Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 383: team building

Chu Yuanxi looked dazed: "How do you know so clearly?"

"My wife is technical art." Jiang Bo touched the back of his head and said with embarrassment.

"But what I want to say has nothing to do with the economic cold winter." Chu Yuanxi glared at Jiang Bo, "What I want to say is not the 13th salary, but the project's running bonus, which is a bonus, idiot! You can give yourself too much. Adding to the show!"

Jiang Bo was stunned again.

"Your current salary is relatively high, but there is no project turnover bonus. Do you understand this state? If you want to come over, you still have to maintain your current salary, no problem. Then the project will make money in the future. Game companies have this tradition. You have to distribute some of the profits to the production team. At that time, others took more bonuses, but you took less bonuses. Can you accept it?"

" much is this running bonus, can you briefly talk about it?" Jiang Bo was not stunned this time. When it comes to money, even an otaku can immediately become energetic.

"Ah, the company I used to stay at gave the project team a bonus of 10% of the game flow." Chu Yuanxi said as Jiang Bo's eyes brightened, he secretly smiled, and then said: "However, each member has a bonus according to his rank. An approximate cap, the approximate upper limit is 20,000 per person per month."

Jiang Bo was as committed as a discouraged ball. He still knows a little bit about the situation of Pakistani entertainment, not only because of this work, but also the attributes of the Pakistani themselves are very close to the otaku, even as an individual user, it is easy to reach.

Taking the tcg mobile game as an example, the monthly turnover is assumed to be 30 million. If the bonus is 10%, the team will get 3 million bonuses every month. The average of ten people is 300,000. Twenty thousand people, this difference is also far away...

Chu Yuanxi smiled and continued: "This bonus strategy is meaningless. The main reason is that the bonus cap is too low, and the broken company did not stick to it. My plan is not to set a fixed bonus standard, depending on the specific situation. Anyway, you guys. I can take care of the work situation in my eyes, and there are not too many people to take care of."

"What kind of standard is this without a standard?"

"Let’s put it this way, no less than 1%. Now that the market situation is no longer 10%, 1% is a lot. For example, if the monthly turnover is 100 million, the actual distribution is not less than 1 million to the team. As for who to send I'll talk about it later." Chu Yuanxi paused when he said that, "However, if you stick to the original salary, the bonus will be halved. This may cause the actual payout to be less than 1%."

"I..." Jiang Bo muttered in a low voice, vomiting, "I heard that good bosses talk about money, and bad bosses talk about feelings and ideals. Is it good for you to have problems?"

"So I count it, the boss of the chicken thief? Hahaha—" Chu Yuanxi wrote this method into text and printed it out and gave it to Jiang Bo, and then gave him the list of employees he was going to leave. Send this list back and let everyone think about it. Before leaving get off work, tell me whether I am willing to stay in the company and which salary and bonus method I choose. I'm good to make a contract."

After sending Jiang Bo away, Chu Yuanxi felt that half of the matter was completed, and the other half was the employees from the Pakistani who were going to transfer.

Tcg has just started to recruit people, and the main program and project manager Zhao Jie will be transferred, and the key planner of card design Yang Jiangang will also be transferred. This is a big test for the project team, which is equivalent to removing the backbone. It took a while. There are still people who can top the back-end main course. Yang Jiangang's card design is not easy to find people. It seems that he will have to run on both sides for a while.

Moreover, the main gameplay designed by Chu Yuanxi is very novel, and it is estimated that it will kill a large number of brain cells in Yang Jiangang.

That being said, it's time to take a trip to Pengfei Technology. Li Zhaokai has survived without bankruptcy. He is also a talent!

So he found Renzi Mulian and told her that you are doing this, and then you are doing this. Mu Lian was fascinated when he heard it: "Are you doing this for recruiting or revenge?"

She has not been in the company for a short time. As a human resource, the gossip has already been done. In the company, Pengfei Technology had a lot of employees. She probably knew Chu Yuanxi's grievances with her old boss.

"Obviously it is to recruit people. If Pengfei Technology allows us to recruit people, it will be easy to handle. The problem is that it must not be allowed." Chu Yuanxi laughed and asked Mu Lian to do it quickly.

Mu Lian was very reluctant: "This is almost off work, it's past four o'clock, how about tomorrow?"

Chu Yuanxi waved his hand: "Tomorrow and tomorrow, how many days are tomorrow? If you let you go, you can go, and collect your resume before you get off work."

Soon, on the road outside the gate of Pengfei Technology, Mu Lian led people to move to a simple table, with a small flag next to it, and two large letters-recruitment. Then she moved a little Mazha to sit behind the table, looking like Jiang Taigong was fishing.

On the other side, Chu Yuanxi directly posted in the circle of friends-old brothers, the purple copy of "Animal Company" teamed up, two planning cards were lacking, and two back-end servers, high-level come to the copy entrance to step on the copy.

So in an instant a huge wave surged within Pengfei Technology, especially in the R&D area. Although there were not many people left, but immediately, all the work at hand could not be done, and they were spreading about this friend. ring. Many people feel dizzy, because at a glance, they thought it was the dungeon team in World of Warcraft calling someone...

The bottom of this circle of friends has become a forum, because the people who leave a message and those who follow this message are basically friends with each other, and each other can see everyone's words.

Young and white, Yang Pengfei, assistant to the president, Yang Lu: Why don’t you hire an executive?

Kiki Pengfei Accountant Ye Si: His family does not need But is it lack of finance? I can be a CFO.

Fan Liunian, Director of Pengfei Legal Affairs: Give up upstairs, what kind of CFO does someone just need to finance. But may need legal affairs?

For Xiao Fan, Chu Yuanxi is still very optimistic, at least knows how to fight every inch of the land according to the law, which is much better than the legal affairs like many humanoid stamps. But it's a pity that there is no shortage of administrative legal affairs and financial affairs now. Not only does Chu Yuanxi have to find work for them, or they will all get sick.

Why no one left a message for planning and programmers? Because they all went to the door to watch Mulian.

In fact, Chu Yuanxi already had someone he wanted to recruit, and he could secretly contact him, just like the entire tcg team had been poaching. However, this will not allow Li Zhaokai to have a deep understanding, and it will not help Chu Yuanxi to sort out his team relationship. After all, I invite you to come and you are willing to come. In both cases, I actually need you, but it feels like it is far away. .

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