Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 142: A Road to the Abyss

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

As for the protector of the nobleman, Li Yalin couldn't have a good impression of him from the very beginning. If he was the kind of leader in the true sense, he could lead the fighting faction to survive better, and he didn't need to meddle in other people's business at all.

Li Yalin didn't have any covetous intentions towards the martial arts faction. After all, he just wanted to open up a living space for the girls from the beginning to the end, not only to complete the task, but also for those lovely girls, that's all.

In terms of living space, Xunzhiqiu College is completely sufficient, and Saint Isidore University is just a tasteless one, whether it is present or not is the same.

It's a pity that the protector is not a person who can cooperate with him. No matter how he thinks about it, his existence will only be a disaster. Since it is inevitable to have an intersection with Saint Isidore University, Li Yalin is naturally more willing to control this force in their own hands.

No, it's not so much a control as a restriction.

In this dangerous world, anything can happen, and no one knows whether the existence of the Fighting Faction will bring danger to the girls, so he prefers to eliminate all hidden dangers in his infancy.

At least in this way, he can feel at ease when he leaves this world.

Zhu Xia, the divine guardian, is no less inferior to the divine protector. Perhaps in a certain sense, she is more dangerous.

But Li Yalin is more willing to keep her than to protect the nobles. After all, she is a woman, and she is always better controlled than a man.

The so-called like-sex repels opposite-sex attracts is nothing less than this truth.

Of course, it's not that Li Yalin didn't give him a chance to choose. If he is willing to give up the power in his hand and continue to survive in this collapsing world as an ordinary survivor, then he can still live well.

But unfortunately, he chose another path.

That is a road leading to the abyss!

Speaking of it, this is also the credit of Zhu Xia, who is a god. Unlike Li Yalin, she has never planned to let go of her former companion. In her eyes, the obstacle of death is the best obstacle.

The protection of nobles is an obstacle, so he should die!

The Wudou faction is now controlled by Li Yalin. Under the awe of the powerful force, few people dare to raise the idea of ​​​​resistance. It is simply impossible for the guardian nobles to incite the members of the Wudou faction to achieve the goal of counterattack.

After several persuasions were ineffective, he finally communicated secretly with the Yamada-gumi under the persuasion of the god master Zhu Xia, expressing his willingness to join the Yamada-gumi and help the Yamada-gumi break through Area B and occupy the entire San Isidore University.

However, what he never expected was that all of this was a conspiracy by Zhu Xia, the master of the gods. He did reach a consensus with the Yamada-gumi, and the Yamada-gumi also believed his words. One was caught off guard.

But it turned out that when they came to Area B, they encountered a counterattack from all members of the Fighting Faction. They were obviously sneak attackers, but they fell into a trap and were scooped up.

After that battle, the Yamada group suffered heavy losses and had to lead the remaining wounded to escape from San Isidore University, and the noble guardian himself died in the turmoil.

Obviously they are all poor people struggling in the last days, why should they kill each other?

Looking at the almost deformed corpse of the noble guardian, Li Yalin sighed in his heart.

In this battle, he killed three members of the Yamada group with his own hands, and he really took human life in his hands.

But the noble guardian of the gods was not killed by him, but died at the hands of those angry fighters.

Yes, before that, he was the leader of the Fighting Faction, and he led the Fighting Faction to survive in the last days, but at the same time, because of his cold-blooded policy, he also deeply planted the seeds of hatred.

Now he's a rebel, he's the one who brought the Yamada-gumi in, he betrayed everyone, so damn him!

The members of the Fighting Faction thought so, so they killed him with their own hands. It was not only to express the depression in their hearts, but also to avenge those comrades who died under the cold-blooded policy.

It stands to reason that this is all the fault of the gods and nobles, but the deceased is already dead, and Li Yalin doesn't want to say anything more.

The response from the members is not bad. This is a good start, Zhu Xia. Next, we will face a period of steady development. During this period, we not only need to recuperate, but also increase our strength.

There is reason to believe that there are more survivor organizations similar to the Yamada-gumi in Senzhigaoka City, and sooner or later we will encounter invaders again.

If we want to survive better in this apocalypse, we must develop and grow better. From today on, we must not only avoid sacrifices, but also absorb fresh blood!

As the leader of the martial arts faction, in the eyes of ordinary members, all the cold-blooded and high-handed policies are proposed by the nobles, and only a few people know the role played by the gods Zhu Xia.

It is also because of this that many people have not resisted the fact that Zhu Xia, the god holding Zhu Xia, has management rights.

It is impossible for Li Yalin to stay at St. Isidore University for a long time. In fact, he does not like the atmosphere here very much, so after he left, only Zhu Xia, the god holding him, can be qualified for the post of administrator.

At least in this way, members of the martial arts faction can survive better.

As for the future of the Fighting Faction, everything can only rely on their own efforts. Anyway, it is impossible to live a worse life, isn't it?

With the beautiful 'blueprint' drawn up by himself, Li Yalin believes that Zhu Xia will take it seriously and work hard to develop the martial arts school now, and he has also provided a lot of help for this.

The underground facility built by the Randall Company at San Isidore University was found, and the solar power generation equipment and water purification system were all turned on. The materials were greatly replenished, and there was no need to worry about food in a short period of time.

In addition to the issue of weapons, although Li Yalin did not provide his own firearms, after the defeat of the Yamada group, their weapons were all left over, which can be used to equip members of the martial arts faction.

It seems that the future of the martial arts faction is bright, anyway, there is only so much Li Yalin can do for them.

When everything was over, Li Yalin finally embarked on the road back, but unlike the six people who came, this time, there were two more companions on the way home.

Neither Ryokawa Harose nor Aoshi Shiiko stayed at St. Isidore University, but unlike Aoki Shiko who voluntarily followed, Ryokawa was almost forcibly taken away.

There is no way, as a bookworm, it is extremely difficult for Ryokawa Harise to leave the library. In her opinion, since the intruders have been driven away and the zombies have been cleaned up, she should stay in the library. Right in the library.

But the problem is, despite the current stage of development of the Wudou faction, the degree of danger here is quite high. Does Li Yalin dare to keep the curator Yujie?

No, that is simply impossible!

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