After the incident, the teacher was very angry.

Ye Ran left the principal's office,

without saying a word,

his steps were a little heavy,

part of it was because of the indignation at what Han Qun and Wang Chenghai had done before,

part of it was because of the outrageous punishment of the Penalty Department.

Part of it was because of the attitude of the principal Bai Xu...

The overall situation is important, the overall situation is important,

Be careful everywhere, protect everywhere,

In the end, what did you get in return?

In return for these termites that harm students? In return for the Penalty Department where treacherous people are in power? ? ?

Ye Ran, who has lived two lives, naturally understands what Bai Xu thinks,

But he disagrees,

Why should the situation of universal peace be supported by the grievances of good people? ?

Those girls who were violated, those students who were ruined,

They were in their prime years, their lives had just started,

Who would pay for them? ? ?

Thinking of this,

Ye Ran kicked away the paper ball on the roadside in annoyance,

Walked towards his class,

Han Qun, Zhu Jia...

Ye Ran walked into the classroom while thinking,

But none of the students in the classroom noticed his arrival.

The classroom was full of people at this time,

All the students were looking at something around a table...

"Push harder, push harder, Wang Dachun!!!"

"Hurry up, didn't you eat today? Wang Dachun."

"Wang Dachun, you are the last glory of the boys in our class. If you lose, our entire class will be so ashamed!!"

"Dachun, push harder!! Dachun!!!"

The students chattered,

Everyone was excited to cheer for Wang Dachun.

Without noticing, Ye Ran had quietly squeezed in from the crowd at this moment.

After squeezing in, Ye Ran naturally saw what happened at this table.

At this moment, Wang Dachun was sitting on one side of the table, and opposite him sat another burly man.

Even though Wang Dachun was tall and strong enough,

he never expected that the burly man on the other side was three heads taller than Wang Dachun,

and that strong and swollen muscle was definitely able to completely cover Wang Dachun.

Wang Dachun and the burly man were elbowing against the table, engaging in the most primitive 1v1 confrontation between men.

----- arm wrestling.

At this time, Wang Dachun's face was already red, his teeth were clenched tightly, and his whole body was trembling, as if he had put all his strength on his right hand.

However, looking at the burly man on the opposite side,

he still looked at Wang Dachun calmly,

and turned a deaf ear to the cheers of the students around him.

It was not possible to see that the burly man had used even a little bit of strength.

The burly man was not only very relaxed, but also had time to smile and say to Wang Dachun:

"Young man, you have good strength. It is really rare for someone of your age to have such strength. Are you interested in developing in the military???"

Wang Dachun looked at the burly man breathlessly.

Especially when he saw that the burly man could talk and laugh with him without any effort, his eyes turned red.

Wang Dachun grinned and smiled at the burly man:

"Don't be so confident, uncle!!!"

As he spoke, Wang Dachun's eyes began to turn blood red, and his aura began to change slightly.

One could even vaguely feel the blood mist seeping out of Wang Dachun's pores.

"Hmm???" The burly man saw the changes in Wang Dachun's body and aura,

his eyes lit up slightly, as if he had seen an incredible treasure.

As a result, before Wang Dachun completely transformed into a glutton, a hand suddenly rested on his shoulder. Wang Dachun turned his head and looked in the direction of the owner of the hand. When he saw that it was Ye Ran, he was shocked. Finally, he put away his hand instantly, stood up respectfully, and said stutteringly: "Teacher Ye... Hello, Teacher Ye!" The students who were originally surrounding the arm wrestling competition, saw Ye Ran and sat down in their seats one by one as if they were running away. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to look Ye Ran in the eye. At this moment, only Wang Dachun, Ye Ran and the burly man in front of him were left around the table. The burly man frowned slightly after seeing this scene, as if he was

It was a pity that he didn't see Wang Dachun's performance after his transformation.

However, he was also a little surprised.

In this class,

when the teacher came,

all the students quickly sat in their seats.

The discipline was so strict.

It was not like the rumored "salty fish class" at all.

"Sir, which class are you the teacher of?" Just when the burly man was still confused, Ye Ran's voice came over.

Hearing Ye Ran's question, the burly man stood up in style,

touched his pocket, took out a certificate, and said to Ye Ran:

"You must be Mr. Ye, the head teacher of this class. I am the new assistant teacher of our class. My name is Li Wancheng, please give me your guidance!!"

Ye Ran took the certificate, looked at the photo on the certificate, and then looked at Li Wancheng himself, carefully comparing them,

muttered to himself:

"The assistant teacher the principal is talking about is you......."

Li Wancheng smiled and said:

"You are talking about the assistant teacher. The previous assistant teacher seemed to have something at home and couldn't come. I just took over."

Then Li Wancheng quietly put his head into Ye Ran's ear and said,

"It's this assistant teacher status, and I got it through connections."

Ye Ran couldn't help twitching his mouth when he heard Li Wancheng's outrageous speech.

The principal said that they would equip their class with a platinum-level assistant teacher to prevent the Zhu family's insidious means. But who could have imagined that the assistant teacher who volunteered in front of them was a superhuman? ? ! ... Principal, you said to protect the class,

But this is too thorough...

Ye Ran was a little doubtful for a moment,

I just asked for a super-quality fire crystal core, is it going to be a loss? ? ! !

I don't know whether the principal is crazy or I am crazy...

He took a deep breath,

calmed down,

Ye Ran looked at Li Wancheng with a complicated expression at this time,

Of course he knew that the Magic and Martial Arts Academy would definitely not assign a super-human as an assistant teacher,

So this super-human must have other reasons for coming here,

But a super-human sitting in his class as an assistant teacher,

How can he go to class? ? ?

When he thought that every word and every line of his was under the surveillance of this super-human,

Ye Ran felt like sitting on pins and needles.......


The goods are not what they say, the grade is too high,

I have to ask the principal to return the goods,

But there must be a reason for the return,

If you want to return an assistant teacher,

you naturally need to find out where this extraordinary person is unqualified as an assistant teacher,

Ye Ran followed Li Wancheng's words and asked:

"So when you come to our class as an assistant teacher, the first thing you do is to make a scene in the classroom???"

After hearing this, Li Wancheng spread his fingers helplessly, and finally he looked around at the students,

said indifferently:

"Teacher Ye, it's really not me who led you, why don't you ask the students in our class."


To digress, I saw a lot of comments recently, and a lot of people are talking about Ye Ran's family problems. How should I put it, the Ye family's plot will soon come in, so everyone should be patient. And there has actually been a person in the Ye family (although it is quite special), I wonder if you have noticed it...

Thank you all, if you really like this book, please give it more ratings and send some small gifts, thank you!!

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