Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 377: Kill the liar


It can be said that the gold coins in the early stage of the game are a weapon of the Card Death Trench, which makes them unable to upgrade even if they get a large number of cards. Therefore, there is a limit on the number of times that diamonds can be exchanged for gold coins. Therefore, spending 1,000 yuan to get 1 million gold coins is simply a beautiful death.

And after this information was sent, many people were fooled, because online transactions are too common now. Although there are many scammers, there are more players who have not been scammed. New players are born every day, only the scammers. After the pit, it hurts my heart and I never even play games again.

In particular, this TCG game of Pakistani Entertainment makes the black eyes shine.

Although many games are hot, most of the players who come in are old players. Old players are not easy to cheat! The TCG game itself is a niche player, and it is still a fan-oriented game of Pakistani people. There should not be too many new players coming in! Most of them have not been baptized by a liar, and they are tender like little white sheep. Isn't this a godsend opportunity?

He has entrusted the programmer of Langtao Information to change him a tcg version of the marquee robot, which will soon be able to automatically switch the server to push the information stream, and completely free his hands. Wouldn't it be lying down and counting money?

While he was frantically switching the server to push the fraudulent information, WeChat suddenly rang and connected, and Yin Ling's voice came from inside: "Brother Black, why haven't you started the server after a long time?"

Yin Ling was brought by him to partner. Now the scammers have also upgraded. In the past, the set on Taobao didn’t work well. Today’s scammers all understand the player’s psychology and know how to use female voices to communicate directly with the hooked players.

The logic of their fraud is actually very simple-we are internal, we have an internal gift package code, and the gift package code is not a problem. Check the WeChat Moments used for scams, it looks real.

Heizui was fascinated at the time: "I started it a long time ago, I have been using it for a long time."

"That's not possible!" Yin Ling screamed, "I haven't seen your message after staring at it for a long time. Have you posted it in the free chat area?"

"No, I brushed the marquee with drilled hair. I watched the marquee floated by me—wait!" Heizui was suddenly taken aback, because after so long, what he posted was very cool, but why didn't there any One is blocked? Is this wrong? Isn't this game of Pakistani Entertainment not even superficial and does not block any keywords?

He opened all the mailboxes on several mobile phones, empty! What is going on here? It costs money to send a marquee, a 100 diamonds, so it costs five yuan to include the service activity!

At this moment, suddenly, his account screen changed, unexpectedly jumped out of the game interface, and jumped back to the login interface?

Heizui subconsciously clicked to log in, and immediately, a prompt popped up: Your account is suspected of fraud and all rights have been stopped.

"Fuck!" Heizui turned his head, several mobile phones were exactly the same! He suddenly let out a scream: "I'm **** Chu Yuanxi, I have to sue you! My recharge--"

On the other side, Chu Yuanxi clicked to confirm with a grin, hacked to death more than a hundred scammer accounts, and then began to prepare for Apple's service opening. The Apple server was 2 hours behind, and the brilliant public beta started at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Apple certainly doesn't have so many people on its official website, and he has prepared 70 sets of servers for today's opening of the server. No matter what, it must be enough.

He didn't expect that his humble little Mengxin game was so tricky, and it was totally unreasonable that a hundred liars came in less than two hours after noon!

Liars are a special group that exists in many games, and the reason why they have the soil to survive is simply because the game company is lazy.

How lazy? Most game companies have perfunctory attitudes towards scammers to set some keywords, and then check all the conversations sent by the players on the client side. Anything that contains keywords is not allowed. This is called keyword blocking.

There is no bird's effect in doing so. The power is one foot high and the magic is high. The liar only needs a very short time to get around 10,000 ways to circumvent the blocking words. The poor novice player should be deceived or deceived.

The strategy adopted by Baren Entertainment is to filter out crooks and set up a verification server, and extract all the information sent by players, no matter which server, and put it on the verification server. Then, check for duplicates anytime, anywhere!

Anyone who finds out exactly the same information on different servers is very likely to be fraudulent information and must be reported to the police. Because basically only crooks will round all servers and copy and paste.

In the unlikely event that a player actually goes to each server to send messages and form a cross-server guild, it will not be uniform, so it cannot be generalized. At this time, keywords will come in handy.

If the alarm information is identified as fraudulent information after being screened by keywords, the tcg game's processing method is that the money spent by the scammer should not be saved for them. The marquee information can be floated locally on his mobile phone, but it is not available to the full server. broadcast. In this way, the fraudulent information is completely filtered out, and the scammer cheerfully thinks that his information has been sent out, and cannot see the abnormality locally, in fact, other players can't see it at all.

When the scammer reacted, it was no more than the title. The scammer didn't know the problem until he died, and only the initial few pieces of fraud information could be sent.

There are actually a lot of scammers on Apple servers, because Apple players are rich, so they make one if they cheat.

Because the big guilds that Chu Yuanxi hooked up basically all entered the Apple server, the marquee information on the Apple server changed drastically:

"Prosperity Guild recruits people, as long as local tyrants, VIP9 or above come!"

"The official support club of ycy came to help, and the villagers came to join the guild at speed to build our animal company together~~"

"Excalibur Guild was shocked to move in. Tonight, the live broadcast will open 100 purple treasure boxes, Dou Sha searched the Excalibur Guild live room——"

Chu Yuanxi fought to protect this group of local tyrants on an invisible front all afternoon, and by night, the results of the battle can basically be checked.

More than 200,000 people came in on the official Android website at the first time, 800,000 registered throughout the day, more than 500,000 experienced novice guidance, and 350,000 played more than 30 minutes. A total of 300,000 people have entered the Apple server, and the game often reaches 150,000 in over 30 minutes. This data can be said to be extremely satisfactory.

The TapTap score dropped to 8.9, which was still above the pass line. Chu Yuanxi felt that the reason for the drop might be that the game content was relatively monotonous, similar to the royal conflict. There was only PK between players and no copy of the picture, which made many people uncomfortable. Celestial players, especially old players, are most accustomed to games that have no brains. One level after another is a goal. Passing levels can give players a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

This can be regarded as a goal worthy of optimization in the later stage. The reason why it did not become a checkpoint is because Yang Jiangang was committed to obsessive-compulsive disorder. He thinks that the so-called level must have a certain routine to be considered a level. In other words, it must be able to stop the player from ordering something. For example, he must pursue a certain card. It is difficult to pass without this card, or he must use a certain style of play to pass. , To guide players in directional pursuit.

However, it is difficult for TCG games to achieve this kind of card point, because there are so many different styles of play, too many to be difficult to plan, and it is impossible to make an obvious level.

However, after the game is launched, it must be updated with major functions. A set of copies will be added later, and Xue Ming's robot will be pulled up. Each robot will bring a different hand card.

Finally, I took a look at the recharge. The number of recharges on the first day was quite sluggish. The game is not a high-value game, especially the group of players who have followed me a few months ago. Although the game has a high enthusiasm, it is not new. , The enthusiasm for recharging is very low, coupled with the various restrictions on RMB fighters in the game and the cheating second diamond rule, the enthusiasm for recharging must be hit hard.

Moreover, some of them have already recharged in the previous file deletion test, and these recharges have to be doubled back on the first day, and there is no recharge motivation. In theory, they are the main force for the first day of recharge.

In the end, the top-up Android official website on the first day was about 2 million, and Apple was less than 1 million. Probably the old players chose Apple instead?

Chu Yuanxi contacted a few game guilds to enter, but did not seduce them to recharge or recharge. He waited until the mobile game of "Troubled Times" to go on such a high ARPU game before letting them release the charge. This resource network Not worth using on tcg.

His main purpose of contacting the guild is to spread. Once these guild players are happy, there are many potential players on their social chain. They are guilds that span multiple games, and the number of players that can be affected is huge~www last point is the result of the gift package on the comic service account.

This is the first battle of the service account. There are millions of gift packs sent out in one day, and the number of followers has soared by 800,000. This gift pack is forcibly guided from the game.

As long as you pay more attention to a service account, you can receive a gift package, and most players are still willing. Chu Yuanxi is concerned about whether the number of clicks on comics has increased significantly.

The service account after the divergence is nominally only updating "Out of the Wind", "Animal Company" belongs to the pet account, but the service account also takes into account the distribution of animal company game gift packages. Diversion, it has been a month since the beginning of June, and now there are about 1 million fans on the pet account and the service account, but the pet account originally had 500,000 fans, and the service account basically started from scratch. It is still growing rapidly.

This diversion will definitely have an impact on the clicks of the comics. At least "A World of Disorder" has dropped from 300,000 pieces to barely 100,000.

The diversion method of Baren Entertainment is to update the main account and service account together at the beginning, and then the main account no longer changes the content, only update prompts and links are sent to guide users to the service account, this process will definitely have a relatively large delay And the distressing loss.

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