Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 26 The first lottery draw

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Regarding the issue of beloved worship, Li Yalin actually didn't bother Li Yalin for too long. Although she really likes the comic of Cat's-Eye, no matter what this girl does, it belongs to the kind of three-minute enthusiasm. It's over.

By the way, Li Yalin still didn't sign his name on the coffee cup after all, which made my beloved feel regretful.

Li Yalin thinks that such a regret is entirely possible, otherwise, Chino will be the troubled one.

All in all, with the release of the first issue of Weekly Shonen GONGON, while the magazine is selling well, his mission is considered complete.

This is the first daily task he has completed, and it is also the first time he has received a daily task reward.

During the side quest before, the Maoyan script he got earned him his first pot of gold, and the prize draw he got this time naturally made him pay more attention to it.

So... start the lottery?

After completing the daily tasks, Li Yalin's system interface added a lottery option. The screen was very monotonous, just a dial and a button.

The most important thing was that there was nothing on the turntable, and he had no idea what he could draw after pressing the button.

In other words, this is simply an inexplicable lottery, God knows what can be drawn.

Regarding this lottery system, Li Yalin really wanted to complain, but he was too full to be awkward with this system, so after struggling for a while, he quickly gathered his mind and locked his eyes on the button. superior.

I don't know what's going to happen, but... come on! My first draw!

As Li Yalin pressed the button with his finger, the pointer on the turntable began to rotate rapidly. After spinning for about ten seconds, the pointer slowly stopped. After it stopped completely, a box like a gift bag appeared in front of Li Yalin.

This box, like the system panel, is virtual. Li Yalin reached out to touch the box, and the box opened automatically. After a white light flashed, a string of text appeared on the system interface.

Congratulations on winning the proficient level piano option - from the world of Maoyan Three Sisters.

This is the end?

Mastery level piano option?

From Maoyan World?

Before Li Yalin was surprised, the piano option of the musical instrument branch on the system was highlighted. Unlike the manga skills that had to be upgraded before, this time the piano option was lit with 500 proficiency, which is directly proficient level.

Because of this, a lot of knowledge about music theory and piano performance poured into Li Yalin's mind in an instant, allowing him to instantly have a piano performance equivalent to the proficiency level, without any adulteration.

Li Yalin could feel that if a piano was placed in front of him, he would definitely be able to play elegant movements with ease, as if he was born to be a pianist.

This feeling of getting BUFF directly, and it is still a permanent BUFF, is really cool!

After Li Yalin's cartoon level reaches the proficient level, he can beat the cartoonists in this world. Of course, there are reasons why the cartoonists in this world are not good, but more importantly, the level given by the system is indeed high.

Take this level of piano proficiency as an example. After reaching the level of proficiency, Li Yalin's piano performance is definitely comparable to professional pianists. Although he cannot compare with those real masters and cannot become the world's top pianist, he can Under those masters, no one can compare with him.

What's more, the piano option at the proficient level will automatically get special bonuses, so the BUFF of +3 attractiveness in piano performance is not a joke!

That is to say, after the continuation of the manga ability, Li Yalin has another ability that can be used, just playing the piano... It doesn't seem like he can make quick money. After all, Li Yalin himself is not famous, and it is impossible to earn money by singing. One hundred million.

Maybe this ability will shine brightly in his future, but right now, it's not the time to use it.

So... Next, pay attention to the word from the cat's eye world?

If this lottery is simply an option to get a proficient level of piano, then Li Yalin would not say anything, but there is one more from the cat's eye world, which makes him feel puzzled.

Could it be that the lottery rewarded by the system is also related to the comics he created?

What's the special connection here?

Although I really want to know the answer to this question, it is a pity that the system cannot give him an answer. If I want to discover the truth, I can only study it bit by bit.

So if you think about it carefully, there is nothing to say next, you can get a good reward, that's all.

Yes, that's all.

I said... what are you doing?

Although Li Yalin has the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with professional pianists because of the system lottery, but he doesn't need this ability right now, and it doesn't make him too excited.

After the lottery draw, Li Yalin left the room and went downstairs. He was preparing for school recently, and he didn't focus on the comics. He wanted to take a good rest before school started, and waited for Maoyan's booklet to start preparing. Get ready for the next comic.

What surprised him was that after he went downstairs, he found that these girls in his family were holding a musical instrument, and they didn't know what they were talking about in front of the bar.

Chino is holding a clarinet in her hand, Rise is holding a violin, and Beloved is the most disgusting, she actually holds a triangle in her hand.

The combination of these three girls looks like a nondescript, what are they doing?

While Li Yalin was surprised, he also wanted to know what was going on.

Senior Yalin! We are discussing how to increase Rabbit-House's turnover!

Seeing Li Yalin's arrival, the most lively beloved immediately raised the triangle iron in his hand and showed it to him very excitedly.

Increase Rabbit-House turnover? Use triangle iron?

Li Yalin's eyes widened from his beloved's words, and he couldn't figure out how to increase the turnover of the general triangle iron.

Is this still a magical triangle that pays money just by ringing it?

Well, it's better not to say this kind of complaints.

It's music! Music! I'm going to form a band with Chino and Rishi and play beautiful music in the store. In this way, customers will definitely like Rabbit-House, and our repeat customers will continue to flow!

Regarding Li Yalin's sluggishness, Xinai quickly reminded her and raised the triangle iron in her hand. The expression on her face at this moment was one of excitement.


Use music to attract repeat customers?

Are you sure your dream is not to save the world with music?

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