Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 462 First-person shooter?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

First of all, I want to say sorry to everyone. Due to my personal reasons, I have to temporarily stop the development of the Requiem of Crime and Punishment.

As for the new planning game I plan to develop next...

At the meeting, Li Yalin first expressed his apology to everyone. After all, in the final analysis, he changed the original plan arbitrarily. Even if he is the boss, he has the right to be so capricious, but at least he should take everyone's emotions into consideration.

After apologizing, he also followed his own voice and wrote the four characters Road to Survival on the whiteboard in the conference room.

This is what he wants to announce to everyone, the name of the new planning game!

Left 4 Survival? It sounds like a survival adventure game?

After seeing the four words on the whiteboard, Yagami first muttered. As the leader of the company's human design team, she is extremely sensitive to the names of the games. A single name has already caused a lot of problems in her mind. Lenovo.

To be precise, this is a first-person shooter game with horror survival elements!

Although Yashen Guang's muttering was not loud, but there were not many people in the office, everyone could hear it clearly, so Li Yalin also followed her words and took up the topic directly.

A first-person shooter?

After Li Yalin's words fell, Abogen Haizi had the biggest reaction on the scene. After all, he is a survival game expert and a fan of FPS games. It is completely reasonable that she would be interested in this.

Presumably everyone knows that there are no excellent first-person shooter games in the industry right now, and most of these first-person shooter games are limited to Internet battles. I'm not saying that Internet battles are not good, but this kind of game It's just too monotonous.

My plan is to add diverse game elements such as role confrontation and cooperative survival to the game Left 4 Dead, in order to create greater development in FPS games.

Now I will briefly introduce my thoughts to you.

Since it was a temporary decision to hold this meeting, Li Yalin didn't have much preparation before. Right now, he can only think of what to say, and recall the content of the game Left 4 Dead as much as possible.

First of all, as a survival shooting game, enemies are indispensable, and zombies... are the biggest highlight of this game!

The reason why zombies are the bright spot is because, although there is a concept of zombies in this world, and there are even monsters like zombies in some games, zombie shooting games have not yet been born.

For example, the classic Resident Evil that traveled through the previous world, this type of game has never appeared.

In other words, Li Yalin is definitely the first person to propose the concept of a zombie survival shooting game, which naturally attracted the attention of the four girls present.

It's fun! It's really fun! I can swear! This is definitely a very good work! Please be sure to start planning for this new game!

Soon, Li Yalin introduced the concept of the game about Left 4 Dead one by one. In fact, to put it bluntly, the essence of this game lies in shooting, the refreshing feeling of shooting and killing the enemy. It's still in the second place, so there's no need to say too clearly.

As long as the concept is explained to everyone, it is completely enough.

In fact, because of this, Abogen Haizi, who is a fan of FPS games, could not calm down at this moment. She even said that she stood up excitedly and held Li Yalin's hand tightly. , It is completely unbearable for ordinary people.

It is also thanks to Li Yalin's physique that is different from ordinary people at this time, otherwise, he would definitely lose face under Haizi's excitement.

Haizi, calm down first, and listen to me.

Although Haizi's strength is still within the tolerance range, he will definitely feel uncomfortable if he is held for a long time. The most important thing is that under such a grip, such physical contact is not enjoyment at all, but a complete suffering. Of course, Li Yalin Choose to let go quickly.

Although I proposed this project, there are still many problems before us. How to make this game is the focus of our next discussion!

Abogen Haizi was very excited, and Li Yalin could see it clearly, so now he needs to let this girl calm down as soon as possible, so that he can continue to discuss the next step.

The problem facing us right now is that the production of this game is quite difficult. It's okay to say in terms of character design and drawing, but in terms of physics engine... I don't know if Haizi's programming team can handle it.

If it can be done, then everyone will be happy, but if it can't be done... this plan may have to be extended indefinitely.

Please leave it to me, I will try my best to make this game!

Well, although I don't know whether Haizi really has that confidence, or is he talking big in excitement, anyway, she accepted all of Li Yalin's worries, patted her chest and said that she would definitely do a good job in this game.

In this case, what else can Li Yalin say?

In that case, I'll leave it to you. Regarding the plot and character design, I will give you detailed settings as soon as possible.

Wanting to make an FPS game is not as simple as imagined, at least for a layman like Li Yalin, he must not understand it.

So at the moment, it seems that he can only choose to trust Abogen Haizi, and at the same time, all he can do is to give detailed settings of the plot and characters, and provide sufficient funds.

Okay! I'm going to tell everyone the good news now!

According to Haizi's usual personality, she is not so inattentive, but this time, she was obviously really excited. After receiving Li Yalin's affirmative answer, she immediately slapped the table and stood up with a face full of excitement. With a blush, he rushed out the door without saying a word.

Obviously the meeting is not over yet, hey...

Speaking of which, do you this really good news for everyone?

Iori, do you think this plan is feasible? Is it difficult for your human design team to make that kind of horrible zombie setting?

Abogen Haizi left in a hurry, looking at the door of the meeting room that had not been closed, Li Yalin couldn't help sighing.

There is no way, she can just go, anyway, there is really nothing to do with her in the future.

Turning around, he fixed his gaze on Iori Yagami. He wasn't worried about Abogen Haizi, but what he cared about was whether the human design team would be under pressure because of it.

After all, you have to know that apart from him, the rest of the employees in Feiying Yuedong are all girls. It is still a matter of whether everyone can accept such a horror-themed first-person shooter game.

It is also because of this that Li Yalin suspects that the so-called good news of Abogen Haizi should be a nightmare for most of the girls in the company...

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