of course it's okay!

Who made you otherworldly dragon gods all force-kissing madmen, flip the table! first, second, third, and fourth kisses are gone!

Fate! It's not that I'm not loyal enough as a boyfriend, but that those otherworldly dragon gods are too powerful, I can't resist at all!

You can understand this kind of thing, right?

You can definitely understand it!

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