Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 168 The man who inherited the soul of Yamato?

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Although Li Yalin couldn't name the few friends brought by Qianqiu, in fact, he knew all of them.

After Qian Qiu gave a brief introduction, he immediately matched these children with the image in his heart.

The red-haired loli is Uchida, the black-haired loli is Yoshino, and the little boy who questioned Li Yalin's identity before is the famous women's clothing guru Zhen, but it seems that his soul of women's clothing has not yet awakened.

So what happened between these children?

In fact, it started a few days ago.

Since Alice Sonata began to be sold online, due to its low price, many elementary school students can also buy it, and so are the game lovers in Qianqiu's class.

Zhen and Uchida, both of them can be regarded as game lovers, and they both bought the game Alice Sonata, but buying the game does not mean that they like this game, at least for the idiot Uchida, this game is very unsuitable she.

A series of mazes are too brain-burning!

Those monsters are so ugly!

Is not fun!

Not fun at all!

When chatting with Qianqiu and Yoshino during class, Uchida complained very naturally. After all, he was talking to his good friend, which is very normal.

Unfortunately, Uchida's speech was heard by Zhen, and unlike the idiot Lolita, Zhen's love for Alice Sonata is beyond the charts, and he can't tolerate anyone slandering this game at all.

In this way, the war between Uchida and Zhen broke out.

For several days in a row, they were arguing about it, and they quarreled together as long as the class was over.

Not only the two of them quarreled, but even Qianqiu was affected.

It's fine once or twice, but after a long time, Qianqiu couldn't bear it anymore.

They are obviously two idiots, why are they arguing?

Want to argue to win or lose, huh? Go to the creators of the game to argue!

Different from the idiot group in front of him, Qian Qiu said: I know the producer of the Alice Sonata. It directly stopped the two of them from arguing, and then, as could be expected, the two of them immediately asked Qian Qiu to bring the two of them. people to meet the producer.

At this point, Qianqiu successfully avoided the firepower and shifted the attention of the idiot group to Li Yalin.

That's why the scene just now happened.

So that's the case, Qianqiu, you can really make trouble for me.

Knowing the beginning and end of the matter, Li Yalin pressed his temples with a headache, why didn't he know that he was pulled out by Qianqiu to attract firepower.

This little guy is really smart.

But what he didn't know was that the reason why Qianqiu brought her little friends to Rabbit-House was because she wanted him to help share the firepower. And really on it.

Qianqiu's true thoughts...Only she knows.

So you two, do you have anything to say to me?

Although it was pulled out as a shield, since it was Qianqiu, it would be no problem to be the envoy to protect the sister for the first time, at least in Li Yalin's view, he didn't think there was any problem with it.

As the saying goes, there is no first thing in literature, and there is no second in martial arts. It is impossible to make a game that everyone likes. In fact, even the famous Maoyan still has people who don’t buy it, let alone Alice Sonata.

Uchida doesn't like it, that's normal, and the quarrel between her and the women's clothing boss only needs to be mediated.

He still doesn't believe it, and if he does it by himself, he can't handle two idiot elementary school students?

No... nothing...

The first thing Li Yalin looked at was Uchida who denied the Alice Sonata. After all, she was the main party involved.

However, after feeling Li Yalin's gaze, Uchida blushed and dodged, completely lacking the courage to look him in the eye.


Don't you dislike Alice Sonata?

Is it too embarrassing to open your mouth to deny it in front of the producer?

Well, that's understandable.

I don't believe you are the producer of the Alice Sonata! Unless you show me the proof!

Unlike Uchida, Zhen is a stunned young man. Although he likes the Alice Sonata very much, he doesn't think Li Yalin is the real producer. Who knows if he is fooling Qianqiu.

Anyway, he's right if he doesn't believe it.


Li Yalin also hesitated for a moment when he was told that. The evidence...

Does this count?

Taking out his mobile phone and clicking on the photo album, Li Yalin showed some photos in it.

It was the day of the game exhibition, a group photo of him, Chunxiang and Yujian, and some photos of the games being sold.

These photos were not all taken by Li Yalin, but were secretly taken by Yu Jian, and were prepared to be used by the news department as the cover. Later, Li Yalin found out and asked her for them.

It’s okay for you to publish news, but do you have to give me a copy of this photo?

Alice Sonata is on sale! Are you selling Alice Sonata?

When I saw the photo, my eyes widened immediately. Although this does not prove that Li Yalin is the producer of this game, it does mean that he has a close relationship with this game.

Could it really be him?

If you really don't believe it, forget it.

Taking back the phone, Li Yalin shrugged his shoulders. This is the end of the conversation. Believe it or not, it is impossible for the women's clothing boss to take people to his room anyway and let them see the real evidence.

There is no way, there are a lot of things in his room, especially Maoyan's drawings, if these little guys find out, his other identity will also be exposed.

No... I believe it!

Unexpectedly, after hesitating for a moment, he really raised his head firmly.

He actually believed it?

Please sign me!

He took out a signature board from the schoolbag behind him, and handed it to Li Yalin respectfully. This little guy, he came prepared.

what is this?

Have you met the rhythm of little fans?

Regardless of whether he really believed it or faked it, Li Yalin would not be able to refuse the autograph board anyway. For the sake of the women's clothing boss, he had to sign this name too.

The character image in Alice Sonata, who do you like better?

After receiving the signature board, Li Yalin did not sign his name immediately, but asked Zhen a question with a smile.

A character I like? Well... I like Minamoto Yoshitsune! Because I'm the man who inherited Yamato's soul from my father!

Although I don't know why Li Yalin asked this question, after a moment of thinking, I really quickly gave the answer.

If he wanted to say his favorite character image in this game, it must be Minamoto Yoshitsune, that kind of Yamato man is his idol!


The man who inherited the soul of Yamato?

Just you, a womanizer?

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