Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 150 We are a family

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Hey, let's talk about it, brother wants to help me attack Chino!

It's completely different from Chino, it's no burden for my beloved to call her brother. Of course, her ultimate goal is still to capture Chino. Let Chino call her sister is her greatest wish.

I really don't know if it's good or bad to have such a younger sister who is a sister-in-law.

By the, I have something to discuss with you.

Although it is said to help his beloved conquer Chino, Li Yalin himself has no idea how to conquer Chino, so he can only make a promise verbally and wait until later.

Ordinarily, this is the end of the story, but Li Shi's coffee has just been delivered, and Zhi Nao, who fled shyly because of the brother, reappeared in front of Li Yalin.

Have something to discuss with yourself?


Is this... life counseling?

No problem at all!

Although I don't know what Zhi Nao wants to discuss with me, but it is my brother's duty to help my sister solve her troubles. Of course, Li Yalin agreed without hesitation!

It's a pity that what Chino wanted to discuss with him was not the life consultation he imagined, but took out a letter.

Dad, he...has a letter.

A letter from Uncle Longhong?

Seeing the envelope in Chino's hand, Li Yalin was very surprised. You must know that this world is different from the anime world he knows, and many places have changed. For example, Takahiro Kaze who should have stayed in the Rabbit-House in the original plot disappeared inexplicably. , is the biggest variable.

As far as he knew, Zhi Nai's father left very suddenly, and no matter how hard he searched afterwards, there was no trace. What Zhi Nao and Tibi finally received was only a 100 million debt reminder.

But now, Chino's father has news! What does this mean?

Is he coming back?

That Xiangfeng Longhong who has never been masked, but has been placed in a relationship by the system is coming back?

At this moment, Li Yalin's mood is a bit complicated. What is the content of this letter?

Regarding the content of this letter, Zhi Nai didn't mean to hide it, but handed it to Li Yalin for him to watch with his own eyes.

This is indeed a letter from Xiangfeng Longhong, and there is not much content in the letter, especially the reason for his departure, which is not written at all.

However, the other party mentioned the 100 million debt, and told Chino to ask her to seek help from Li Shi's father. Xiangfeng Takahiro and Li Shi's father have been friends for many years, and he can help with the 100 million debt advance payment.

It is estimated that Xiangfeng Longhong did not expect that the family's debts would be settled by Li Yalin.

In addition to the debt, another matter was mentioned in the letter. It seems that Rabbit-House will welcome another resident in the near future, who seems to be a distant relative of Xiangfeng's family. I don't know if it's male or female, old or young.

So that's it. Is this family welcoming a new member?

After reading the letter to the end, there are basically some words of concern behind it. After scanning it hastily, Li Yalin couldn't help sighing.

Although Chino didn't show it all the time, she was still very concerned about her father's whereabouts, but now, fortunately, she finally got the news, but she didn't give any explanation.

This letter must have disappointed Chino.

That...Uncle Tianzuo's

Looking at Chino at this time, her delicate little face is full of entanglements. It is true that her father who has not revealed anything at all makes her very worried, but since there is a letter, it means that her father should be pretty good. Worry can also be reduced a lot.

What she is really struggling with now is actually the debt of 100 million yuan.

When she was in debt before, Chino could have asked Lise's father for help, but she didn't do that because she felt that it would be bad and would add a burden to others.

But now, since Xiangfeng Longhong has mentioned it, that is to say, this should not bring a burden to others.

So...whether to borrow another 100 million and return it to Li Yalin has become a very tangled issue for Chino.


Seeing Zhi Nao's tangled frown, Li Yalin couldn't help taking a step forward, holding her face with both hands.

who I am?

Holding Chino's face, Li Yalin stared at her beautiful eyes and asked softly.

Suddenly being held in the face, Zhi Nao's cheeks flushed instantly, she had never had such intimate physical contact with a boy, even Li Yalin was the first time.

But Zhi Nai didn't break free, just kept looking at Li Yalin's eyes, first said Yalin Sang, and finally changed his name to brother.

That's right! I'm your brother! We are a family, why should we bother about money or not?

What is Zhi Nai struggling with, Li Yalin knows very well in his heart, to borrow money from Li Shi's father and then return it to himself? Why bother with that?

Wasn't my previous efforts just for Zhi Nao? If I want to borrow money, why wait until now?

So, there is no need to worry about anything!

Money is not an issue at all!

We are a family……

Listening to Li Yalin's word for word, looking at his firm eyes, Zhi Nao's eyes flickered for a while.


It seems nice to have such an older brother who enjoys the feeling of being cared by his family.

Okay, little guy, don't think so much about what's left, hurry up and tidy up another room. Uncle Longhong said that our house is about to welcome a new resident.

Hearing the three words family in Zhi Nai's mouth, Li Yalin's face suddenly burst into a smile, because he liked hearing Zhi Nai's words very much.

Let go of the little guy's face, and then patted her little head again.

Now that you've figured it out, let's tidy up the new room together!

Well! Brother!

If before that, Chino was still shy and unfamiliar when calling her brother, but at this moment, her brother was extremely firm.

Because she has completely approved of Li Yalin and truly treats him like a family member.

In Zhi Nai's eyes, Li Yalin was the son of her father's friend, a caring and gentle senior resident, but now, she has truly recognized him as her elder brother.

The feeling of family is completely different from before.

Regarding this point, Li Yalin can also feel it personally. Originally, he thought that it would take some time for Chino to fully agree with him, but he didn't expect that this surprise came so quickly!

Was it finally approved by Chino?


I finally have a sister!

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