Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 681: Well-off mobilization

The employees' facial feedback made Chu Yuanxi feel pretty good.

There are several reasons for a full mobilization. The first is to explain the company's situation. Many IT companies do not explain the recruitment of people at all. Some newcomers in the workplace don’t even know how many departments and project teams the company has. They don’t even consider cooperating with others, nor do they need to consider the work of others in the project team. , Do not need to care.

However, under the okr work system, you can’t do it if you don’t understand it, because the okr system does not tell employees how to do it, only tells employees what rewards are in this task package, how much you need to do to get the rewards, and how to do it. Do it, think for yourself.

This is the result of thinking that Chu Yuan obtained during the Spring Festival.

The essence of this system is to give full play to the talents of employees, but the premise of giving full play to their talents is that employees must understand what resources they may mobilize in order to design a reasonable and efficient work plan. If you don’t know the company’s business structure or know what help other colleagues can provide, design your own work plan without knowing it. There is no essential difference from the work efficiency under the kpi system. Such an okr is nothing more than It's just a gimmick.

But this gimmick has a price and is difficult to manage. The outstanding advantage of kpi is that it is less difficult to manage.

Okr must break the barriers between KPIs, otherwise the disadvantages that are difficult to manage are enough to swallow the slightly improved efficiency, and the general ledger may still be at a loss, and it will not be able to cure the disease of large companies. Therefore, Chu Yuanxi must take the lead in explaining the company's situation, and the future middle-level management will also be the same. He needs to tirelessly explain to the employees the company's situation and what resources can be mobilized, or how difficult it is to manage.

Then there is the sense of ritual of the swearing ceremony. Why do many companies and projects want to engage in formalistic things like oaths, and even sacrifice three sacrifices to the start of film and television projects? Because of the sense of ritual, the effect of this sense of ritual is intangible, but the sense of presence is very strong. It is like adding a buff before the war, and like pressing the button of a rocket launch, it can let employees enter a completely different state. After adding the buff The efficiency is increased by three to fifty percent.

And can unify thinking. The term "unified thinking" is often seen in news networks, but in fact it is urgently needed by any group company to avoid internal friction to the greatest extent. Chu Yuanxi couldn't wait to put out the fire after internal friction occurred, especially when he had experience in the original world once, knowing where something might go wrong, vaccinating in advance was an inevitable option.

In fact, before the mobilization meeting, Chu Yuanxi had already convened a small meeting with the management. The core idea is not to hate troubles, embrace troubles, and when faced with troubles, first consider whether it is beneficial to the company, and then consider actual benefits. The rewards under the okr system can obviously be allocated by the person who takes the task, and of course part of the rewards can also be distributed to those who provide him with help.

To employees, he also said: “Maybe many new colleagues have never been in contact with the company’s okr system. Although the human resources team has explained to each new colleague according to the process, but put yourself in the position, I am you, I probably I also don’t understand the essential difference between OKR and the KPI system I’m familiar with. Isn’t it all done to see the effect?

Please read the work manual repeatedly for specific content. Now I want to tell you the essence of it. Not only will you often have doubts in our company, but you will also be frequently "troubled" by others.

In the process of completing your job, you will encounter colleagues from different departments to trouble you, especially those in middle management positions. I expect that there will be many ordinary employees from other departments to harass you, and you need to provide some possibilities. Help that is irrelevant to the work of both parties. Most of them are advisory, and a few of them may produce substantial work content. At this time, the other party should assign you certain okr task rewards, or other methods, in short, you cannot do it for nothing.

Don't be afraid of trouble. If you want to mix well in this company, you should not only be afraid of trouble, but also actively trouble others. Otherwise, if you accept the task under okr, you cannot design a good work plan. The final result is that the task will not be assigned to you unless you are the only applicant.

This okr system is not that whoever receives the task first gets the task, you need to provide a high-quality work plan to the company for review, which is very critical.

We only look at the results and not the process. The results of not receiving tasks and not receiving tasks are the same. If there is a team that is always waiting for the company to assign work, I especially don't want this to happen. Similarly, if anyone is particularly unwilling to be troubled by others, you are also very, very close to leaving because you will hinder the healthy operation of the entire company.

Indifferent people, people who only sweep the snow in front of their own door, can't get along in this company, and providing help to others is the best way to help themselves. We are an open, enthusiastic, and enterprising company. If you are a self-closing character, you will either try to change yourself or withdraw in time. Everyone will forget about it.

I am a very straightforward person. I like to say ugly words first, and then we will draw pie after the ugly words. I consider the above to be your responsibilities and obligations. Let’s talk about rights and rewards. When drawing this pie, I want to emphasize another word sharing.

What is the picture of working in a startup company? Start-up companies generally work a lot of overtime, which consumes a lot of employees' time, and you have to be proactive, in one sentence, uneasy and average salary. However, startups generally provide options to share the company's success with employees.

Our company is more special. If you don’t know the Pakistani Group, you can communicate with people who know it. The Pakistani Group supports employees’ internal incubation and entrepreneurship. The first incubation company has been established. People are a planner of the game team.

Xiaokang’s future support for employees is not only to support entrepreneurship, because our company’s attributes are relatively special. On the one hand, resources are relatively abundant. On the other hand, I estimate that a certain proportion of colleagues are not interested in entrepreneurship, and the company can provide support It's also much more than just starting a business.

However, I would like to remind everyone that in this company, those who can share the fruits of the company's growth must be people who are willing to share with others. Your zodiac sign can be gluttony, but it must not be Paixiu, so I emphasized ‘share’.

Finally, let’s talk about the allocation of options and the promotion system within the company..."

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