Salvation Began from Cafe

One hundred and eighty fourth chapter is missing a test product

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Brother Yaling, you are really amazing. You can successfully perform magic tricks for the first time.

The so-called layman watches the excitement and the expert watches the doorway. Chino and Beloved look at it blankly, completely ignorant of the effect of the magic, but Makoto can tell that the magic is indeed activated.

It was also because of this that her words were full of admiration and admiration, and the rest were all surprised.

She knew very well that such a large-scale operation would definitely not be able to be activated by herself, at least there was no need to think about it until the magic power was not up to the standard.

In contrast, Li Yalin is stronger than her by an unknown amount.

Fortunately, I'm really lucky.

Faced with Zhenqin's admiration, Li Yalin shook his head lightly. He was not being humble at the moment, but really thankful.

Before launching this concealment magic, his spirit was full of 17 points, but after using this magic, his remaining spirit was only 1 point.

In other words, if he only has 16 points of energy, he will be drained of energy after launching this magic, and after the energy is exhausted, the price will definitely be sluggish for a while.

Even if he didn't reach 16 points of spirit, he couldn't activate this spell.

It needs so much mental power, no wonder Makoto can't start.


Shaking his head, Li Yalin stepped forward to collect the extinguished ashes on the ground. The concealment magic was successfully activated, but there was still a process that had to be done.

Taking the girls back to the store, Li Yalin divided the ashes into twenty parts and put them into the small amulets prepared in advance.

This thing should be carried with you, if you don't carry it with you, you will not be able to find your home when you go out.

Yes, the activation of the concealment magic does not discriminate between people. During the period when the spell is in effect, Rabbit-House will not be noticed by anyone, even his own people.

And the ashes in these small amulets are the medium produced after the operation is activated. With the medium, the Rabbit-House can be found. Without this medium, it is impossible to enter again.

Looking at it this way, Rabbit-House seems to be an urban legend in a sense.

So amazing?

Playing with the amulet handed over by Li Yalin, Xin'ai's eyes were full of excitement. Could this seemingly inconspicuous little thing be a legendary magic item?

Beloved has a big brain and often produces many interesting ideas.

Like... now.

Shall we give it a try and see if the magic works?

Although I know that the concealment magic has been activated, but during the operation period, there is thunder and rain after all, which is very unsatisfactory to watch, as if it is fake.

It would be boring without trying it for yourself, wouldn't it?

Oh? Do you want to try it?

As far as Li Yalin is concerned, he is not too sure how effective this technique is. Seeing that his beloved is quite willing to volunteer, how can he refuse?

OK, since you want to try it, go for it.

We are short of a test subject.

That's good! I won't bring the amulet with me, and I'll go play with Qianye.

Wait a minute, why don't you bring one and send it to Qianye directly, remember not to say too much, just ask her to bring the amulet with her when she comes to the store.

Since there is going to be an experiment, Xinai naturally has to leave the store first, and it happens that she and Qianye have made an appointment to go to Gantu Temple, so let's take this opportunity to go.

But before leaving, Li Yalin called her to stop suddenly. Qianye was a dear friend, and would occasionally come to play in the store, and sending her a medium was very suitable for both emotion and reason.

It's just that the witch still has magic, so it's better to let the beloved conceal it for the time being. Although Qianye is also a good girl, and Li Yalin believes that she won't spread it everywhere, it's better to wait for the opportunity to explain it later.

Well, promise to complete the task!

Love is lively and cute, but she is not an idiot. She can understand the existence of witches and magic.

After hearing Li Yalin's words, she gave a very playful military salute. Although it seemed like a joke, her eyes were serious.

Before Li Yalin agreed, even if Qianye was her best friend, she would not reveal a word.

come back earlier.

Smiling and nodding towards Beloved, Li Yalin then waved his hand again.

After Beloved went out, Li Yalin also turned his attention back to everyone.

Next, Rabbit-House reopens!

Yes, the Rabbit-House has reopened, but with the effect of concealment magic, there is no need for this guest.

The only difference between now and before is that the originally closed wooden windows can finally be opened, allowing sunlight to penetrate into the room again.

Finally, I can open up a little more, and close the doors and windows every day like before, which suffocates my rhythm.


The reopened Rabbit-House has once again turned back to the small coffee shop that no one cares about before, and the scene where there were so many guests is like a dream.

Don't worry, after a while when the heat subsides, I will eliminate the hidden magic, and everything will be fine.

Standing behind the bar counter in the store, Chino looked a little dazed, which is no wonder, after all, the contrast is indeed a bit huge, and it is normal to be unable to adapt.

Seeing this scene, Li Yalin also came to Zhi Nai's side to comfort him softly.

From this point of view, the promotion of campus idols has to be postponed, or in other words, I should find another way to divert the fans' attention.

It's okay, brother, it's actually quite good, brother, don't worry, don't change your plan because of us.

Hearing Li Yalin's reassurance, Zhi Nai shook his head slightly.

Regarding the issue of Yingling High School and Li Yalin's plan to debut as a school idol, she is very clear about it, because Li Yalin has never hidden anything from her.

It is also because of this that Chino is more aware of the importance of this school idol project.

It was enough for her that Rabbit-House could be kept, and she didn't want to drag her brother down because of herself.

She knows how good and popular her brother's songs are. In fact, she is more willing to see her brother continue to release works and win more people's love.

In contrast, it really doesn't matter whether the business in the store is good or not.

My brother has done so much for me, so I should do something for my brother too.


Looking at the well-behaved and sensible sister in front of him, Li Yalin couldn't help but feel happy. It's great to have Zhi Nao as his sister!

As for the other sister...

Woo... Brother, come and pick me up, I can't find my way home...

Well, looking at it like this, I still have to go out and bring that little confused bastard back quickly.

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