Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 181: Closing the store to the end

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Brother can also use magic? Then brother, can you also fly?

Hearing about the existence of the witch and seeing the real witch, Beloved's curiosity has completely exploded. Now that Li Yalin said that he can use magic, how can Beloved calm down?

Subconsciously grabbed Li Yalin's arm, Xinai really wanted to see him using magic.

It would be great if it could fly.

I can't fly.

It's a pity that Li Yalin is destined to disappoint his beloved. Although if possible, he would like to fly freely in the sky on a broom like Makoto Mubata, but the problem is that he really doesn't have that ability.

That's it... then brother, what kind of magic do you use?

She didn't get the answer she wanted, and her beloved face looked a little frustrated, but this little girl never lacked vitality, and after a short period of disappointment, she quickly cheered up again.

It doesn't matter if you can't fly, as long as you can see my brother's magic tricks!

I can't demonstrate it to you here. I will use attack-type magic. If I use it, the tables and chairs in the store will suffer.

Although the beloved is full of interest, Li Yalin will not do what he wants, let alone the Guardian Shield, once the flame is used, it will not cause a fire in this wooden coffee shop?

For the sake of everyone's personal safety, it is better to be safe and secure.

Then let's go outside for a demonstration!

Okay little guy, our family has just welcomed a new member, are you going to leave him alone?

Xinai was obviously very unwilling, but Li Yalin didn't give her a chance to continue. Mu Ban Zhenqin, who just arrived today, is the protagonist, and she can't take the lead.

Although it looks like everyone is very interested, but as expected, let's wait for a chance to talk about it in the future.

Oh...then if you have a chance in the future, brother, you must let me see it.

Li Yalin's refusal made Xinai very disappointed, but she didn't mess around, after all, she is a cute younger sister, and she must not cause trouble for her brother.

After agreeing to show everyone the magic again in the future, the girls began to get busy for the new members of the family.

Regarding Muba Makoto's room, this one has been prepared a long time ago, and from the looks of it, she doesn't seem to have brought too much luggage, so it shouldn't be a problem to pack it up.

Ordinarily, this is true, but what everyone didn't expect was that although Makoto Mubata didn't carry much with her, her real luggage was quite amazing!

Sister Zhenqin... have you moved the whole family here?

Seeing the employees of the moving company carrying the boxes over and over again, both Koai and Chino were speechless.

Who said less luggage is easier to pack?

This is too ridiculous!

Girls... There must be more daily necessities...

Seeing Ai and Chino stunned, Makoto Kobata couldn't help blushing. Although she didn't feel much when tidying up before moving, she also found that she had done a little too much when she saw the piles of boxes on the second floor and the entire corridor. .

This is no longer the level of daily necessities...

Looking at the boxes piled up almost to the ceiling, Xinai couldn't help muttering to herself.

When she came, she was just carrying a small suitcase, basically nothing, compared to...

No, there is no comparison at all, okay?

Let's help tidy up together, or if it's just Makoto alone, I'm afraid it will take till dawn.

Now that we are all a family, it doesn't matter if we call each other more intimate. We have already agreed upon it in the coffee shop.

As the only male member of the family, Li Yalin felt that it was time for him to stand up and help.

My brother is right, I will help too.

It's surprising that Makoto Kihata brought so much luggage, but Chino doesn't show an exaggerated expression like her beloved.

It's better to talk than to act. If everyone doesn't come to help, it is estimated that Makoto Mubata will really be busy very late.

I'm really sorry for causing trouble to everyone.

Seeing that everyone was willing to help her, Makoto Mubata immediately bowed to everyone excitedly.

To be honest, before coming to Xiangfeng's house, Makoto Mubata felt a little uneasy and uneasy. After all, he was about to join a new family and came to a strange environment. At the same time, he didn't know what he was about to face. family.

Now it's all right, all her worries are gone, it's great to be able to join such a family and know such a family.

After all, we are all a family, and mutual help is definitely necessary.

By the way, Makoto, there may be something going on at the coffee shop in the past few days, so you don't have to worry about it, just ignore it.

Facing Muban Makoto's bow and thanks, Li Yalin waved his hand casually.

Muba Makoto is a good girl, he knows this well, and as a family member who will live under the same roof, he is also willing to help.

However, for some things, he still had to warn them in advance, otherwise it would be bad if they frightened others.


Mu Ban Makoto couldn't understand Li Yalin's words. Something happened in the coffee shop? What will happen?

She soon knew the answer to this question.

Facing the endless stream of fans, even as a witch, she would be taken aback.

Yes, with the popularity of Li Yalin and Kohinata Yuan's new songs, the number of fans coming after hearing the news is increasing day by day. If this trend continues, it will be impossible to reopen the store.

It can't be opened in the afternoon and evening, and it can't even be opened during the day.

The most helpless choice is to close the store to the end.

There's no way, it's not that Li Yalin doesn't want to, but it's really impossible.

For this reason, he even apologized to Linnai. After all, Rabbit-House closed down, so she couldn't continue to work.

Fortunately, with this period of work experience, Linnai is no longer confused. She decided to aim to meet her friends and work hard to become an excellent manga editor, so it doesn't matter if she can't work part-time.

Rather, after she stopped working part-time, she was able to devote herself more fully to her studies, and after graduation, she applied for a job at Weekly Shonen GONGON.

Although it is uncertain whether she can become an excellent manga editor for her naturally dull girl, it is still very commendable that she can determine the goal and direction of her life.

In this regard, Li Yalin also expressed his sincere wishes to her.

I hope she can accomplish her goals and achieve her wishes and ideals.

Come on!

Feng Yu Rena!

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