Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 152 Sword Art Online Script Creation

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Open up a new type of novel...

From Jian Zhang's words, Li Yalin could feel her full of resentment, but the type of new novel she was talking about attracted his attention.

You know, the culture and entertainment in this world are very backward. In his eyes, there is really nothing new in novels. Basically, you can know the ending after reading the beginning.

If you let him think, he can come up with N ideas every minute.

How about... just help Jian Zhang think of an idea, and let her find a familiar author to create?

In the case of weak writing, it seems that he can only do so much.

That's right, editor-in-chief Minano wants to publish a novel that can be read easily, and it's best to break through the current subject matter restrictions. How is this possible!

Seeing that Zhang didn't know what Li Yalin was thinking, she was still complaining about her boss, but her words made Li Yalin's eyes light up.

light novel?

In this world, the concept of light novels has not yet appeared. Li Yalin did not expect that this concept would be proposed by Minano.

Unexpectedly, the loli editor-in-chief actually had such an idea.

Light novel? This sounds quite appropriate. Not to mention that no one can write it now, even if there is, it is impossible to select it for a new editor like me.

Shaking her head slightly, she saw that Zhang was lying on the table weakly. She was not only physically tired, but also mentally exhausted. She really couldn't fulfill the requirements of her boss.

It really hurts to see her like this.

What a good girl, to be tortured like this.

The side mission of saving Yingling High School - the second step of opening the road of creation.

Task content——Draw a picture of the male and female protagonists of Sword Art Online.

Task reward - the script of the novel Sword Art Online (optimized version).

Task reminder - becoming a famous high school student writer can bring more popularity to the school. It can not only increase the reputation but also save the girl. I can't think of any reason to refuse the task.

I don't know if the system can't stand it anymore, just when Li Yalin felt that he should help Jian Zhang think of an idea to help her tide over the difficulties, the system suddenly issued a new task for him.

The second step of the creative road?

Sword Art Online creation script?

Is this what you want?

For the famous SAO, Li Yalin is of course very familiar with it. Although this work is considered by some people to be the work of Long Aotian for leveling and picking up girls, and the plot is also criticized by some people, but in all fairness, he likes it very much. of this work.

The most important thing is that although the setting of virtual reality games is not uncommon in his world, it is a unique and innovative idea in this world!

It is conceivable that once this work is published, it will definitely trigger a storm of virtual reality!


What the hell is this mission prompt? Is the system complaining?

It's obviously a side mission to save Yingling High School, why do you always feel that it appeared to help Jian Zhang?

Well, it is purely self-defeating to entangle with the system. Since the missions have appeared, there is naturally no reason to refuse them.

Teacher Yalin, this is...

Originally, seeing Zhang wanted to continue to pour bitter water, but unexpectedly, Li Yalin turned around and sat down at the workbench. Seeing him take out a pen and paper and start writing and drawing, Jian Zhang immediately showed a puzzled expression.

This is what I said too much, Teacher Yalin doesn't want to listen?

Speaking of which, I did complain too much just now.

Recalling the scene just now, she couldn't help but blush when she saw Zhang. As the responsible editor, her job was to lighten the burden on the cartoonist in charge and help him create. Fortunately, she added pressure to him instead.

what a shame...

Standing up hastily, Zhang Youxin wanted to apologize for the complaint just now, but just when she came to Li Yalin's side and was about to speak, the image that emerged in Li Yalin's pen couldn't help but attracted her attention.

This style of painting...

so beautiful!

After the manga option reached the proficient level, Li Yalin's drawing speed was extremely fast. Although he was writing from memory at the moment, he did not hesitate at all.

The images of Kirito and Asuna were too deep in his mind, and with the blessing of being proficient in manga options, the agile characters quickly appeared on the paper.


Soon, the character designs of Kirito and Asuna, the male and female protagonists of SAO, were drawn. Li Yalin was also very satisfied with this creation.

And just after he completed the two character designs, the creative script of the work Sword Art Online also appeared in his mind.

Almost instantly, his mind was filled with countless words, and various plots in the story appeared one after another. As long as he wanted to, he could write this work immediately.

Anyway, this doesn't require any writing, just copy it according to the memory in your brain.

Teacher Yalin, is this the character design of the new comic?

When many cartoonists create their works, they start with the characters. The two figures drawn by Li Yalin are naturally the settings of the new work in Yinsha Jianzhang's view.

How do you feel? This is the hero and heroine of my new work.

Although seeing that Zhang had misunderstood, Li Yalin didn't explain immediately, but just picked up two pictures of people with a smile and handed them to the girl in charge.

It's beautiful! Although I don't know the content of the new work yet, this painting style alone is enough to attract readers!

Even if she is a new editor, Yinsha Jianzhang can see the great potential of these two characters. Once she draws comics with this style of painting, she has a hunch that it will be a top-notch work that is not inferior to Maoyan!

At least for herself, when she saw these two characters for the first time, she already fell in love with these two characters deeply.

As expected of Teacher Yalin!

At this moment, Yinsha Jianzhang sighed sincerely. She likes manga, but she is not good at drawing manga. That's why she became a manga editor and has been working hard for it.

Although it was hard work and tiring, at this moment, she felt that all the previous efforts were worth it!

It's great to be the responsible editor of Teacher Yalin!

What about the new work?

Li Yalin also slightly raised the corners of his mouth when he saw Zhang holding the two portraits and couldn't put it down.

Is that enough?

What really surprises you is yet to come!

After turning on the computer next to the workbench and creating a new document, Li Yalin began to clatter on the keyboard.

Anyway, it was just copying the memory, and typing was easy, so on Li Yalin's computer screen, strings of words were entered in a smooth flow.

And this also made the sister Jian Zhang behind him gradually widen her eyes.


what do i see

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