Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 341 Tragic life in another world

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!


After making the fruit smoothie, Li Yalin must add other ingredients into it, instantly turning the sour fruit into a sweet and sour smoothie. Taking a bite in this summer is definitely a refreshing rhythm to the heart.

For this reason, it has also won unanimous praise from everyone.

However, because the sour taste of the fruit is too strong, in order to neutralize the sour taste, the amount of smoothies made seems to be a bit too much, even after giving it to the accompanying guards who are responsible for protecting everyone, there is still some leftovers.

In this case, Li Yalin also expressed his love for them to give the smoothies to the children of the poor families nearby.

The way those children stared at everyone was not only seen by the beloved.

They seem to be very happy.

After distributing the delicious fruit smoothies to those children, the girls were very happy when they returned to Li Yalin again.

Seeing the children cheering and jumping for joy, they actually felt happier than eating the delicious food themselves.

Perhaps... It is the nature of human beings to feel pity for the weak, or it is the reason why girls are kind-hearted.

In short, I did a good deed, and everyone's mood recovered a lot, and they continued to stroll in this imperial capital.

Originally, Li Yalin was thinking, if he brought the girls to the human kingdom in another world, would he run out of troublesome bastards or the second generation of nobles as described in many novels, but it turned out that he just wanted to More rhythm.

A person who can bring so many guards along with him is not easy to provoke at first glance. Even if there are indeed low-level gangsters in this imperial capital, they will definitely not dare to foolishly run up to make trouble.

As for the second generation of nobles, it is even rarer. After all, the time for rebuilding the empire is still short, and all those who can become nobles are warriors who dared to dedicate themselves to fighting in the war with the demons. Children from such families are really very rare. There are few arrogant and domineering ones.

Li Yalin should feel lucky that there was no trouble along the way? Or should you feel lost?

After all, if there is no trouble, wouldn't he have no chance to perform in front of his sisters?

Well, sure enough, it would be better to have less trouble.

It's so unpalatable... This bread is really unpalatable...

After seeing the local conditions and customs in the imperial capital, it is natural to taste the delicacies of other worlds, but this so-called 'food' is really hard to swallow, especially the most commonly eaten rye by commoners Bread made everyone suffer even more.

Is this thing really something that people can eat?

In the world we live in, rye bread is considered a very healthy food, and it can lower blood pressure and fat. Like whole wheat bread, it is loved by many people who lose weight.

But when it comes to the rye bread in this world, it is more appropriate to say that it is a brick rather than a food. The hard texture is extremely difficult to break apart, let alone eat it.

No, seeing someone selling rye bread, my beloved couldn't resist, and insisted on trying the bread from this different world, but suffered a disaster.

From the outside, the black and thick shape of this bread makes people shy away. After actually biting into it, they find that the texture of this bread is rough, and there is a lot of wheat bran mixed in it. Swallow down.

Although Xinai is not a girl who likes to waste food, she really can't stand this rye bread.

Little girl, that's not the way to eat bread. It must be eaten with hot soup.

Finally, some well-meaning passers-by couldn't stand it anymore, so they gave pointers and told everyone the correct way to eat rye bread.

It turned out that even people from another world couldn't eat bread as hard as my beloved, without hot soup or hot water, this stuff was simply unbearable.

why is it like this……

Hearing once that he had to eat bread with soup was like being struck by lightning. Can this kind of bread really be called bread?

Could life in another world be so miserable?

Yes, life in another world is so miserable. Don't think that the common people's food in the market is unpalatable. In fact, even the royal family's food is also unbearable.

Take a look, the so-called white bread with terrible taste, the sweet and salty creamy soup, the greasy barbecue, the completely uncooked bean dish...

In the palace dinner, the only thing that everyone can't find fault with seems to be the boiled egg dish. At least everyone doesn't care if it's well-cooked or soft-boiled, as long as they can be eaten anyway.

If they hadn't known the poor level of cooking in the other world, everyone would have doubted whether Wilhelm deliberately deceived himself, but in fact, this is really the highest level of cooking that the imperial family can produce.

This... is really a tangled meal.

Looking at the abundant meal in front of him, Li Yalin couldn't help sighing softly. He held a banquet for him and prepared so many dishes. If he didn't eat it, it would be a disgrace to him. If it is edible, it is true Can't eat it.

Looking around, he found that the girls around him also looked embarrassed, and they should all be worried about the food on the plate.

Although this trip to the human kingdom allowed everyone to see the human beings in another world, they also suffered a lot. This feeling is quite a kind of family travel. The high-priced food feels like a pit.

Unexpected tangled.

But at the end of the day, you really have to bite the bullet and eat it.

Picking up the knife and fork next to the plate, Li Yalin finally decided to eat this meal. No matter how unpalatable it was, he couldn't be too rude. At worst, he would eat less and make his mouth suffer less. Dine well.

Oh, it's a very sumptuous dinner. If you don't mind, can you bring me one?

Just when Li Yalin was about to forcibly eat the food on the plate, suddenly, a familiar voice spread throughout the banquet hall, accompanied by a huge coercion that made people palpitate.

Of course, this huge coercion is only relative. For other people in this banquet hall, this pressure can force them to bow down, but for Li Yalin and the girls around him , but it is a very familiar and intimate feeling.

So... who is this unexpected guest who suddenly appeared in the banquet hall?

Your Majesty... why are you here?

Well, after hearing that familiar voice, Li Yalin couldn't help but rubbed his forehead.

Cooking for others every day, of course he can find out the identity of the other party immediately.

The Scarlet Queen...the Red Dragon God...she actually came down in the imperial palace in person.

What is she trying to do?

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