Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 136 Let's have fun together in the abyss

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Li Yalin knew very well that as the leader of the martial arts faction, the guardian of the gods was still a man, and he had to pull him down.

If you shoot the bird that stands out, if you don't kill the bird, you won't be able to convince the crowd at all.

Now that the noble guardian of the gods has been eliminated, in his opinion, the second person, the god master Zhu Xia, must be wooed. It's just that he didn't expect that his wooing object is so... special.

Master Yalin wants to control the martial arts faction, and the guardian of the noble will be the biggest obstacle. Although he is in a coma now, when he wakes up, he will definitely take revenge on him!

There are three die-hard supporters of the guardian nobleman, all of whom are powerful members of the Fighting Faction. In order to better control the Fighting Faction, I suggest...kill them directly!


This woman is really cruel!

Although he knew that Zhu Xia, the God Holder, was indifferent to life, and the high-handed policy of the martial arts faction had a lot to do with her, but Li Yalin couldn't help it when he heard her vicious plan and saw her unhesitating attempt to erase the obstacles in front of him. He gasped.

Of course, I have to admit that Zhu Xia's idea is correct. If you want to control the martial arts faction, you must eliminate the biggest uneasy factor. Killing the nobleman and his supporters is the easiest and quickest way. it really necessary?

No, what needs to be considered more now is, can such a woman really be in control?

She can betray her companion without hesitation at this moment, and she can even take the initiative to kill her companion, so will she betray herself one day and kill herself without hesitation?

As far as the biggest instability factor is concerned, in Li Yalin's eyes, the threat of Zhu Xia, who is holding God, is far greater than that of protecting nobles!

Do you want to kill her now?

Otherwise, one day, if she turns back on herself, she will definitely be able to drink a pot of it for herself!

Coming to this world where zombies are everywhere, although Li Yalin has never really killed anyone, some people died because of him. He has already made preparations for killing people with his own hands.

It can be said that Zhu Xia, the God Holder, was the first person to trigger the idea of ​​suicide. This woman is really too dangerous!

So... do it?

No... Zhu Xia, the Godly Holder, is still useful. Killing her now will only cause trouble, and it will not do any good for him.

As said before, she is a smart woman, and she will not betray herself until she has enough capital.

Because of her own arrival, Zhu Xia, the divine guardian, will betray the divine protector, so as long as she always maintains her strength and always overwhelms her, she will never have any thoughts of rebellion!

Even if you have thoughts, you dare not fall into actual actions!

Li Yalin has unparalleled confidence in himself, because he is fundamentally different from Zhu Xia, the divine master.

With the rescue system, he will only become stronger and stronger.

If you can't even hold back Zhu Xia, the divine master, how can you talk about completing tasks and making yourself stronger in the future? How can I protect the girls around me?


God hold Zhu Xia, you will become a trial link in my growth, to see if you dare to betray me, or if I can keep you under me forever!

grown ups?

After Zhu Xia finished talking about her plan, she found that Li Yalin on the opposite side had not made a sound. Although there was nothing to be seen from his contemplative expression, the brows that were frowning and stretching at that time made her feel a little disappointed. .

He disagrees with his plan?

Could it be that I guessed wrong, he is not of the same kind as myself?

Yes, the reason why Zhu Xia changed so quickly was because of Li Yalin's strength, and because he was moved by what he said just now.

She has always hated the world, hated the unchanging days, hated the predictable and boring life.

It wasn't until one day that disasters befell this world that she realized that this brand new world was so beautiful. To release her suppressed self and survive in this world as she wanted, that was the life she dreamed of!

Abandoning that old world and rebuilding this brand new world has always been the dream of the divine master Zhu Xia, and it is precisely because of this that she regards Li Yalin, who has the same ideas as herself, as the same kind.

But now...

Zhu Xia, what do you think we need to rely on to rebuild the world and control the rules of the new world?

Li Yalin quickly returned to his mind, and seeing the expression of Zhu Xia, the master, he also had a little understanding in his heart.

He has already made a decision to take Zhu Xia, the God Holder, as the object of his trial, so next, it is naturally his turn!

It is impossible for Zhu Xia, the god of training, to return to the right path, and he has no intention of wasting that time. Since she has fallen into the abyss, let's have fun together in the abyss!

Rely on... strength?

Zhu Xia, the divine master, didn't know what Li Yalin was thinking, nor what his inexplicable question meant, but since he spoke, she couldn't ignore it, so she could only say the answer of strength after a little hesitation.

In this apocalypse, with power, you can have everything.

A good answer, but not entirely correct. Strength is only one of the necessities of survival. Since we want to control the rules, we cannot rely entirely on strength to act. Sometimes, we still need this...

Li Yalin nodded first to the answer given by Zhu Xia, the divine master, and then began to shake his head again. When he finished speaking, his fingers twirled around his temples.

My lord means... wisdom?

Although he didn't quite understand what Li Yalin was trying to say, Zhu Xia, the divine master, could still understand what he said.

It's just that wisdom means...

Only relying on personal power, no matter how powerful it is, is limited. If we want to survive better in this broken world, we must be good at using wisdom and integrating more power.

You and the guardian of the gods chose to manage the fighting faction with high pressure. I personally appreciate this decision, but it is also a very stupid approach.

Abandon if you are suspected of being injured? Do you really understand the importance of labor? And have you considered the issue of people's hearts? How can the team lead if people's hearts are scattered?

The decision to kill the guardian and his supporters is correct, but at the same time, we must also consider the feelings of other survivors. No matter how cold-blooded we are, we must not show it in front of other members!

The guardian of the gods can die, but not now. The top priority is for you to help me control the internal resources of the martial arts faction, and then I will come forward to solve the problem of the Yamada group. Only by internally and externally can we truly control this survivor group! You Do you know what I mean?

Since Zhu Xia couldn't figure it out, Li Yalin helped her figure it out. This woman's thinking is really one-sided, and she should really instill some better ideas in her.

For example... controlling people's hearts.

This is an advanced skill, and it is also the beginning of training the divine master Zhu Xia.

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