Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 140: The Disillusioned Virus Expert

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

You're welcome.

Li Yalin just smiled slightly in front of Ryokawa Yuanse's thanks.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he is risking his life to save people, but he himself does not feel this way, this is just his task, and he has done his best.


The beauty curator's thanks, he is still very useful, although he didn't show it, but he is in a very good mood now.

Reminiscent of the warm and soft touch before...

system! How many tasks like this you post to me, I will accept them all!

Is the feeling of saving people so good?

Hurry up and change clothes!

There's yet another quest to complete!

Li Yalin likes Li Yalin's type. If possible, he would be happy to communicate more with the beauty curator, but the other party obviously needs to rest right now, so he thinks it's better not to disturb him.

What's more, the third mission released by this system is also to save people, Qing Xizhuizi, just by looking at the name, she is also a girl!

As the saying goes, there are no ugly girls in the second dimension. Although this is the real world, after coming to this world, Li Yalin really didn't find a few ugly girls.

Maybe all the ugly girls have turned into zombies, but at least he hasn't met them yet.

From this, it can be concluded that Qing Xizhuizi will also be very beautiful, and since the other party is a virus expert, the age is probably not too young, it is safe to say that Yu Jie did not run away, that is Li Yalin's favorite.

He is full of expectations for the next rescue mission.

Yes, logically speaking, this is indeed true, and the fact is just as Li Yalin thought, Qing Xi Zhuizi is indeed not ugly, rather, she can be regarded as a mature beauty.

But the question is... what's the matter with this slumped breath from beginning to end?

That appearance with a cigarette in his mouth, frowning brows, and cocked legs has completely destroyed this beauty, hasn't it!

This is the Yujie expert I imagined?

It's true that Yujie is Yujie, and experts are indeed experts, but the problem is, there is no way to equate this with the image in my heart, hey!

Yes, sitting in front of Li Yalin at the moment is Qing Xizhuizi, the target of his third mission.

In fact, meeting her is much simpler than imagined. Unlike the library surrounded by zombies, there are not many zombies wandering around the Science Building, and it is easy to come to the door of the Science Building.

It's just that after arriving at the Lixue building, it was completely sealed off, not to mention that zombies couldn't break through, and even he himself couldn't break in.

He had no choice but to make a violent breakthrough, but just as he was about to destroy the gate of the Science Building, a sudden voice interrupted his movements.

Who are you? Get out of here! You are not welcome here!

It seems that this Lixue Building is safer than imagined. As the owner of this building, Qing Xizhuizi's safety can also be guaranteed. Judging from the other party's attitude, Li Yalin's rescue is meaningless.

Qing Xi Shizi's situation was completely different from that of Rinkawa's, and for a while Li Yalin couldn't figure out why the system issued this third task to him.

This doesn't look like it needs rescue!

I was disgusted by myself, hey!

Although he was complaining in his heart, Li Yalin knew that Qing Xizhuizi, a virus expert, was far more important than Rihe Rizose, because the existence of the other party was very important to fight against the zombie virus.

Without solving this problem, how could Li Yalin leave this world with peace of mind? So he can't really leave with just one word from others. If he misses Qing Xizhuizi, where will he go to find another virus expert in the future?

I heard that there is an expert on viruses here, right?

You... who the hell are you?

Regarding the existence of Qingxi Zhuizi, most people are unaware of it. Whether it is the martial arts faction or the self-willed and degenerate club, they all think that the Lixue building is a closed building, and there is no one in it.

When Li Yalin heard the news, she felt very strange. Although she didn't know why Qing Xizhuizi hid herself, since she had spoken, it meant that she had been exposed, and the conversation could continue.

However, Qing Xizhuizi obviously didn't expect Li Yalin to expose her identity, which surprised her for a while.

You should be the virus expert, right? I wonder how your research on zombie viruses is going?

No comment!

Then what do you think if I say I can help you with your virus research?

Help? How can you help me?

For example... this!

Li Yalin knew that if he wanted to continue the conversation with Qing Xizhuizi, he had to arouse her interest, so what could arouse her interest?

It just so happened that he had a very important intelligence document in his hand.

The staff use the emergency evacuation manual. This is a top-secret document, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to own it. It contains records about the virus, so don't be afraid that you won't be interested in it!

This is……

Sure enough, after Li Yalin took out the emergency evacuation manual, Qing Xizhuizi's voice hesitated, and through the camera lens in front of the door, she could clearly see the contents of the evacuation manual.

Come in.

In the end, Qing Xizhuizi couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart, so Li Yalin entered the Science Building.

And Li Yalin also got his wish and saw the appearance of Qing Xizhuizi himself, and only then did the scene of disillusionment just happen.


I really can't expect anything in return...

At this moment, Li Yalin really wanted to make a gesture of bending forward in frustration, disillusioned, disillusioned, so compared, it really is better to be the curator Yujie!

However, now is not the time to play tricks.

Although disillusioned, what Li Yalin valued more was her status as a virus expert. How to cooperate with her to jointly create a vaccine against the zombie virus was the real focus.

Through this information, it can be confirmed that the Randall Company is indeed the culprit of this incident, so... what do you mean by showing me this information? You plan to go to the Randall Company to find a vaccine?

After reading the emergency evacuation manual, Qing Xizhuizi threw the information on the desktop very rashly. Although there was a lot of information written on it, but also a lot of important information was blacked out, so this is a tasteless, no what effect.

No, the situation of Randall's company is still unclear. I don't intend to take that risk. Let you read this information. I just want to share information with you. By the way, let's see how well you, a virus expert, treat zombies. To what extent has the virus been studied?

In addition, if it is possible, can this zombie virus treatment medicine be copied and mass-produced or even...improved?

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