Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 352 Confession incident?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

It is impossible for Li Yalin to give the by-products of practicing option ability to the girls one by one as soon as they go to school. After all, the number of dishes is not small. He can't let everyone go to class with big lunch boxes all day long, right?

So he waited until after school, and then went to the student union to deliver Yujian, and then gave some to Xiaohinata Yuan, Aoba, and Ningning, and finally went to Chunxiang and the others.

Since he planned to curry favor with the Red Queen today, he did not plan to show up at the company. After delivering the last batch of dishes, he was going to go home directly.

However, in order to save time, he directly asked Chunxiang and the others to meet behind the building after school, and even rushed out of the room as soon as the bell rang after school. This situation naturally caused misunderstandings.

What is that guy going to do? If there is anything he can't say directly, isn't it superfluous to ask us to meet behind the building?

After Li Yalin left the classroom in a hurry, Maki was obviously very puzzled by his behavior.

Probably...he has something important to tell us.

As Maki said, Li Yalin's behavior was indeed abnormal to the girls, and it also made them quite puzzled, but even so, Atsuko shook his head lightly and whispered his thoughts.

With this girl's character, of course she will think of everything for the best, but unlike Atsuko, Maki's brain is going to be too big.

Important matter? What important matter can there be? Could it be... a confession?

I have to say that Maki's brain is really big, and she would think of Li Yalin's confession or something.

But it's no wonder, after all, they are adolescent girls, and love is the real theme at their age. It's not incomprehensible for her to have such an idea.


As for the confession, why did classmate Yalin find the three of us? Shouldn't the confession be one-on-one?

Maki's words instantly made the cheeks of the two girls, Chunxiang and Atsuko, blush. Obviously, they also imagined the scene of Li Yalin's confession in their hearts.

But after a while, Chunxiang shook her head in doubt. After all, just like what she said, confessions happen one-on-one, so there is no reason for one-on-three.

This... Maybe he is planning to confess to the three of us?

After hearing Chunxiang's question, Maki hesitated for a moment, and then came up with such an answer.

But this time her mind was so wide open that even Chunxiang and Atsuko couldn't keep up.

Confess to the three of us? How is that possible?

Falling in love is a matter between two people, so how could there be a scene where one person confesses to three people? This is not a harem game, it is simply impossible.

At the same moment, both Chunxiang and Atsuko were quite dumbfounded, and they really felt that Maki was thinking too much.

No, no, I think it's really possible.

Just when Chunxiang and Atsuko felt that Maki's brain was too big, they looked at the red-haired girl opposite, and the expression on her face suddenly became serious. Seeing her shake her head like this, it also made her two friends feel that Very eccentric.

It's possible?

No way?

If this is the case, wouldn't classmate Yalin become a scumbag?

You should know that the monogamy system in our empire has only been implemented in the past few decades. Before that, it was a polygamous system.

And even now, many big families in the empire still maintain the system of polygamy. Although the law does not allow it on the surface, does the law work for those big families?

Yalin, you guys know that even though he looks like an ordinary person like us, is it possible for an ordinary person to compose lyrics, compose music, become an idol, start a game and start a company? The most important thing is that he is actually quite good-looking, right? ? Ordinary boys are inferior to him, right?

That's why I thought that he might be the heir of a certain big family. Like many novels, he went to our ordinary people's school to experience life. If that's the case, he would confess to the three of us or something. Isn't it very logical?

What Maki said made Chunxiang and Atsuko speechless, but they were not convinced by Maki and couldn't refute it, but were completely shocked by her brain.

It sounds like that, but the question is, how could this kind of thing happen in the real world?

Recently, Maki seems to have read a lot of novels about the relationship between a rich man and a commoner Cinderella.

After a while, Atsuko raised his hand weakly, explaining the real reason why Maki was so abnormal.

No way, she didn't realize it at first, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she seemed to have seen this plot somewhere before. After thinking about it carefully, she realized that this was the content of the novel that Maki had read before.

And at that time, she was still with Amway, but it was a pity that she was not very interested in that kind of novels, and after reading one book, she stopped reading it again.

The result is good, Maki can't even tell the difference between reality and fiction.

No, no, no, although I was indeed influenced by the novel, the possibility of such a thing cannot be denied? What if it is true?

After hearing Atsuko's words, Chunxiang was speechless for a while, but looking at Maki again, she still insisted on her own thoughts, thinking that this kind of thing is really likely to happen.

Although I feel very unreliable, but as Maki said, what if it is true?

If classmate Yalin really confessed to himself...

Being taken by Maki, Chunxiang and Atsuko's thoughts began to go astray. In fact, they couldn't help fantasizing at the moment. If Li Yalin really confessed to them when they got downstairs later, what should they do at that time.

After all, you have to know that the back of the building... that is the holy place for confession in Yingling High School. So far, I don't know how many couples have been made, and I don't know how many boys have been given a good person card by the girl they admired there.

Well, once the confession incident really happens...


Or refuse?

Such a choice is really confusing.

Because of Maki's words, Chunxiang and Atsuko were in a trance. They didn't wake up until they came to the back of the building and saw Li Yalin who had been waiting there for a long time.

No... It should be said that they had blushed subconsciously at this moment, and they were at a loss for a moment, and they couldn't even look at Li Yalin with their eyes.

What will happen next?

Well, no matter how entangled these girls are, the confession incident will definitely not happen. After all, from the beginning to the end, Li Yalin just wanted to deliver food to them.

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