Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 3 A classic that will surely surpass the original

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

How to earn 100 million within three months is a problem that Chino has always been very distressed about. Although she has never complained about her father, she still has to shoulder this burden and work hard to keep the family.

Even if the only thing she can do now is to open the shop on time every day to earn that meager turnover.

To be honest, it is impossible to repay the debt with this little turnover. After all, Rabbit-House is not a high-end coffee shop. Is that really an advantage?

In addition, there are more people in the family recently, and the cost of food and drink has increased again, which has added a lot of pressure to Chino.

Having said that, Ke Chino still accepted the new member of the family, even though he felt a little weird, always staying in the room and not going out, and didn't know what he was doing.

Because he is the child of his father's friend, and his father promised to let him live in. This alone is the reason why Chino accepts him.

Chino is such a good boy, it would be great to have such a younger sister!

Although Li Yalin didn't know what Zhi Nai was thinking, he saw everything she did.

In the past few days, he has been very clear about his state. He only sleeps for a few hours a day. Except for eating, going to the toilet and taking a bath, the rest of the time is spent on improving his proficiency.

Fortunately, he became younger after traveling to this world, otherwise, he would have turned into a bearded uncle long ago.

Under such circumstances, Zhi Nai's attitude towards Li Yalin remained unchanged. Even though he never helped her or said a few words to her, she still brought her meals on time every day. I also brought myself a cup of coffee before.

Such a considerate little sister, if she could call herself brother, she would really have no regrets in this life! isn't it?

Since he has been at the liver level for this period of time, Li Yalin knows well that he should have a good chat with Zhi Nai. If he doesn't increase his favorability and intimacy, he may become more and more alienated from Zhi Nai.

Even reality is not a game.

But before that, I really should talk about the results after finishing the level.

After several days of continuous leveling, Li Yalin's comic level has successfully stepped from beginner to proficient level. Because of this, his drawing skills have been greatly enhanced, and at the same time, there are many more comic-related topics in his mind. Knowledge.

I have to say that the gap between the proficiency level and the entry level is really huge, so big that even Li Yalin was surprised.

At the entry level, it took him half an hour to draw a cartoon, and it took a lot of energy. It can be said that he survived this period of time entirely by will.

But after entering the proficiency level, his drawing speed has increased rapidly, directly changing from half an hour to ten minutes, and the energy consumed is far less than that of beginners.

That is to say, the time it takes for him to upgrade from proficiency level to proficiency level is not as much as he imagined.

What's more worth mentioning is that at the entry level, Li Yalin's works are only at the level of a manga lover no matter how finely crafted, but after entering the proficient level, his painting level has improved instantly. The comics serialized in the magazine are almost at his current level, and some of the works that are not as good as Li Yalin's paintings are not as good-looking as Li Yalin.

It's just that the proficiency level is like this, so if you reach the proficiency level, what surprises can you get?

Li Yalin is looking forward to it very much.

Of course, after talking about proficiency, the next step is the real highlight. As Li Yalin's manga level rose to the proficiency level, he also received a system reward at the same time - the script of Three Sisters with Cat's Eyes ( optimized version).

This creative script did not appear in front of him out of thin air, but was stuffed into his head by the system. In an instant, all the plots and pictures of the comic about the Maoyan Three Sisters were presented in Li Yalin's mind. As long as he wants, he can copy this work anytime and anywhere.

And most importantly, as the system prompts, this is an optimized version of the script.

The Maoyan Three Sisters, as the early works of manga master Hojo Tsukasa, will definitely have some flaws and omissions, especially the early painting style of this manga is far from the later period. picture compared.

Because of this, Li Yalin found that this optimized version of the script not only has a more compact and full plot, but also unified the style of painting to the post-production standard. As long as he draws this script, it will definitely become a classic that surpasses the original version!

On this point, he has absolute confidence.

But the problem is, it just so happens that because of this reason, he can't draw this work at this time, because he knows very well that with his current level of comics, even if he draws the three cat-eye sisters, he will definitely not be able to reach his level. standard in mind.

That was absolutely intolerable to him.

So, there is no need to talk nonsense next, just keep going.

According to this rhythm, Li Yalin felt that he could move his level to the proficient level within five days.

Yes, Li Yalin has this confidence, but his crazy liver level behavior has shocked Chino.

Chi Nao didn't pay much attention at first, thinking that Li Yalin was just staying in the room and didn't want to come out, but she didn't expect that by chance, she learned that Li Yalin's work and rest were so bad.

After Zhi Nai's secret attention and Tibi's secret observation, I found that Li Yalin only slept for two or three hours a day at most, and spent the rest of the time lying on the desk in the room, writing and drawing.

What is he doing?


But even if it is studying, there is no need to be so crazy, right?

Although to Zhi Nai, she and Li Yalin have only known each other for a few days, the relationship between the two is more like that of a landlord and a tenant, and they usually only meet for a few words.

But even if it's just like this, she can't just watch Li Yalin ruin her body like this.

As a child who is clumsy in interpersonal communication and not good at expressing feelings, Zhi Nai has mustered all the courage to find Li Yalin on his own initiative, and because of this, Li Yalin was very surprised by her arrival.

Li Yalin never expected that she would get Zhi Nao's attention, and she would find herself for this.

In this case, shouldn't it be better for him to show a moved expression?

No... As expected, it should be a helpless wry smile.

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