Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 401 Is this kind of operation also possible?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

I said Aunt have made me suffer...

At this moment, the hearts of the girls behind him were shocked, and Li Yalin could completely imagine that, and because of this, he had a wry smile on his face when facing Seto Lian.

What the hell!

If I knew this earlier, I should have explained it better yesterday! Although the secret of the mermaid cannot be revealed, it is necessary to explain the identity of the mermaid!

But who would have thought that Ren Seto would bring her daughter to such a show...

What? Yalin, you don't welcome us?

Of course Seto Lian could see Li Yalin's wry smile, but she didn't realize that it caused Li Yalin trouble. Instead, she looked at him with a smile on her face, as if she was looking at her own child.

This eldest sister of the Setouchi group really wants him to be her daughter's husband. Even if they get along in the name of brother and sister now, who can say what will happen in the future?

Sorry brother, did we bother you?

Compared with Seto Lian, who was always thinking in her heart, Can was very considerate. Seeing Li Yalin's complexion was not very good, she knew that she should not appear today, and suddenly showed a disturbed expression on her small face.

No, it's okay, it's just that this battle is too big, and my companions are all scared.

Reluctantly waving at Can, Li Yalin calmed down the uneasy mood of the mermaid girl before explaining.

Of course, what he said later was aimed at Ren Seto, he could think with his toes, it was definitely Ren Seto who made this out today!

If it was Chan, she wouldn't go out in such a state!

Yalin, this is your first time in Yuye City. I am afraid that you are not familiar with the traffic here, so I will come to pick you up in advance. Don't worry, we will send you to the meeting place safely.

Seto Lian must understand the resentment in Li Yalin's words, but unfortunately, she directly ignored it, and instead stepped forward with a smile and put her arms around him, making people feel very intimate.

For the future happiness of her daughter, she, as a mother, plans to fight in person!

You are Yalin's companions. You are really a group of lovely children. No wonder Yalin likes them so much.

Come on, let's all get in the car. With our family's convoy clearing the way, we will arrive at the venue soon.

Holding Li Yalin's arm, Seto Lian did not ignore the girls behind him. Rather, she had scanned all the girls back and forth at this moment, including Sawako Yamanaka as a teacher.

After watching these girls, Seto Lian couldn't help admiring, although her daughter Chan is a famous beautiful girl in the mermaid world, and is highly respected by those junior mermaids, but these girls standing in front of her, In terms of appearance, she is really not inferior to her daughter.

With so many excellent girls by her side, it is no wonder that Yalin is not attracted to Chan. Regarding this point, Seto Lian has already done a lot in her heart.

But what's on her mind, this elder sister of extreme dao obviously won't reveal it from her expression, rather, she is greeting everyone calmly now, and the expression on her face is also very kind.

Leaving aside the competitive relationship between these girls and their own daughters, just talking about their beautiful and cute looks makes people like them very much, not to mention that they are Li Yalin's companions, and it is even more impossible for Seto Lian to embarrass them.


Ren Seto greeted everyone very considerately, but the girls felt very uneasy in their hearts. Who is this beautiful and mature aunt? Holding hands so intimately, the relationship must be unusual.

And everyone has not forgotten that just now Li Yalin called Aunt Lian, which means that she is the elder of classmate Yalin's (senior) family?

Sure enough, he is still a future extreme boss!

Get in the car, if we have a ride, we can relax a little bit.

At this time, Li Yalin still needs to speak up, otherwise the girls don't know what to do.

As for Li Yalin, his arm is now being held by Seto Ren, and it seems that he does not intend to let him go. In addition, several mermaid boys from the Seto Inland Group took the initiative to pick up the girls' musical instruments and luggage. This is simply a rhythm that even if you want to go.

It's all over this level, so don't refuse, just get in the car.

Otherwise, I'll just stand still here, not to mention wasting time, and still be watched by so many onlookers, what's going on!

It's a white car, if you don't sit, you don't sit for nothing!

By the way, I haven't introduced you yet. This is Aunt Lian. Her full name is Seto Lian. She is an aunt I met yesterday. This is Chan, Aunt Lian's daughter. The younger sister I met yesterday, oh yes, Teacher Zuo Hezi, you should have seen her, she is the girl I rescued yesterday.

Li Yalin said, although the girls were still a little hesitant, they all got into the car after all. It really deserves to be an extremely luxurious car, and it doesn't look crowded when everyone gets in the car. It's really rich.

But now is not the time to lament this luxury car. The most important thing right now is to resolve the misunderstanding as soon as possible. After introducing each other's identities, everyone should have a better understanding.

Yes! She is the girl from last night!

With Li Yalin's reminder, Yamanaka Zuohezi immediately let out an exclamation. She hadn't reacted just now, but looking at it now, isn't that girl the one that classmate Yalin rescued yesterday?

Don't look at her very cute and cute image now, but in fact, she is a terrible girl who can slash with three members of the zodiac!

How did she become Yalin's younger sister?

Eh? What's going on here?

The sudden awakening of Sawako Yamanaka also made the girls puzzled. They still haven't figured out what is going on.

Nothing to say, then Li Yalin naturally gave a detailed explanation, except for the mermaid identities of Seto Lian and Seto Can's mother and daughter, the rest of the things that should be said are almost clear, anyway, they As soon as he made his debut, he couldn't hide his identity, so he just introduced him like this.

Of course, you can't tell everyone about getting married, so Li Yalin just said that he and Chan hit it off at first sight, so they became righteous brothers and sisters or something.

For this kind of experience like the plot of a novel, everyone is of course amazed again and again, helping a girl, getting the gratitude of the girl's family, and then becoming siblings with that girl, this is amazing!

The most important thing is that that girl is the daughter of a big boss! So classmate Yalin (senior) has also become the ultimate young master?

Can this kind of operation also work?

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