Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 372 The same dragon god, why is there such a big gap?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

The Witch's Week announced by the beloved was naturally left unanimously complained by everyone, but Li Yalin told everyone about some things about Akino Shirano afterwards, which also caused a flood of sympathy from all the girls.

Have you lost your memory? It's so pitiful.

Let's go and help her recover her memory!

Okay! That's the decision!

Before Li Yalin could take any action, the girls in the family first reached an agreement to retrieve the memory of Akino Shirano who had lost his memory. This situation is really dumbfounding.

But since the girls had this intention, Li Yalin also let them play around, although he didn't think it was very reliable, but what if it succeeded?

At least that would save him a lot of trouble, wouldn't it?

Come on girls, I am optimistic about you.

In this way, the girls of the Kaze family quickly became friends with Akino Shirano. After all, there is a pistachio who loves to take the lead, but it is a pity that the recovery of memories about Akino Shirano does not have the ideal as imagined.

After all, if the memory was really so easy to recover, the system would not issue a rescue mission to Li Yalin.

Although he couldn't recover his memory, Akino Shiranuo got along very well with everyone. He even said that later, Xinai and Qianye joined forces to ask Li Yalin, hoping that he could help Akino to go to school together.

It is clear that there is no memory and no unknown identity of the Sanwu personnel, but they have to go to school or something, it is simply making trouble for others.

Fortunately, Li Yalin is not without resources. With the help of the young lady Qitiaotian and a little money, Akino Shiranuo soon joined Yingcai Academy and became a classmate of Lovely and Qianye.

From this point of view, the powerful and powerful can still do whatever they want, but it is precisely because of this that Li Yalin was also complained by Chairman Yujian who knew about this situation afterwards.

There is no way, the source of students is really tight these days, every school wants to recruit more students, Yingcai Academy needs it, and Yingling High School naturally needs it too.

So why not let Akino Shirano join Eiryo High School, but let her go to Sakura Academy instead?

Li Yalin really had nothing to say about President Yujian's complaints. Who made Xinai and Qianye the friends of Akino Shiranuo? It is obviously a better result for them to take care of the girl with amnesia.

But would Yu Jian agree with this?

Forget it, just complain, anyway, the chairman won't be complaining for long, after all, soon, Li Yalin and his party will face a real test.

Hot-Holiday Music about to start!

Four days? You said four days? No! Absolutely not! No matter what, I won't agree!

The music festival is about to start, and Li Yalin has entered the final preparations. In fact, there are too many things that need him to solve, and the most important thing is to convince the Red Queen, the foodie dragon god.

No way, the Hot-Holiday Music Festival is one of the largest music festivals in the Special Economic Zone. Of course, it is impossible to hold it locally. To participate in this music festival, Li Yalin and his party have to take a plane to Gangnan Airport, and then transfer to the railway or rent a car Arriving in Tamano City, who made this year's music festival choose the seaside of Tamano City?

The current coordinates of Li Yalin and his party are located in Tokyo, which means that it is simply unrealistic to participate in the music festival during the day and come back to feed the Red Queen at night.

If you want to come back, you have to wait until the end of the music festival, so in the next four days, the foreign restaurant will definitely be closed.

After all, Li Yalin didn't plan to take the girls at home with him on this trip, and since Mu Banqian was not there, it was impossible to open the teleportation magic circle.

There is no way, these four days can only be wronged by the foodie Dragon God.

It's just... the reaction of this foodie dragon god is more intense than expected.

Can't you bear it for just four days?

But I can't help it. This music festival means a lot to me. I'm sorry, just bear with it. I'll make it up to you when I get back, okay?

Not good! It's not good at all! It's just a mere music festival. Is that kind of ghost thing more important to you than me? Are you really going to throw me away?

Good guy, Li Yalin's good talk here is actually not working, and even said that Her Majesty the Queen actually used both soft and hard tactics, first being tough, and then looking pitiful. Who did you learn this trick from?

Of course I won't leave you alone... Hey, how about this? I'll prepare your food in advance, and you can take it home and eat it by yourself. Is that okay?

For this red queen, Li Yalin really can't do anything, because the foodie dragon god is far less easy to handle than black.

Look at Hei, even if she couldn't eat Li Yalin's food for four days, she didn't say anything. On the contrary, she said very intimately that there was no problem, and she also liked the food made by Zhi Nao very much.

The same Dragon God, why is the gap between you so big?

Although it is very helpless, it still has to satisfy Her Majesty's stomach, so I don't have to say, I'll cook the food for you first, it's okay, right?

Have you prepared all the meals for four days? That's fine, that's the decision!

Li Yalin made a compromise in desperation, but the eyes of the Scarlet Queen suddenly lit up, and she got four days' worth of food in one go, why would she not want to? After returning to my territory, why don't I eat whatever I want? At worst, eat slowly.

But what the Scarlet Queen didn't expect was that even if she could eat Li Yalin's food every day, she still had no reason to stop talking about the delicious food.

For the so-called four-day meal, she ate it all after only two days. In the next two days, she could only look at the bottom of the empty pot and drool, looking forward to the opening of the gate to another world.

After Li Yalin returns, and then opens the door to another world, everyone can guess how the Red Queen will react, but right now, our Queen has no such consciousness at all.

At this moment, she is still immersed in the excitement of getting four days of food in one go!

Well, let's not talk about the tragic future of Her Majesty the Queen. After solving the foodie queen, Li Yalin also packed his bags and joined the girls around him.

He is about to take everyone to set off towards the dream land of music!

Hot-Holiday Music Festival!

Here we come! ! !

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