Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 390 Is it a mule or a horse?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

You child...

Seeing the mature and confident young man in front of her, Seto Lian couldn't help being stunned on the spot. She didn't know where the self-confidence of this young man came from, but he dared to stay and join the war between the mermaids.

Even if he was from the witch world, how could the war between mermaids be as simple as he imagined?

The so-called war is a real war! But a real war will kill people!

Good boy! I appreciate you very much, but you don't have to stay and help us. If you really want to help us, take Chan and leave here!

Because Li Yalin did not intend to marry Can as his wife, Gosaburo Seto changed his attitude towards him greatly, and what he said next moved him even more. Even at this moment, he was willing to give his daughter to him. Li Yalin, let the two leave together.

Of course, the so-called handing over to Li Yalin does not mean that they will get married. Becoming brothers and sisters is already the limit, but don't underestimate the obsession of a daughter!

Even so, Gosaburo Seto's decision was unprecedented. At least as soon as he said this, even Seto Ren, her wife, couldn't help being stunned. The change in her husband... seems a bit big ah.


Even Gosaburo Seto said so, and Can Seto let out a soft sigh, and the twinkling eyes were very complicated.

She understands her parents' wishes, but...she really doesn't want to leave!

Go! Chan! Get out of here and be with that kid!

Accompanied by Can's call, two lines of clear tears flowed from Seto Gosaburo's eyes, but he quickly covered his eyes with his hands, so as not to let others see his crying scene, but let his daughter leave quickly.

what is this?

The original funny drama suddenly turned into a bitter drama of life and death?

What the hell!

To be reasonable, Li Yalin was stunned by the scene of the Seto family, but now is not the time to sigh, anyway, completing the task is the top priority at the moment.

If Seto Gosaburo and the others didn't agree to help themselves, wouldn't this mission be impossible to proceed from the beginning? Is it possible that I want to visit the Yoshino group at night, and play a scene of single-handedly slashing the Jidao organization?

Forget it, Li Yalin is not so arrogant yet. If he wants to deal with the Yoshino-gumi, he alone is far from enough, and the strength of the Setouchi-gumi mermaid must be counted.

So at this moment, the attitudes of the two sides must reach an agreement.

I've been underestimated, Mr. Gosaburo Seto, Mrs. Seto, in your eyes, am I just a prop to help you take your daughter away from this right and wrong?

No way, Li Yalin has to show his presence at this moment. After all, those mermaids in Setouchi didn't pay attention to his words and didn't show some strength. They probably really thought he was Eat dry rice.

So... Before going to war with the Yoshino group, let's practice with the mermaids in Setouchi first?

Yalin, you misunderstood, we are just...

Seeing Li Yalin stand up from the cushion and draw out the dagger beside him, Seto Lian suddenly felt bad.

This boy gave her the impression that he was mature and stable, but he was still just a boy after all. Boys are usually full of anger. Looking at it now, it is clear that he thought he was underestimated and got angry.

Seto Lian, who didn't want to make the relationship stiff, wanted to explain immediately, but before she finished speaking, Li Yalin interrupted her directly with a wave of her hand.

There's an old saying in the empire, it's a mule or a horse that leads you out for a walk. When I first came to your group, I was also very interested in the strength of the mermaids in Setouchi. Why don't you come over with a few people and let's discuss and exchange ideas?

It is said to be a discussion and exchange, but it is actually a fight. Li Yalin has some understanding of the strength of the mermaids from the Yoshino group before. They are stronger than ordinary people, but they are limited and not beyond imagination.

Since the Yoshino group is like that, then the Setouchi Mermaid who is weaker than the Yoshino group must not be much stronger, right?

So for this battle, he is still very confident, but looking at Ren Seto and his party on the opposite side, the expression on the other side is a bit embarrassing.

Why did it suddenly become a fight?

Mermaids hitting humans?

Although it is undeniable that there are indeed many strong people among human beings, the young man in front of him does not look like a master no matter what.

Could it be that he wants to use magic?

But for magic... why is he using the sword?

A magician who plays melee?

Okay! Since you want to fight, let's fight! A few people go!

Seto Lian is unwilling to make the relationship stiff, but Seto Gosaburo doesn't think about it so much at all. As a man, he is free and easy at best, and brainless at worst. Anyway, Li Yalin put his words in Here, he immediately nodded and agreed without hesitation.

And just as Seto Kosaburo's voice fell, the Seto Inner Mermaids who were kneeling on both sides of the hall immediately stood up and the three of them said, oh, it's a tacit understanding.

Master Yalin, please give me more advice!

The relationship between Li Yalin and Seto Can's brothers and sisters should have been concluded. Anyway, even if they don't become husband and wife, they will become brothers and sisters in the end. The three Seto mermaids were quite winking, and they called the young master directly.

That's right, given Li Yalin's future status in the Setouchi Group, he should indeed be called this way, but after waiting for this title, looking at the three mermaids, they pulled out their weapons unceremoniously.

One of the guys with airplane hair was holding a Taidao, while the other two were holding ribs. They said hello, and then they attacked without saying a word.

Ordinarily at this time, shouldn't they communicate with each other before going to war?

This start... is dark enough!

Yes, those three Seto mermaids were really dark enough to attack. Seeing the scene, Seto Can couldn't help exclaiming, and Seto Ren frowned even more.

The younger brothers of the Setouchi group are used to shouting, fighting and killing, especially when fighting for territory with other polar organizations, they often see blood, but the problem is that Li Yalin is a guest, and he is also the future husband of his daughter or brother!

You guys, don't you just know how to hack and kill with a rigid mind, can't you think of anything else?

After it's over, I need to let the brothers in the group recognize some things!

Leaving Seto Lian and Seto Can's concerns aside for the time being, Li Yalin did not show the slightest panic in the face of the onslaught of the three Seto mermaids.

To be reasonable, don't look at their speed is good, their attack is very dark, and their strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people, but the problem is, that's all.

Do you want to hurt yourself with such an attack?

Stop dreaming!

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