Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 328 Do you need to kill someone?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Due to the restart of the coffee shop, the witch's business is doing well, so it is a matter of course, Li Yalin did not put too much energy on the foreign restaurant, this reason is very reasonable, right?

It's a pity that Her Lady Queen doesn't accept it at all.

Opening a restaurant is also an important job! don't care about me at all, you think I'm a dispensable guy, so it's okay to ignore me?

Hey, my lord queen, what you said is too cruel. How could we not take such a beautiful Dragon God to our heart?

In addition, you should really stop hitting people with the ball, you can't stand it, right?

It's all important, really all important.

Having known the Scarlet Queen for so long, Li Yalin came to a very important conclusion, that is, never argue with the guardian dragon god of this different world, because no matter how you argue, there is only one word to lose.

Because our Her Majesty the Queen doesn't make sense at all!

At a time like this, it really is better to be perfunctory.

That means I'm not as important as your job?

Although this kind of perfunctory is somewhat effective on weekdays, today, the Scarlet Queen's visit was obviously very unpleasant, and she was not fooled at all.

And looking at the meaning, she still plans to go online?

Why does this feel like a girlfriend asking her boyfriend again, who is more important, work or her?

By the way, for the Scarlet Queen, eating is obviously the most important thing, right?

No, no, of course Her Majesty is the most important thing. How about this, how about I cook a pot of taboo braised beef for Your Majesty later? This will prove that Her Majesty is the most important thing in my heart, right?

Seeing the Scarlet Queen like this, I'm afraid that today's affairs can't be kind. Although I know she can't really treat me, but sure enough, I still have to appease this resentment. can we appease Her Majesty's resentment?

In fact, it's not difficult. What she wanted most in the past, wouldn't it be enough to give it to her today?

A pot of taboo braised beef, so you can be satisfied, right?

What? I said at the beginning that no matter what Her Majesty asked, I would never come up with taboo recipes?

Eh? Have I ever said that? Why don't you seem to remember?

You mean morals?

Does that thing work? Is it tasty?

In a word, taboo recipes are the most intuitive and effective way to deal with the Red Queen. Let’s see, when His Majesty the Red Dragon God heard the taboo braised beef, the look of anticipation on his face seemed to be waiting for a vote. Eat like a puppy.

If such a scene is seen by her believers, I really don't know if the faith will collapse.

You didn't lie to me? Are you really willing to make taboo braised beef for me?

For the Scarlet Queen, the special recipe of braised beef is her favorite, and she will never get tired of eating it no matter what. Tao is listed as a taboo delicacy.

As the saying goes, the more you can’t get something, the more you want it. When Li Yalin announced that he would list that dish as a taboo recipe and would never make it again, the Scarlet Queen became rebellious and wanted to To enjoy that meal again.

For this reason, she didn't know how many times she begged Li Yalin, but every time she was brutally rejected, but she was helpless.

Fortunately, just today, Li Yalin actually expressed his willingness to redo that taboo delicacy for her, which immediately gave her a feeling of keeping the clouds open to see the moon.

Not only that, but she even wondered if this was a joke.

Of course not, but we agreed in advance that you should take the taboo dishes back to your own place and eat them. If you are here... I am really afraid that you will ruin this restaurant.

The reason why I don’t want to come up with taboo recipes is mainly because this stuff is so powerful that even the Scarlet Queen can’t control it easily. Last time, I tried my best not to change back to its original shape. If one of them can’t control it today... …

God, he didn't want to see the red queen's real body with his own eyes, and he definitely didn't want a huge red dragon to blow up this small coffee shop.

Taboo recipes can be taken out, but only three chapters of the law must be obtained.

Really? That would be awesome!

It was finally confirmed that Li Yalin did not deceive her, and that he really planned to make a forbidden recipe. This immediately turned the Red Queen into a little girl who got a lollipop, and the cheering expression was all written on her face.

Even excited, she actually hugged Li Yalin, and not only that, she turned around in a circle, which was called excitement.

As a man, at least a man who has fully grown up mentally, Li Yalin felt very embarrassed to be hugged by a beautiful woman with a hot body like this.

Your Majesty, no matter how happy you are, pay attention to your image, okay? You make me very uncomfortable, okay?

He complained in his heart, but with Li Yalin's strength alone, he obviously couldn't get rid of the embrace of the Scarlet Queen.


It's embarrassing, but... there are more embarrassing things happening!

Just when the Scarlet Queen was holding Li Yalin in her arms and circling back and forth, the copper bell rang suddenly, and the door connecting the two worlds was opened, and a figure of an old and a young appeared at the door, completely watching the scene of the two embracing and circling. In the eyes.

Stop! Stop, stop!

At this moment, Li Yalin wanted tears in his eyes. It was fine for his sisters to see such a shameful scene, but let outsiders see it.

what to do?

Need to kill someone?

No, no... stop making trouble, it's just that the shameful scene is seen and I want to kill people to silence it. Do I want to replace the rescue system with the devil system?

But... Sure enough, it's better to pause for a while, otherwise the integrity will really be lost. Hey!

Obviously, the scene in front of them was quite shocking to the old and the young. Although the Scarlet Queen quickly discovered them and stopped and let Li Yalin go, the two still couldn't get out of here. Came back in shock.

Sure enough, have you never seen such a shameful scene?

Disgraceful bastard...

After being messed up by the Red Queen, Li Yalin really felt like he wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, but it's a pity that there is no crack in the ground for him to drill in, and the two who appeared from the gate of the other world were also very angry. Let him pay attention.

After all, it is a very rare new customer. This alien restaurant has been open for so long, and finally a new customer came. It is really gratifying.

Although I just lost face in front of new customers...

Need an explanation?

With such thoughts in mind, Li Yalin also planned to break the awkward atmosphere, but just as he was about to say hello to the two new guests, he saw the old man with the gray beard taking the lead and knelt down in front of him .


What is this operation?

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