Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 125 Not qualified to be called a human

Biquge, the fastest update starts from saving the coffee shop!

Fighters, this is a survivor group formed by the remaining college students of San Isidore University. The goal of this organization is very simple, that is, to survive safely and wait for rescue.

In the apocalypse, almost every survivor organization will have this idea in mind. Like Li Yalin, they will work hard to open up a living environment, and even prepare to become rescuers.

However, Li Yalin didn't have much to say about this point. He was well aware of the horror of the zombie virus outbreak, so he also understood that the arrival of rescue was minimal.

It's just that he couldn't explain these words to everyone, and that would be too shocking.

All in all, this militant faction seems to have formed its own line, and the life of the survivors is quite good. There should be no need for outsiders to intervene. Then, let's talk about the reasons for the outbreak of this conflict.

Although the militant faction has opened up the living space in the school, it is obvious that the survivors of college students are also facing a food crisis. The food in the school alone is not enough to survive. In this case, go out to search for supplies Nature has become an inevitable choice.

Guang Lijing, she is a captain of the search team of the Fighting Faction, and they will appear here today to search for survival supplies.

But the luck of this search team was not very good. They encountered the group of gangsters on the way, and the two sides had a disagreement and clashed.

As for the reason for the conflict, it's actually quite simple. Those gangsters are not good people at all. When they saw the young and beautiful female college students, they immediately became suspicious.

Those who can survive in the apocalypse must not have a few simple characters. They are bullied to the point of being overwhelmed, and Guang Lijing will naturally resist.

It's a pity that Guang Lijing didn't expect that those gangsters had guns and weapons, and they were caught off guard as soon as they came up. What's more, in the chaos, two members of Guang Lijing's team were shot and died.

If they hadn't escaped quickly, the search team might have been dumped.

Did two people die...

After hearing Guang Lijing's narration, Li Yalin subconsciously looked at the gun-wielding gangster who was still lying on the ground. His voice was already very weak due to excessive bleeding. His accomplices were all squatting beside him, but because of the surrounding guns Talk but dare not take any action.

What a worthless guy!

In troubled times, human life is the least valuable, especially in the end of the world. Without restraint, the wicked can be more unscrupulous. This is the best example.

What they committed was all sin!

Just look at that fierce girl, the reason why she was so sad was because her childhood sweetheart, whom she had always regarded as her own brother, was shot to death. She was alive and kicking one moment, but turned into a temperatureless corpse the next moment.

Those people... really deserve to die!

Yalin, the noise just now was a bit loud, and many zombies are gathering in your direction.

In the headset, Yuri's urgent voice suddenly came. As a sniper, in addition to killing the target, she also has to take care of the surrounding movements.

No, there was an action from the zombies, and she notified Li Yalin immediately.

This place is no longer safe, and must be transferred as soon as possible!

Prepare to retreat!

Hearing Yuri's report, Li Yalin made a decisive decision because he also noticed zombies not far away.

This area must be evacuated before the zombies arrive!

These people... what should we do?

Li Yalin gave the order to evacuate, but there were still a few gangsters who could not be dealt with. Everyone knew about the evil deeds of these guys, and they were very disgusted. Guys who were contaminated with human life were not qualified to be called human beings at all!

But no matter how disgusting they are, they are all living beings. Everyone does not think that they have the right to deprive others of their lives, so naturally they don't know how to deal with these guys.

Squat here, don't move!

Shoot these guys?

After listening to Guang Lijing's words, Li Yalin knew that these were a bunch of bastards who didn't want to die. They were wasting food while they were alive, and wasting land when they were dead.

If possible, he would like to kill these guys one by one.

But if he really wanted to shoot, he felt that these people dirty his hands. Although he had already realized it, it was really not worthwhile to let his hands be stained with human life because of these garbage.

But now is not the time to hesitate. After a little hesitation, Li Yalin made up his mind and aimed his gun at these gangsters in front of him, so that they would not dare to move at all.

Everyone get out of here first, I'll be the last one.

A large number of zombies are approaching, and Li Yalin is not prepared to encounter the corpses here, so the girls' retreat is an inevitable choice.

But he himself still stood there without moving, still pointing his gun at those gangsters.

Although they didn't know what Li Yalin wanted to do, the tacit understanding for a long time made everyone have absolute trust in him. Now that he said it, the girls immediately took action and took Guang Lijing and her two companions to evacuate the street.

However, even though they were evacuating, the girls did not walk too fast. Only when Li Yalin also turned around did they really speed up.

This is the mutual watch between companions.

On the other hand, those gangsters who were still squatting on the ground.

Zom... Zombies are coming soon... Help...

Please let us go! Please!

Please forgive us!

It's not that those gangsters don't know that the zombies are approaching. If they can, they also want to jump up and run away, but the problem is, their boss is still lying on the ground, with a black hole pointing at his head, how dare they move? a cent.

What if someone gets upset and rewards themselves with a peanut?

How unjust is that dead?

Don't move, don't make a sound, zombies have very sensitive hearing, as long as you don't make a sound, they won't find you.

Unlike those anxious and frightened gangsters, Li Yalin's expression was very calm at the moment, and he could even smile calmly.

With his reminder, the punks immediately fell silent, not daring to move any more, for fear of making the slightest sound.

In this way, the zombies approached, the zombies found fresh flesh and blood, and the zombies began to bite their prey.

Yes, the gun-wielding gangster was injured enough to attract the attention of the zombies. Even though he tried his best not to speak, he was still discovered.

In contrast, the punks squatting not far from him have not been noticed yet. They all squatted on the ground with their heads covered, and they didn't dare to look out at all.


Good luck to you all.

Seeing the zombies approaching, Li Yalin didn't make a sound, but only mouthed blessings to those gangsters.

If you're lucky, you might survive.


ps: Because there are no manuscripts saved, we can only code and upload chapter by chapter. Although it is impossible to explode too much, we have to fight today! ! !

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