Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 357 Guardian Dragon God Above the Moon

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Why did the Scarlet Queen drag the Black Dragon God to the Alien Restaurant? Regarding this issue, Li Yalin really wanted to find out, so when the Three Wulong God was observing the environment in the restaurant, he was also in a hurry Pulled the Scarlet Queen to an unoccupied corner aside.

He must let her explain clearly today, otherwise, he will never be at ease!

There is no way, the legend of the Black Dragon God spread in another world is too terrifying, he does not want to bring death and darkness to his home!

If this is the Scarlet Queen's means of 'revenge', then even if he tries to offend Her Majesty, he must invite the Three Wulong God out!

Even though... that Black Dragon God is really beautiful, there is nothing wrong with that.

You, you... I've said it all, don't always believe those boring legends, don't you know that 90% of the legends are fabricated by people?

Sensing Li Yalin's urgency, the Scarlet Queen suddenly burst out laughing, not sure if she thought that worry was really funny.

But at this moment, Li Yalin had a look of helplessness on his face.

Is now really the time to laugh?

No way, even if it's only 10% true, I have to buy insurance.

Unlike the Red Dragon God who was smiling happily, Li Yalin's expression was really serious. In fact, he was ready to expel the guests.

Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore, really, it's so serious, can I still hurt you?

Seeing that Li Yalin's expression was really serious, the Scarlet Queen finally withdrew her smile, and then shook her head slightly.

In the following, she also explained to Li Yalin in more detail the real reason for finding the Black Dragon God.

If we want to talk about the beginning of all this, we have to start with her eating a large amount of forbidden food.

The screen switches back to a few days ago.

After finally having the opportunity to eat all-you-can-eat taboo dishes, the Scarlet Queen naturally couldn’t stop eating them as soon as she returned to her territory, and the consequence of eating too much taboo dishes was that her strength began to swell and she had to vent Strength, so as not to be suffocated.

But it is undoubtedly a very stupid choice to vent her power in her own territory, so in the end, the Scarlet Queen in the form of a dragon flew straight into the sky, crossed the atmosphere, and came to the outer space of a planet in another world to vent her power.

However, even in outer space, it is not without living things. No, it is more accurate to say that they are gods rather than living things.

Because just above the moon, there lives a guardian dragon god known as the goddess of darkness by mortals——Black!

The relationship between Chi and Hei can't be said to be good, but it can't be said to be bad either. Although there is no intersection at all on weekdays, since they met, they still have to say something after all, and the Black Dragon God's power to the Red Queen is also vented. Curious, after all, as the guardian dragon god, such a situation is obviously not common.

Ever since, the Black Dragon God learned about the existence of the restaurant from the other world through the mouth of the Red Queen, and at the same time became a little interested in this restaurant from another world.

Although... it's just a little bit of interest.

After chatting for a while at the restaurant in another world, the power can be considered exhausted. The Red Queen did not stay in the territory of the Black Dragon God for long.

After all, this is the moon known as the other place, and there is nothing around it except for the circular craters. The feeling can only be described as bleak.

In this kind of place, apart from the black dragon god who can live there for a long time, even the red queen can't bear it absolutely.

Originally, the encounter between the two dragon gods was just an accident, but who would have thought that the white dragon god would show up immediately after, and she actually had the intention of competing with Her Majesty the queen.

Of course the hot-tempered Scarlet Queen couldn't bear this kind of thing!

That night, after she flew away from the Imperial Palace, she pointed directly at the moon, and together with the Black Dragon God, using the divine power of the two Dragon Gods, she forcibly summoned a gate to another world, where there was another world. above the moon known as the Earth.

With this gate to another world, the Dragon God of Black can come to the restaurant in another world and come to Li Yalin, and if it takes so much effort, what the Scarlet Queen wants to do is also very important. Simple.

It is very difficult for her alone to deal with the White Dragon God, not to say that she cannot be defeated, but that woman is too cunning, and her IQ is a bit difficult to fight.

There is no way, who made the Red Dragon God's force value be at the top among the six-pillar dragon gods, but in terms of IQ... it is the absolute bottom.

It's not that the Scarlet Queen is stupid, but that her dragon god is too shrewd and cunning. Well, this is an important point. If I make a mistake, Her Majesty's dragon breath will kill people!

Going back to the topic just now, among the six pillar dragon gods, who is the smartest?

Although it is a bit surprising, it is definitely not wrong for the Black Dragon God. Don't look at her as a three-none girl, but in terms of IQ, I am afraid that the three red queens cannot compare with her.

Of course, the Scarlet Queen would never admit to such a thing, and it is also important to remember here.

All in all, with the help of the Black Dragon God, the Scarlet Queen will no longer be afraid of the conspiracy of the White Dragon God. At least she is very confident at the moment, thinking that with the Black Dragon God, the White Guy will definitely not be able to grab it again. Go Li Yalin.

It's just... the idea is good, but is it really possible to think this way?

I said Your Majesty the Queen...I said you are thinking too much? Bai and I are just a cooperative relationship. At best, we share the same idea. We want to revive the world you are guarding. does it matter?

After the Scarlet Queen finished speaking, looking at Li Yalin's expression, he really couldn't laugh or cry.

what is this? Have you started forming cliques to fight for yourself?

There is a dragon god who is jealous of him, even if it is only because of his cooking skills, shouldn't he be a little proud of it?

No... not at all proud, bastard!

To be reasonable, the Scarlet Queen did not continue to be angry because of what happened yesterday, which really reassured Li Yalin a lot, but in order to compete with Bai, she arbitrarily recruited such a terrifying Black Dragon God. Does it also make it difficult for Li Yalin to do well?

It is true that even if the Black Dragon God is the wisest Dragon God among the six pillars, if she has not offended her, she should not target herself, but the problem is that the Black Dragon God with the power of death resides in his body , is it really so easy to serve?

Did the Scarlet Queen find an ally to come back, or did she get herself a dynamite bag? And it's still an indeterminate explosive package that doesn't know when it will explode...

This kind of thing really hurts when you think about it.

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