Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 955: I thought of watching the live broadcast

In short, although Lu Yu is suspected of taking advantage of others, it should be said that this event has reached its limit, and the effect can only be resigned.

   Chu Yuanxi puts aside this worry and can care about Zhao Jie. He had already chatted with the four overseas operation candidates separately, and finally licked Wilham for a long time, and they were not moved by him. As soon as he heard that the president and CEO had nothing to do, they stopped talking.

   This made Zhao Jie very hurt, and Warren Eric is also a big boss, but he is willing to come and talk, but the salary is too high! So Zhao Jie approached Chu Yuanxi, hoping that the Pakistani group would follow the example of the Suzuki Yu team, put the boss’s salary pipeline in the group, and then work on the Gobi network.

  Chu Yuanxi hesitated, and said, "This big guy is planning to take away the salary of Yu Suzuki's team, but you only hired an overseas operator. Is it worth it?"

   Zhao Jie died at that time, because the work done by the Suzuki Yu team is visible to the naked eye, and you get what you pay for. The difficulties to be overcome are laid out for dismantling, and the mature team is efficient. In short, the money is not lost. But he feels bad.

   Then Chu Yuanxi added: "You are already a mature CEO, and you have to learn to be self-sufficient."

  Zhao Jie immediately spouted many mouthfuls of blood, and said that if Gobi Network spends his "self" money, what a fuck? How can startups be responsible for their own profits and losses? However, it makes sense to understand that you control your cash flow. It seems that you must consider the issue of salary expenditure, so you can only miss it.

   Ms. Amy is actually an option, but Chu Yuanxi instinctively dislikes her. First of all, after she left Uncharted, what she ran to do was AR games, which was mainly research and development work and had little to do with operations. Then her business failed. In other words, she either fell to the ground before entering the operation stage, did not get operational training, or died in the operation, and accumulated some failure experience.

   Considering that she was doing content before, not an operator, so even though the writer said she knows everything, Chu Yuanxi didn't want Zhao Jie to recruit her. After all, what Gobi Network needs is an operation expert in North America, not a person who knows everything.

   So Zhao Jie was surprised to find that there was only one option for industry influencers, and then found that the communication was very smooth, and he happily agreed to go to the Imperial Capital of the Kingdom for a walk.

   So on Friday, December 13, Susan Bell drove over.

   This was in Chu Yuanxi's expectation, after all, he felt that he had grasped the other party's mentality. So he asked to observe this meeting.

   Zhao Jie is very surprised, is your heart not busy?

Although Chu Yuanxi did not go to Eastern Guangdong Province, the Xiaokang flagship store was cut and opened yesterday, and the configuration of the Xiaokang store supports live broadcast. So Chu Yuanxi watched the live broadcast for a few hours. Why is it so idle today? ?

   But in fact, Chu Yuanxi had already prepared Plan B for Zhao Jie. After a brief interview, if the four candidates of Plan A did not succeed, he would start Plan B.

   Soon, a big ocean horse with flaming red lips walked into Zhao Jie's office, visible to the naked eye, the members of the Pakistani side looked back in an orderly manner like a wave of wheat blown by the wind.

   Chu Yuanxi has seen a lot of women, and he said that this girl may not be so good-looking. The American business must be quite high. No wonder she can become an industry influencer. In the online celebrity business, technical ability is of course very important, but externally it is also a very big plus.

   The person was picked up by Monica, and after entering the office, Monica briefly introduced Zhao Jie and Chu Yuanxi. Chu Yuanxi lifted his head from the laptop screen in front of him, showing a faint smile, raising his hand and saying, "I'll just listen, you talk, I won't talk."

   This matter is also related to Monica, she is not only responsible for translation. Monica will share tasks with Zhao Jie, Gobi Network will be responsible for operations, and Pakistan's Overseas Development Division will be responsible for advertising. So if Susan Bell joins the job, Monica will work with her in the future, so Monica will also talk to her.

Monica especially didn't want the scene like "After meeting, it was a greeting, and after the greeting it was saying that I was fat", so she waited for Chu Yuanxi to put her hand down and immediately said, "Susan, let's communicate directly. In your plan, How long is the time allocated for this journey?"

   Zhao Jie is a serious senior programmer. He has to go to github every day. After years of practical training, his English foundation is much better than Chu Yuanxi's reading ability. When the tide is rising, his listening is not bad, only the spoken language almost means.

   When he heard Monica’s question, he was a little confused, and asked the little black girl to talk to Bengli or something? Even if you ask, I am the protagonist today! I say this!

I saw Susan blinking her long eyelashes first, and then steadily took a sip from the disposable water cup, and then said: "Time is flexible, and it mainly depends on whether you know how to operate. If you don't understand, It is probably no different from the previous ones."

  Chu Yuan Xixin said that these eyelashes are 100% received. Wouldn’t you be tired from receiving such long eyelashes? However, the aura that Susan speaks with the outline of blonde and blue eyes is a bit like a widow sister, I don't know if it is deliberately imitated or is born like this.

   But Zhao Jie has no time to appreciate the beauty of the other party, because this is not a politically correct answer. Of course, the questions asked are even more wicked. Susan's answer is quite an interviewer's meaning in it, meaning: It's time for you to show yourself.

   This kind of situation rarely happens in the usual interview, because the big cows who are qualified to play this role will not go through the interview process, even if they go, they usually go through the process. So Monica was still quite surprised, but considering that this was a transoceanic interview, she translated it truthfully. Of course, only Chu Yuanxi needed her translation.

   But Zhao Jie didn't feel abnormal, because the interview of the Pakistani Group was like an equal. Even if it is an interview with ordinary employees, it is not the interviewer who keeps asking questions, but introduces the situation of the company, the situation of the project, and what kind of people need to be recruited to do what, so that the interviewer can talk to the company Produce a little intuitive understanding, if he has not done an in-depth understanding beforehand.

  This interview style was originally proposed to HR by a group of R&D personnel such as Zhao Jie and Yang Jiangang, requesting that HR must conduct corresponding training when framing the interviewer group within the enterprise, and hand the stage to the applicant during the interview.

   Chu Yuanxi still supports this kind of motion. The main reason is that although the Pakistani media was relatively successful at that time, the game development and operation had not yet been successful. Therefore, these old workplaces are very afraid of Pakistani programmers or have no experience when planning to interview others. They don't pay attention to the feelings of the other person, and then they can't recruit people.

So Zhao Jie didn’t feel any discomfort. He hurriedly said, “This topic is too broad. Operation? Gobi Network’s parent company Baren Group started by operating fans, but we don’t know how to operate in North America, so You need to rely on your talents."

   Monica rolled her eyes quickly, and said to her heart why are you so gentle? How to turn this stuff? yenius?

Soon after listening to Monica’s translation, Susan immediately asked: “As far as I know, your company’s goal in North America is to operate both apps and fans? What’s your plan? Suppose you fail. Recruit suitable local operations specialists in North America."

   Chu Yuanxi was listening beside her, feeling that the other party was a bit level. It is precisely because the two need to operate at the same time, they have to cross each other, the difficulty is relatively high, and the required technical content is very high, so Zhao Jie's only regular executive team is not enough, and he needs a local operation expert in North America.

   How high is this technical content? High enough to be Chu Yuanxi's arrogance, there is still nothing to help.

   I saw Zhao Jie scratching his head: "It's probably just to find some examples of successful operations in North America, and then try to achieve the level of others? At least APP operation still has many precedents."

   Monica had to stop and asked Zhao Jie in Chinese, "Isn't this a copycat? Let's say that, is it really good?"

   Zhao Jiexin said that it’s not as direct as you, turn it over!

Unexpectedly, Susan did not despise the copycat behavior itself after the flipping, but still said very contemptuously: "Then I guess I can save your company. Your method is estimated to be to give the operation team a KPI and let them follow others. I’ve done it with the experience, but I don’t know that the update of experience can’t keep up with the speed of the world’s changes.

   Zhao Jiexin said that this chick is crazy enough! She looked like she was only in her 20s, and she looked like she was inseparable from herself. She and Monica would even talk about her age, but the degree of arrogance went straight to Chu Yuanxi!

   However, Chu Yuanxi stopped browsing the report instead.

   He is working on a structure and is preparing to open Sun's company under the Pakistani information, which will be used to operate the virtual idol of station B alone. The reason why he has to carry it out is because he intends to make this virtual idol with Zhou Minxi's image and person as a prototype, and then add some stories and events to enrich the virtual personality.

   In this way, Zhou Minxi should have a small share of shares. This matter is best to take out the framework before he leaves for Eastern Guangdong Province.

   Of course, this idea is not particularly mature, because how to build a virtual idol, even the otaku in Suzuki Yu’s team is divided into several factions. So Chu Yuanxi took advantage of the free time to design the company structure first. This is not an incubation company, nor does it allow Zhou Minxi to be the CEO to start a business. Pakistani people need to continue to inject capital to operate, so the establishment of the equity structure is definitely different from that of ordinary companies.

   But Susan Bell's words unexpectedly aroused his interest. Of course, he promised not to speak, so he would never speak.

   I only listened to Monica’s question: “But as far as I know, many successful apps do this when they are launched in North America? Especially those of Israeli companies.”

"They don't understand operation at all." Susan said unwillingly: "In the success of APP, is it because the APP itself is full of whimsical ideas and solving user pain points makes the APP burst, or does the operation generate value? What is the reason? What is the result ?You must not be able to sum up its operation process as the cause because of the success of a certain project. It is possible that these operations are actually useless, and what makes it successful is to steal the users and make good use of it, which is very efficient and produces value ."

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that you will not show off soon, I know you have work experience on Facebook...

Just listen to Susan then said: "For example, let's lose weight with salad. Eat only salad and keep exercising to lose weight. Then, are people losing weight because of exercise or because they control calorie intake? The operator learns from others. The experience is right, but a better way is to use the phenomenon to figure out why others are successful, and then use it. Of course, it doesn’t apply to me.”

   "What is your operating method?" Zhao Jie said, thinking that this better method is actually quite good, and not everyone has the ability to sort out the reasons for others' success.

"The way I prefer is to first understand the target user, then let myself empathize, and finally design the operation scenario through empathy. Promotion with this degree of operation can make users more trust in the product, and people in the data age The distance between them is infinite, and trust is the most valuable currency."

   Chu Yuanxi did not speak, but sent Zhao Jie a message on WeChat: Let’s try it first, right? I think it's okay, but the salary is not high anyway.

   After reading the phone, Zhao Jie asked you not to speak? I don't want face?

He must ask another question, think about it, and ask with a little aggressiveness: "Susan, what I am more curious about is that every time you leave a company, you write an article to rate the other party. What is the purpose? What? Although it’s really interesting for fans, it’s not your usual way of attracting fans because the frequency is too low."

Susan had a rich interview experience. At this time, when she heard Zhao Jie’s question, she suddenly smiled exaggeratedly, "Your question is actually what prompted me to write a blog. Every time I have a professional experience, there are always many from the beginning of the interview. Slots, some have to vomit. But because you have already joined the job, you can't diss the boss during your employment, right? So accumulate it and wait until you leave.

   You don’t know how ridiculous some companies are. What is the point of frequently asking me to write this kind of blog? People don't live for meaning. This is my pleasure. I come to work for this pleasure. "

   Zhao Jie was panicked, because he felt that he didn't seem to have enough strength to control this young lady.

   Chu Yuanxi left with satisfaction when he heard this, and he also made an appointment with Cao Xiang to chat again.

Cao Xiang can compromise on the issue of the health currency on the chain, because it is impossible to have an ultimate solution, which is to list the health currency of the on-chain money as one currency, and then list it as another after the chain, so as not to interfere with each other. After being wound up, the former is equivalent to stopping production, and it is easier to recycle.

   It's just that this will have a certain impact on Xiaokang's overall operation strategy, so Chu Yuanxi didn't like this plan.

   Cao Xiang's mentality is still unstable, and he still needs to appease him.

   If it were someone else, Chu Yuanxi felt that using her persuasive ability to appease once would definitely solve the problem. But Cao Xiang is really different. Using the well-off future prospects, his options, etc., things are not particularly effective. Although people have a longing for money, they are relatively low and have a heavier career ambition, but it is not on the value and title, but on the combination of technology and industry.

   In other words, Cao Xiang is more enthusiastic about the huge value of his technology, which is reflected in the lives of the people, and affects thousands of households, compared to the hundreds of millions of returns that he can obtain in the future. The industry status established in this way is his pursuit.

   Now Chu Yuanxi needs him to believe that Xiaokang is the big stage, and perfecting Xiaokang's functions will allow his technology to affect hundreds of millions of users.

"Really not, President Chu, Chu Yuanxi, you don't understand." Cao Xiang said distressedly, "Although the position provided by Xiaokang is very suitable for me, I also allow me to carry out trial and error and development in the environment of'internal and external chain', but , But I always feel that the work I am doing is not the most meaningful direction."

   "What is the most meaningful direction?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that your significance now is very big, OK? After your work is completed, you can hang up hundreds of millions of users! "The work you are doing now can enable Xiaokang to obtain huge cloud resources in the field of edge computing, and at the same time allow users' equipment to be used most efficiently, resulting in a win-win situation. Isn't that meaningful?"

   "Big, but also small." Cao Xiang had something in his heart and didn't know what to say. After summing up for a long time, he said: "The most valuable direction in this field is mutual gold."

what? What? Internet banking? Chu Yuanxi said, isn't this something that everyone shouts and beats the street? Even the country couldn't bear it and started to deal with it hard. Do you know how many arrests have been made in the past two months? The beautiful car caught more than a thousand shots...

Cao Xiang saw Chu Yuanxi’s disapproval, and patiently explained: “This is Mr. Chu, what is the most suitable application scenario for blockchain technology? There are multiple parties involved, and at the same time, multiple parties have a strong synchronization of recording information and Scenarios for synchronously obtaining information update requirements.

  For example, transfers between multiple banks, or even cross-border transfers, in this scenario, blockchain technology can greatly improve efficiency. What is the most afraid of cross-border and cross-bank transfer? It is money laundering and illegal transfer of property, so complicated procedures and barriers have been set up. With blockchain, money laundering can be made difficult and procedures simple. This leaves a huge profit margin for the You must understand.

  In the financial sector, which one needs information transparency the most? Not cross-border transfers, but Internet finance.

Look at how many P2P runs, but if the money on your special account is transferred, you can get an alarm at the same time it is transferred, and you can know wherever it is transferred, and you can trace the source. After finding out whether the investment failed or was transferred to an unknown account, how difficult is it to run the mutual funds?

  In this way, trust can be generated, and mutual gold has become a serious industry from a crossroad mouse. "

   Chu Yuan Xixin said that you still plan to save an industry? "Old Cao, where did you come from?"

   "Hey." Cao Xiang smiled suddenly, "Recently Zhu Yun asked me a question. I just watched the live broadcast she said, and then thought of it."


   Thanks to the savage song and the big rewards of sME.

   Thank you for your big rewards, such as Liangchao, Doudou 1974, Coke Jun 222, Youzi Guigen, etc.

  Thanks to Iron Man, Fei Fei A, Chiguo Yuzu, Xia Yang 1988, Great Sword Ranger, determined to be a villain, stubborn carrot, Mo Shang Chennuo, hot soup and several digital ID book friends for their rewards.

   I haven't thanked you for nearly 40 days. The friends who rewarded me at the end of November have been dragging and not thanking them. They are very rude. The author is apologetic.

   Mainly because I am used to accumulating a little more people, thank you again, otherwise you will lose face when looking at the lonely blame, and the result will be...

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