Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 367: A Very Motivated Man

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Well, since you said so, let me tell you the secret of this store first.

Although he didn't know what was going on in Shalu's mind, Li Yalin couldn't help laughing to himself when he saw the expression on her face that was ready for consciousness.

In fact, what he said now was just going through the process. To put it bluntly, it was all for Mu Banqian to see. A good girl like Salu can certainly protect everyone's secrets. Is there any need to doubt this?

You know, she is one of the few more reliable girls, as long as she doesn't drink coffee, um, as long as she doesn't drink coffee.

Tongma Saji-san... do you know witches?

Facing Tongjian Shalu with a serious face, Li Yalin opened his mouth lightly, but when he said this, Shalu, who had been misunderstood thoroughly from the beginning to the end, was stunned.

Demon... girl?

The poor girl didn't understand at all. Did she know that the witch had something to do with joining this secret organization? Could it be that the witch was the code name of this secret organization?

How could an ordinary person know this kind of thing?

what is this?

Another test?

Yes, she is the witch in many stories and legends.

Just when Tongjian Shalu was stunned, Li Yalin nodded again, emphatically pointing out the word witch.

Is it the kind... a witch who flies on a broomstick?

In this world, there are many legends about witches. The most popular image of a witch is probably the one wearing a black robe, a pointed round hat, and riding a broom.

After all, there are real witches in this world, and many legends are naturally based on real events, so the witch that Shalu thinks of at the moment is the image of a real witch.

Yes, that kind of witch. Although to ordinary people, the legend of the witch is just a fabricated story, in fact, the witch really exists.

And our Rabbit-House is a coffee shop for witches. As a future partner, I think it is necessary to inform you about this in advance, and I hope you can keep this shop a secret.

A coffee shop that serves witches? But...

When Shalu heard what Li Yalin said, she naturally showed an expression that you were teasing me, but soon, Mu Banqian, who was wearing a robe and riding a broom, appeared on the stage. In the scene, she was speechless.

It turns witches really exist in this world?

In the next time, what Tongjian Shalu needs is to reshape her worldview and realize the true side of this world.

The super agent trained by a secret organization, the real secret of this shop, is far ten thousand times stronger than that!

There is no need for Li Yalin to talk about how to make the girl Tongjian Shalu accept the reality. In the past, there is a considerate senior like Li Shi, and later there is a pistachio who loves you, plus Qianye, who is a childhood sweetheart. I believe it only takes a little time. Girls can accept everything very quickly.

By then, Rabbit-House will have a new partner to join, and the number of members of this big family is also increasing.

There are more and more beautiful girls around me, this feeling is really good!

Well, although there are many beautiful girls around him, as a qualified gentleman and sister-in-law, Li Yalin just treats everyone as his sister, even Hei, who is the Dragon God of Black, is treated as a girl by him. object of care.

How should I put it, although Hei is very smart, but after living alone for tens of thousands of years, she still belongs to Xiaobai in many aspects, and needs more attention and care.

And in this Xiangfeng family, Akane Muban, who is the oldest besides Hei...

Forget it, Li Yalin doesn't want to mention her at all, even if she occasionally shows a mature side, but most of the time she is like a child, even Chino is more stable than her, isn't it!

Now that the home side is settled, let's focus on career next! With the reminder from Maki last time, Li Yalin always felt that he should also pay more attention to his career, and form a wealthy family, so he can do whatever he wants?

Cough cough...Of course, being able to do whatever you want is only secondary. The main reason is that Li Yalin is more ambitious, um, that's right.

He is a very motivated man!

Believe it or not, Li Yalin absolutely believes it anyway!

So, let’s move on to business.

Speaking of career, it is nothing more than money and power. Li Yalin has no shortage of money, not to mention the income brought by works such as Cat's Eye, Sword and Alice Sonata. As soon as Feng Se Fan comes out, it will definitely bring an epic earthquake to the game industry.

When the time comes, the money will definitely come in continuously. On this point, he is still very confident.

As for the idol agency, his training with the girls is coming to an end, and after he really becomes famous at the music festival, whether he releases an album or a single, he will make a lot of money.

The only thing he lacks now is actually time. When the time is up, he will naturally have all the money he should have.


As I said just now, having money alone is far from enough. Being rich does not mean being able to become a wealthy family, one must also have corresponding power, otherwise, one is just a salted fish to be kneaded by others.

In other words, do you need to form a force?

Speaking of forming a force, what do you need?

Furthermore, do I need the power on the bright side, or the power hidden in the dark side of this world?

To be reasonable, Li Yalin has been in this world for a while, and while meeting so many girls and creating bonds, he has also seen too many unexpected things.

This world is far less peaceful than imagined, and hidden under this peace, there are more darkness that cannot be seen with eyes.

If Li Yalin was just an ordinary person, maybe he wouldn't think so much. After all, even if there is something hidden in the dark side of this world, it is out of his reach, so there is no need to worry about it.

But as his strength grew, he gradually became concerned. Leaving aside his own situation, what about everyone's safety? Do you need to think about it?

Chino's mother is a witch, and his father, Takahiro Kakaze, also disappeared because of this. What kind of involvement is behind this, and will it affect everyone's life in the future?

What I said before, doing whatever he wants, sincerity is not the main reason why Li Yalin decides to develop his power. What he really cares about is actually everyone's safety!

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