Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 925: Several major events in Pakistani media

In the game organized by the Leap Villa Organization, Chu Yuanxi of course played the role of a bank. He temporarily adjusted product prices to several companies and killed him. If he weren't the president of Xiaokang and Ba Ren, tomatoes and eggs May be greeted.

In fact, the role of the bank is somewhat similar to the "castle lord" in Dungeons and Dragons games. It does not directly participate in the decision-making and actions of adventurers, but it is very important. Every instruction may affect the appearance of monsters on the map. It belongs to fighting with adventurers. The unbreakable role is very detached.

The bank is the same. If you move to a variety show, it will still be quite interesting, but Chu Yuanxi is still confused: "You are all right, but how tall the variety show is now. Take a look at Brother Xiao Ming's plain language In the show, people went to Italy to open a Chinese restaurant with real guns. The chef of the state banquet personally listened to their blind instructions. If you get a ticket for a traffic star to start a company, the process is too long, but you stay in the house. Playing table games, isn’t it a bit low?"

The "manager game" is actually the same as the Dungeons and Dragons. Although there are many props, various bookkeeping, and even financial methods are used to recover the payment, adjust profits, and affect profits and taxes and loans, but it is essentially a table game. .

Chu Yuanxi didn't understand. If the "manager game" could be put on the screen of variety show, Dungeons and Dragons would actually be more exciting, with more mature rules, and fun battles, and there would be a certain audience base and traffic. Star blessings, don’t worry about fans jumping out of the field because they don’t understand. Isn’t it good to play dnd directly in variety shows?

This question was hit by the group, and even Uncle Sheng was helpless: "Chu Yuanxi, you really don’t understand variety shows, boss, variety show stars and agents are absolutely welcome you understand? Your dnd planning case is given to the agency and Look at the star and promise to beat you out."

Zhu Yan didn’t know what dnd was, and Yang Yuanmei explained to her next to her. She suddenly had an idea: “dnd is actually OK. When we all become famous in the future, we will all become stars. Let’s organize a show on our own to play variety shows. dnd is not enough. Let’s be the domineering president first. If the effect is good, we will do a few more phases. The first phase is for take-out, the second phase is for real estate, and the third phase is for mobile phones. This will not only sell the boss’s personal design, but also Show some insiders of the hotter industries in society, it will definitely be popular."

It can be seen that Zhu Yan is really interested in this variety show, and even saying that everyone will be famous in the future, it is a bit of a certain meaning.

In fact, it doesn’t matter to Chu Yuanxi whether he does this kind of show or not. He is not afraid of smashing his signs or losing a little bit. After all, variety shows are the area with the most traffic, but good variety shows are always scarce. , Especially in the country where there is a lack of categories, most practitioners are repeating the "methodology of success", so if Pakistani media is willing to try, he can't object.

It’s just how fast this show looks like. Although domestic variety shows are relatively lacking in content, they are actually very sharp from form to content. It’s just that the posture of the hot out of the circle is more unexpected, but it is common. Pay attention to style. Chu Yuanxi said in his heart that Uncle Sheng said he didn't understand variety shows, but Uncle Sheng might think of variety shows too simplistically. He doesn't understand variety shows, and there are several on stage who understand variety shows.

So instead of patting his head to affirm Zhu Yan, he asked her, "Have you ever asked Qi Yu?"

Yang Yuanmei shook her head for Zhu Yan: "No, no, Qi Yu is so busy, almost dizzy, we didn't harass her with immature opinions."

"In this case... Actually you can ask Lou Xiao, who is Li Zifeng's agent. Or the agents of other big coffees. Zhang Yishan, Jing Boran and Teacher Huang must have their agents very familiar with variety shows."

"Aren't you afraid of leaking ideas?" Uncle Sheng was curious.

Chu Yuanxi saw that Zhu Yan was actually paying attention to this issue secretly, so she had to pat Uncle Sheng's shoulder vigorously, shaking his solid body.

"Uncle, with our current size and influence, most people will not offend us for stealing an idea that doesn't know whether it will succeed or not, especially if there are people in the circle who are more mature and knowledgeable."

Zhu Yan immediately cited a counterexample: "Cut, the old aunt is not madly stalking your wool."

"Oh, I'm talking about a mature person. And after all, she can bet that I don't care, so she dare to test wildly on the brink of death, can others do it?"

Zhu Yanxin said and this is the key point, right?

Just listen to Chu Yuanxi's question: "It is said that the first season will be finished soon. Assuming that it can go smoothly before and after Christmas, how will the Pakistani media arrange the time later?"

"Behind..." Zhu Yan saw that the people were pretty good today, and said quietly: "Behind is definitely watching the show's response. If the response is good, we will continue to shoot the second season and third season, and the second season of Baisha Great God. The table is written. Then my thought is, should we start the movie that we said that day? If it starts in December, it will probably be able to catch up with the 2021 Spring Festival file?"

Chu Yuanxi didn't speak, but turned her gaze to Uncle Sheng. Uncle Sheng had been eyeing Zhu Yan for a long time, and seemed to have coordinated long ago?

Just listen to Uncle Sheng said: "Well, I haven't written the script yet, but the design idea already exists."

"Talk about it now?" Chu Yuan Xixin said that the starting point of any film and television drama is the script. If the script is good, then he can start promoting this matter now, and it is not early in time.

The original world's Xiaokang started planning for a big movie at the end of 2016, which was almost the milestone 4, and was released in the fourth quarter of 2017, which took a whole year.

This time he has some experience in re-operating, and he can take a little detour, but it is almost impossible to reduce the time, because a lot of time is beyond his control. And this time doing well-off is much smoother than last time. At least there are not so many heart-wrenching things in financing, so it is very likely that the well-off process will go to the front instead.

Of course, Xiaokang runs faster and there is no big problem. This time, there are also propaganda channels from the media and variety shows to assist. So recently the priority of this matter has been pushed back.

Uncle Sheng and Zhu Yan looked at each other. Sure enough, Chu Yuanxi was not indifferent to making movies. They were strange before. Why did they just mention workplace bullying after watching a movie about workplace bullying?

"My plan for this script is to create a small format, driven by characters, without shocking conspiracies and action special effects. The protagonist is a grassroots civilian who has an obsession with entrepreneurship and worships the CEO of the company, but eventually becomes the focus of destroying the company. I intend to Collect some examples to make the protagonist’s behavior and psychology more convincing and appealing, and to show the social animal’s mental process of being resisted from adversity in the face of bullying."

"Okay, I will lend you a well-off Liu Lu, she must have a lot of black material." Chu Yuanxi said that as long as it talks about workplace bullying, that human resource is the key link that cannot be avoided. It's a pity that this film is going to be implanted in a well-off convenience store. The female owner must be a convenience store clerk and has no choice. Otherwise, wouldn't it be wonderful to give the female owner a personal status? Now the human resources can only be the second female.

As for Liu Lu, she didn't necessarily have a lot of black materials, but when Xiaomi was a human resource, there must be a lot of black materials from her old enemies. Otherwise, when showing off top secrets in front of Yuan Mu that day, why was the pregnant female worker being resigned?

"The relationship is good, I talked with Mu Lian for a while, she was too weak. There is no obvious workplace bullying in the Ba people, even if there is..." Uncle Sheng suddenly stopped talking, because the Ba people are the most Common workplace bullying is Chu Yuanxi bullying Yang Jiangang and Zhao Jie.

Mu Lian is the human resources director of the Pakistani people. According to her, because the profitability of the Pakistani people is better, the salary and bonus are better in the industry, and the grassroots work has always been harmonious.

This is the normal state of the enterprise, and it is also the Pakistani Group. Assuming that it has not made any money this year, or even lost money, Chu Yuanxi must be anxious with smoke on her lips, and the bottom is bound to jump. It is estimated that overtime will be reduced or even disappeared, and the end-of-life elimination system will not necessarily not appear. But now that you have made money, you can give a little bit to the employees, it is easy for the employees to become harmonious, because the requirements of the heavenly workers are inherently simple.

This is also the reason why Penguin has been particularly Buddhist for a long time. As one of the most profitable companies in the celestial dynasty, the discord that often occurs in many private companies is extinct in Penguin. These discords are unavoidable even if the friends are also big companies. It's even particularly cool.

However, through some communication with Mu Lian, Uncle Sheng didn't think it was a good thing for Penguin to do this. Penguin has a very strange internal anonymous oa, so if the middle management fires their own employees, they will be anonymous in the oa. At least they will be regarded as the manager's own incompetent exhaustion. Therefore, when other companies were eliminated at the end of their vigorous efforts, Penguin's management was unwilling to make trouble for themselves easily.

This is what prompted Penguin to carry out the 930 change last year.

Uncle Sheng flashed back in his mind, only to hear Zhu Yan asked: "Is that all? I didn't write any specific strokes?"

"Still working on the character design. I have not come to do the outline." Uncle Sheng took out his mobile phone and opened the notepad and took a look. "It is probably that the opening design is more sufficient. It is used to explain the protagonist's self-composition. There are dreams in the spiritual world, yearning and fear of love, etc."

Zhu Yan quickly asked, "Where is the heroine?"

"The heroine is responsible for supporting the hero...Haha, I'm just kidding..." Uncle Sheng hid, and asked if Zhu Yan really wanted to go to battle in person? "Anyway, I first think about the beginning and the ending. The ending is that the hero struggles successfully and his dream is shattered. What do you think?"

"This..." Chu Yuanxi suddenly discovered that she had dug a big hole for herself. Because the big movies made in the original world are aimed at low-tier cities and even the countryside. The big anchors are going back to visit relatives and experience life. Although they also reflect certain social reality, the main audience is sinking users.

Therefore, the score on a certain petal is only a few points, which can be said to be more ruined than reputation, but it helped Xiaokang open the sinking market and franchise, and established brand recognition for sinking users. As for the effect of advertising, it is nothing more than advertising that is a bit more expensive, but it reaches a wide range of people and has a deep penetration effect.

But now this proposition is not aimed at the sinking market at all. The audience is changed to users in first- and second-tier cities. Workplace bullying is not a painful pain for sinking users. Even if it exists, it does not exist in a typical way, unlike the first and second-tier cities. The pattern of bullying in the city is so deep.

The existence of this transition, if it is matched with the milestone of a well-off society, even if then it will still obtain hundreds of millions of viewings, billions of box offices, and a large number of new users by subsidizing users in disguise, but what is the actual effect? How many points do you rate on a certain petal? What a fuck? If the sinking market and franchise have not been opened, will Milestone 8 be about to break?

Thinking of this, Chu Yuanxi didn't need to hide it, and said directly: "Uncle, actually, my purpose for making this movie is not pure, I want to put an advertisement for Xiaokang."

"Then you pay the advertising fee." Uncle Sheng, Zhu Yan and Yang Yuanmei said in unison.

Chu Yuanxi said in his heart that it seemed that they didn't care about me digging the corner of the Ba people to build a well-off wall every day...

"Hahahaha, the advertising fee is a trivial meaning of fried chicken. Then I will use Xiaokang to make up for the movie ticket. Each member can use a movie ticket to Xiaokang to exchange equivalent tokens. What do you think? There will be several currencies. I haven't figured out which one to use. It's basically the one that can be used for half of the cash."


Yang Yuanmei and Zhu Yan hadn't realized what this meant, and Uncle Sheng first reacted. Doesn't this mean that the average user in the well-off society has a movie for nothing?

Chu Yuanxi didn't speak, but just nodded to Uncle Sheng. However, Uncle Sheng found that his understanding of the world seemed a little wrong. In case the box office of this movie is 2 billion, this is very possible, because Bai Xing's movie must be seen. There are so many people. What if the movie "fires" in this way, Xiaokang can't accompany him to death? The money for well-off financing still has to be paid by others?

"Don't be afraid." Chu Yuanxi can know what Uncle Sheng is thinking when she looks at her eyes, "This is really not a loss. This is equivalent to a loss system. The more you lose, the more you earn."

"What are you doing?" Uncle Sheng said, did you have time to read novels secretly recently?

"Really, you think, I opened a shop. I can make a real cost of about 20 yuan for a ticket, right? Users want to spend more than 40 or 50 yuan on tokens."

"Then you can put the new user routine?"

"It's not a routine. Uncle, think about it. Xiaokang has coupons. Some of the coupons can be used on top of each other, and some can generate new tokens in consumption. You spend 40 yuan to buy something, and you will generate If you spend two dollars in tokens, you can't eliminate it by spending twice? This is a gradual decrease process.

Then the new users are not the same as the old users. They also use movie tickets to exchange tokens. Don’t forget that new users also have a batch of exclusive coupons. It’s more enjoyable to add them. The biggest headache for Xiaokang is not that users take advantage of coupons, but that no one takes advantage of them. How can it be the most difficult for people who are not our users to know that there are such a batch of coupons and special offers, do you understand? If you go back and forth like this, well-off is nothing more than a loss of promotional expenses, and the proportion and activeness of retained users should not be too high. This is called Internet thinking, and it is much more cost-effective to compete with more than tens of billions of subsidies. "

Chu Yuanxi’s remarks fully demonstrated what is called "honey self-confidence", which means believing that one's own things are particularly good, as long as they are noticed like a firefly in the dark, so vivid and outstanding. The melancholy eyes, the sighing Hu Zhuzi, the miraculous knife technique, and the cup of drymartine can deeply fascinate users.

Uncle Shengxin said that we can only wait and see!

I saw Chu Yuanxi triumphantly, "Uncle, you don’t have to worry at all. The e-commerce environment of the Heavenly Dynasty is really good. Mobile phone registration is equivalent to the real-name system. Even if some people have dual cards, there is water in the new users, but most of them It's still a real addition. As long as the movie hits, Xiaokang will earn high. It is definitely a commercial event in the history of celestial commerce that can model future generations.

How did Alibaba beat eBay back then? Many people say that dimensionality reduction cracks rely on free to beat fees and so In fact, it is not at all. Alibaba actually relies on a relatively good domestic e-commerce environment, while eBay is ‘internationalized’, taking a relatively backward e-commerce path in the world, failing to take advantage of the domestic advanced e-commerce dividend.

If a well-off society wants to take advantage of others, the convenience stores in more than 724 island countries must take advantage of the unique advantages of the heavens to show off the faces of these predecessors who do not know how to use them. "

"Come on, stop blowing, stop blowing, I beg you..." Zhu Yan quickly grabbed Chu Yuanxi, "One more thing, Zhang Dongdong has been helping us find martial arts actors and Wuzhi these days. There are also special directors who are in the mirror. Recently, people are almost matched. We are starting to do?

"Of course, shouldn't this be your most important job next?"

"Then, Zhang Dongdong kept asking me, we really didn't mean to make a TV series? It feels like she has tasted the sweetness."

"What do you think?" Chu Yuanxi asked Zhu Yan and Yang Yuanmei. There are some examples in the front. They have regard to the production process of TV series, the choice of collaborators, the composition of the cast, the production team, and the various pits in it. Basically there is a superficial understanding.

"I don't think it's a problem, isn't it easy to hand it over to Zhang Dongdong?" Yang Yuanmei's answer was simple and brainless, causing Chu Yuanxi to be quite a headache.

"No problem is the biggest problem." He wanted to hang Yang Yuanmei up and have a fight. "You mean you are in the comfort zone and don't want to come out. Do you understand? Of course, this choice is in line with your style. But Pakistani media chooses this way. Just a little bit, the Pakistani Group is even more unlikely to accept it, because it is meaningless to make such a small amount of money lying down. Repeating past successes is at best to the extent of past success."

Yang Yuanmei struggled: "Oh, it makes sense to have to be exhausted? Why don't you think that maintaining the success of the past is already a sense of accomplishment?"

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