Salted Fish’s Self-help Strategy

Chapter 909: Explanation to brothers

:, "Brothers." Chu Yuanxi raised a cup at the reception, meaning, "I will drink with the brothers later, but now I will talk about the process first. Because I have communicated clearly with Ali on legal matters before. Yes, so the spa signed the contract relatively quickly, signed tomorrow, and then Ali paid the first money.

When the money is in place, let's divide the money to the brothers first. We have all talked about the rules. In other words, it's not a few days, everyone, wait patiently. After the money is divided, the delivery will be delivered. Brothers should try their best to cooperate. It is best not to ask for leave during the days of delivery. The other party also has some polls, but they are all simple, and truthful answers are sufficient. "

After the smooth delivery is completed, the second payment is made, and then the other party conducts an internal audit. After the internal audit, the final payment is made. Therefore, the arrival of the next two payments is also related to the smooth transition of these employees. But this need not be elaborated.

What Chu Yuanxi wants to say is: "What do I want to entrust here? It is that you must not have the idea of ​​slacking, especially if you can't do well, you can return to the Pakistani group. This idea is very dangerous. Don't do it, because if you think so, you won't be my brother."

There was a burst of laughter below.

"Don't laugh, really don't laugh. The brother in charge of the media is okay, probably still standing in the upper reaches of the chain of contempt, you still have to rely on you, but you have to be cautious in your work.

The key is the program brothers. Ali is one of the best companies in China, and the Siege Lion is the backbone of Ali, and everything he wants is the best. You have done a good job in Pakistan. There are old colleagues who worked with me in Pengfei before, friends who transferred from, and many elites recruited later. We are full of talents. But Ali is also full of talented people, and it is even more crowded. After you enter the Ali system, you must be mentally prepared to change your way of life. "

"Aren't they all working overtime?" The courageous employee below smiled and said, suddenly hahahaha. Chu Yuanxi looked at it, isn't this Sun Li, the project manager of tcg mobile game, the old front end of Pengfei. In fact, Chu Yuanxi was a little bit sorry for them, because at the beginning it was the project team to develop the future profitable project, but even the pot end, now they can only break their promises, and there is nothing to do with the situation.

"Oh, overtime is not the same as overtime. Our company's atmosphere is pretty good, and foreign-style overtime is not encouraged. But you must update your business knowledge and adapt to the smart process and mode as soon as possible. Regularly, I may not be so good at talking.

Let’s talk about it first, but you guys came here under the name of the former Pakistani Group employees, and the products they made were also very good, but when they went to be brushed off by others, it was unpleasant for people to talk to me, my face Can't hang on. And half of your options have been transferred to Pakistani games, and you have to work hard to get them all. "

What Chu Yuanxi said was a set, but in fact there was still some guilt in her heart. Regardless of ability, just talk about relationships. Most of the employees in the tcg group are old colleagues, who are closer to him and work harder. As a result, they are assigned the lowest cost-effective tasks. The products they make are only used for the company. , It becomes insignificant immediately after the hit product breaks out.

What's more sad is that they are all "old" programs. Old programs mean enough experience, but the technical actions have been finalized, and the room for improvement is very low. In other words, the ceiling is relatively low. This is also the direct reason why they have not been entrusted with the important task of development. The program apes who have been transferred to work have a higher technical average.

Therefore, if Lingxi is stricter, they are likely to be optimized first, especially the value of the tcg project itself is not high, in other words, they may not have all the options to transfer to Pakistani games. Fortunately, many of them have moved to the small program-ip plan, which is something that Zhao Jie has been promoting for the past six months. The so-called "Zhao Jie team" is actually mostly members of the original tcg group.

Therefore, Chu Yuanxi made a private decision and told Yuan Mu, who is the only representative of the investors of the Pakistani people, that if they were brushed down, the Pakistani people would definitely give them some compensation, otherwise this group of employees would have been paid. The option is not as good as the group, and if it is eliminated, it will lose a lot. This can be regarded as a farewell gift from Chu Yuanxi to the brothers defined by him.

This is equivalent to setting aside a part of the capital budget. In fact, there is not much money, and it is not a major event, but you must not say in advance, otherwise something will happen. This is a bit embarrassing.

This decision was made not because of kindness, but because Chu Yuanxi knew their level well, and Chu Yuanxi took the initiative to recruit them to enter Ba. Not to mention credit or hard work, the brothers earned a little option that was not much, and they were dismembered in front of the "choice" given by Chu Yuanxi. Although they were given choices, they were actually forced.

It would be harmless if he could still get what he was supposed to get after being forced, but if his hands were brushed off empty-handed, Chu Yuanxi would inevitably get an evaluation of employing people forward instead of backwards. It may not even be said that he betrayed his brothers.

This decision was strongly opposed by Yuan Mu. It wasn't that he was distressed about the money, but that it was not suffering from lack and unevenness. Such a treatment would easily cause trouble. For example, what should I do if someone in the group or the media group is also brushed down? give or not?

This reflects the difference in the two people's concepts. Yuan Mu's tendency is to conform to the rules, and the rules must be convincing to make it difficult for people to spot faults, while Chu Yuanxi's tendency is to be complete and in line with his own moral appeal.

So Chu Yuanxi gave a simple answer: Others don't give it, because the project team responsible for the company should have been given preferential treatment, even if there is no such thing as Pakistani Games being acquired, there should be preferential treatment. People have suffered a loss in their work and have already sacrificed.

The so-called preferential treatment, for example, more compensation for employees leaving, more sophisticated start-ups have similar policies, and the least important ones have to send open letters to thank the project team for their sacrifice. Therefore, it is normal to treat differently.

At this time, probably to explain the follow-up matters, Chu Yuanxi began to toast one by one at the table, and Yang Jiangang spent more time with them and began toasting. When respecting Liao Xingxing’s table, Liao Xingxing asked through Jiu Jin: "Lao Chu, you tell the truth to your brother, why did you let Lao Du push the security team with you, don’t you trust me?"

"What does it have to do with believe it or not? You shouldn't do the work of shoveling." Chu Yuanxi drank beer, so he didn't get it yet. "Your push is to make money with anger. But we want to make money. It will infringe on the interests of many people and squeeze their living space, right? Those who are good at talking will wait for death, and those who are not good at talking will make small or big moves..."

"Oh, you don't need to tell me the truth, just say that you don't think I can do it?"

"Well, should you bring the security team and let Du Tie push the ground? Anyway, a full-time team must be formed and separated from the ground push team. The work of the two of you is black and white, and one person can only be responsible for one side." Chu Yuanxi sneered deliberately. "Let me tell you, Lao Du must have no problem making maps."

Did Liao Xingxing think about it? The other person instructed his son to do a good job, and he can't fight with his small arms and legs...

Soon it was Wang Le's turn, and Chu Yuanxi raised a glass, and found that Wang Le's state was invigorated and worried. It wasn't that Chu Yuanxi made him worry, but it was because it was Chu Yuanxi who transferred Zhao Jie away and recommended him to Ali as the manager of Pakistani games. Later, Lao Fan gave a private feedback. In the information disclosed, Wang Le's initial title was Senior Director.

Although I don't know how Lingxi will deal with it, will it drop a vice president, or dismantle and reorganize Pakistani Games' products and businesses, and then merge with Lingxi's original product line? But in short, Wang Le must be the leader for a period of time, either long or short. This is definitely stressful for him, and it is probably not small.

So during this period of time, Chu Yuanxi pulled Zhao Jie out in advance to let Wang Le adapt to the new role, but he still felt like grind his gun.

"Wang Le, I actually want to talk to you alone, but it might make you feel that I don't respect you anymore."

"Oh, disrespect, I didn't buy a brain-crushing artifact..." Wang Le vomited a little, but couldn't guess what Chu Yuanxi wanted to say.

"Let’s put it this way, I was very selfish when I pulled Zhao Jie out, not to me or to Zhao Jie, but to you. Because Zhao Jie is also very vegan, but he still has a bit of aura now. You all Will the team be squeezed out after arriving at the new company? Will it be treated fairly? Can the interests be guaranteed? This matter, Lao Fan promised me, it must protect your interests, but in the workplace, many things are easy It’s not clear, this guarantee is worthless."

"Yes, yes, I am also worried..."

"Your mentality can't be worried. Worry is going to kill you." Chu Yuanxi put down the wine glass, "Let’s put it this way, first of all, your personal goal should be the wise vice president, and the sooner the better. You must do your part. You should have enough confidence in this product, and now you can regard it as your own confidence.

What is more beneficial to you is that the structure of Pakistani games is not a clear structure. The three modules of big production, small games and media are mixed and complement each other. It is difficult to guarantee that there will be no accidents if you want to disassemble. If I were the person in charge of Ali, I would not seek to dismantle you, but to learn and digest, so that you can teach hand in hand, quickly reproduce, and absorb all the functions. I think this is the most correct posture. So your seat should be very stable.

Anyway, as long as Lingxi is not stupid, he will not toss about, at least not in a short time. But it’s hard to say, you see they got my frog son..."

Wang Le didn't have any thoughts to connect with this stubbornness. He only hated that he could not turn his mind after drinking. Chu Yuanxi's words seemed to make sense, and he felt like a thousand words, but where was the reason?

"The goal of the vice president of Lingxi should be okay, and even the president can imagine it. After you look at the Toutiao Department of absorbing y, y's Alex has now been in charge of Douyin and Tiktok, which is only two years. "Chu Yuanxi quickly cited the most powerful example in the industry as an expectation for Wang Le, which is equivalent to using the most efficient textile women's job in the whole factory as the standard for all workers. Then he changed the conversation: "But I am still worried about you."

"Hiccup-sorry sorry, what are you worried about me?"

"I'm worried about your ability to withstand pressure. After all, I have never experienced you in this area. I have no chance to know if it will work. I will send you to the front without knowing whether the bolt will be pulled."

Chu Yuanxi said and glanced at this table, Yang Jiangang also sat at this table, but went out to toast, very good.

"Yang Jiangang is a typical example. Although why didn't he work well, he stabbed Louzi first, but his ability to withstand pressure was okay. The pressure I put on him didn't overwhelm him. . I don’t encourage this kind of behavior but mentally it’s still very tough.”

Wang Le’s smile is more ugly than crying, and he said that you are too good at boasting! I am the duck that got caught up, I really can’t...

As a result, Chu Yuanxi continued to put pressure on him, and solemnly said: "Your ability to withstand pressure will be especially important in the future, because it is not you alone, but the entire company, all brothers. Between you and Lingxi, you must be an important input and output channel. If you can’t handle it, brothers will be uncomfortable. Do you understand? And you must always remember that you and your brothers are one, you are a team, At least for a long time. When you are a team, you will be strong."

Wang Le’s face was pale. He didn’t know what Chu Yuanxi was referring to. It could be many aspects, such as resources, treatment, fair treatment, etc., but after Chu Yuanxi said that, he knew that the future might The most troublesome problem that can arise is the company's internal fighting, which is exactly what the Pakistani lack in a year. It is equivalent to living in a greenhouse for a long time, and now you have to go out to face the wind.

In fact, what Chu Yuanxi was most afraid of couldn't be said. What was afraid was that after Wang Le came to the new company, facing the new boss, he stepped back and then backed down, and even "selled" the interests of his brothers to compromise. It’s not very good to describe it as a betrayal, but this situation is really difficult to tell. The main reason is that if you really say that, if it spreads, it will become Chu Yuanxi teasing others to fight in the company. This matter is unclear. Up.

So it can only be reminded by stress resistance. Fortunately, in-company fighting such things should be experienced in the industry. Unless a company has only one product, it must be grabbing resources. Chu Yuanxi is the Chanjing himself, and Wang Le was hired by him. He is a very high-quality Chanjing himself, so it shouldn't be too good... right?

Chu Yuanxi, a colleague of other Pakistani games, also tried his best to entrust a few words. The key is to drink properly. There are a lot of people here today. There are many group employees who did not follow along and came to have a meal, including Zhao Jie’s new The new project team member recruited, the beauty Sanjing also had a few drinks with Wang Le at the table.

Seeing this amount of alcohol, Chu Yuanxi felt that Zhao Jie was good at recruiting people. Sankei doesn’t need to show up to drink. It’s a business job, but Sankei requires a bit of pride, a bit of idealism, and it’s hard to be prudent and careful. Become a high-quality sanjing.

This is also the reason why Chu Yuanxi recommended Wang Le to be the new top leader in Pakistani games. In terms of distance and rank, the project manager of tcg is actually Sun Li and Brother Li who interrupted at the beginning. But Brother Li was too stable. Both Pengfei's old colleague Chu Yuanxi knew him well. What Wang Le said was a bit ideal and a little proud, so Chu Yuanxi recommended Wang Le at that special moment.

The drink was quite enjoyable, and it was rare that Chu Yuanxi hadn't been so drunk after drinking it. If it's in Minnesota, it's time to eat some Japanese food, but Chu Yuanxi still habitually does not forget to read WeChat to see if there is any urgent news. As a result, when I turned on the phone, I was stunned, because I found out that there were dozens of unread messages bombed by Lu Yu.

"Is there something wrong with Lu Yu? Call in an emergency?" Chu Yuanxi hiccuped while opening and she was sober at that time!

"Fuck, fuck!" Chu Yuanxi made a lot of groans that represented illiteracy. It turned out that it was Lu Yu who reported to him the situation tonight.

This day is Monday, November 18th. The focus of the interview on Jihuo Blockchain was the first shot of "Qubu" borrowing the name of Blockchain to circulate money and swindle, using the Blockchain as a money withdrawal chain.

Immediately afterwards, okex, one of the three major trading platforms in the domestic currency circle, suddenly went down. Weibo, which was associated with Bi'an and Super Wavelength, was blocked at the same time. .

In fact, there is still a big punch today. The relevant departments have sent letters to the provincial and municipal offices to remind them to prevent the risk of illegal fund-raising under the name of the blockchain.

With such dense information, Chu Yuanxi almost laughed out of a pig cry. The currency circle has always been a circle of rentiers. The large-scale centralized rectification of scammers and funds is to remove rotten flesh, which is a great benefit to the real blockchain industry, but there are too many carrion and rotten vultures in this circle. a little.

Lu Yu’s series of concentrated bombings is still very predictable. It saved Chu Yuanxi a lot of time. For example, he even figured out the tonality of the relevant departments. The main target of the attack is the so-called blockchain, which has no actual technology development and financial attributes. project. In this way, Xiaokang is completely on the shore, very good!

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