Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 383 Can you marry Chan as a wife?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Arriving at the site of the Setouchi Group, Li Yalin, as a guest, not only did not receive any hospitality, but was left in the cold in this hall, which really made people feel bored.

After waiting for at least half an hour, the door on one side of the hall was opened, and a group of people poured in from the door, including Seto Can who was rescued by Li Yalin, her father, and of course, Mr. Zheng .

In addition, there is another person who is quite eye-catching. She is wearing a purple kimono, has short dark blue hair, and is full of mature charm. She... should be Seto Can's mother.

To be reasonable, Seto Can has such a beautiful mother, but also has a beast-like father, it is really a combination of beauty and beast in various senses.

Well, now is not the time to sigh.

Look at this, they should have finished discussing in secret and reached a final decision, but before everything is clear, it is impossible for Li Yalin to know their plan.

Is it the same marriage route as the original plot, or is he planning to kill himself?

Or... are there other options?

Everything depends on how the boss of the Setouchi group speaks!

Sorry to keep you waiting.

When the boss came out, he naturally sat in the center of the main seat in the hall, while his wife and daughter sat kneeling on the left and right. As for the one who spoke at this moment, it was still Mr. Zheng.

Mr. Zheng didn't sit down, but stood at the entrance of the hall. It was he who greeted Li Yalin, but then his eyes turned back to his boss.

Tch... Is he such a nerdy brat, what an annoying guy...

Following Mr. Zheng's gaze, everyone in the hall also raised their heads, staring at their own boss, and looking at the boss of the Setouchi group above the main seat, he muttered in a low voice with a look on his face. Unhappy at a glance.

Although the voice is very low, Li Yalin, who has sharp ears and eyes, can hear clearly. Then, even Li Yalin can hear the murmur clearly, and there is no reason why all the mermaids here can't hear it.

It was precisely because of this sentence that the atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became heavier. Many of them even secretly put their hands into their bosoms, not knowing whether they planned to draw a gun or a knife.

Faced with such a tense situation, Li Yalin also frowned slightly, which means... a fierce battle is inevitable?


Just when the atmosphere was extremely solemn for a moment, Seto Can's mother, who was kneeling beside the boss of the Setouchi group, spoke, her voice was slightly dissatisfied, and the object of this dissatisfaction was her husband!

Cough... the young man who saved my family, welcome to our Seto Inland Group. I have not been officially introduced yet. I am the leader of the Seto Inland Fish Joint Seto Inland Group... Gosaburo Seto!

Although he looked vicious and the scar on his face was very threatening, but this guy was obviously a strict wife. When his wife was dissatisfied, he immediately put away all his petty emotions and began to introduce him seriously.

Gosaburo Seto, this is the name of Seto Can's father, and he is also the boss of the largest gang organization in the Seto Inland Sea, the Seto Inland Group!

We met for the first time, thank you for saving our family's Chan, I am Chan's mother, Ren Seto.

After Seto Gosaburo, Seto Can's mother also introduced herself. Compared with Seto Gosaburo's reluctant and unhappy face, this beautiful and mature mother is very gentle.

Rather, she is looking at Li Yalin like a mother-in-law looks at her son-in-law, and she is still... more satisfied.


This means... to follow the routine of the original plot?

Although it was just a self-introduction, Li Yalin was a little surprised. He thought that a fierce battle was inevitable, but it turned out that he still couldn't escape the inertia of the plot.

That is to say...

Little girl Seto Chan, thank you very much for saving me.

In the end, the mermaid girl also said her name, and when she looked at Li Yalin at this moment, there was a little shyness in her eyes.

It really is this kind of plot!

Today is really... twists and turns...

My name is Li Yalin. I'm from Tokyo. I came to Tamano City this time to participate in the music festival, but I don't want to meet Ms. Seto by chance. It's just a small effort, not worth mentioning.

The other party has finished introducing himself, and the current rhythm is clearly waiting for Li Yalin to report his family name. This is not the time to frustrate the light system, so he can just say it directly.

After all, the two sides don't intend to tear each other apart.

Mr. Li Yalin? I seem to have heard of this name somewhere... Then, where are Mr. Li Yalin's parents? If possible, can I invite my parents to come and tell me?

After Li Yalin reported his family name, Gosaburo Seto, who was sitting in the main seat, still had a gloomy face, and he didn't mean to express his opinion at all, while Ren Seto, who was beside him, opened his mouth with a smile.

This posture is to invite parents to come to discuss marriage matters.

It's a pity that, as Li Yalin who traveled through the party, he couldn't find out if his parents were there!

I'm very sorry, I don't have a mother, and my father... I haven't seen him for a long time.

Li Yalin is telling the truth. According to the identity assigned to him by the system, he does not have a mother in this world. Even the father in name cannot be found at all, as if the world has evaporated.

Perhaps after this lifetime, it is impossible to see that so-called father appearing on the stage. Of course, it is impossible to find parents at this time.

So that's how it is... Sorry, I brought up your sadness.

Li Yalin told the truth, but it caused Seto Lian's misunderstanding. Obviously, in her opinion, Li Yalin's mother died young, his father's whereabouts was unknown, and he had to live alone at a young age. Such a child must be very pitiful.

For no reason, a feeling called maternal love was born in Seto Lian's heart. If Li Yalin knew what she was thinking at the moment, she would definitely be dumbfounded.

Since your parents, Yalin, are not here, let me speak frankly. As you can see, our Setouchi a polar organization composed of mermaids. Everyone, including me, It's a mermaid.

Although the mermaid lives among the crowd, it always hides its identity. Now Chan's real body is seen by you, so we hope you can take this responsibility.

Yalin...can you marry Chan?

After a simple conversation, Seto Lian's address to Li Yalin had changed from Mr. Li Yalin to Yalin, and then, she also cut to the chase and made her intentions clear.

Marrying Seto Can is as simple as that, as long as Li Yalin agrees, the beautiful and beautiful mermaid Mijiao Niang will become his wife, and then they can live a happy life without shame or shame!

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