Wang Dachun was so angry that he took a step forward.

The huge weight made the entire practice room tremble.

He stretched out his right hand and attacked forward. The seemingly slow palm actually burst out with astonishing power.

With a "bang", the test robot fell back three meters.

Subsequently, the value of 508 was displayed on the screen.

This is equivalent to the strength of an adult wild giant elephant.

Ye Ran has already activated the "Famous Teacher System",

All the information about Wang Dachun appeared in his mind:

Wang Dachun

Male, 20 years old.

Power Awakener: Devouring Ferocious Pig (A Level)

Current practice: Magic City Gaowu Academy Physical Training 2.0 (public version).

Advantages: Great strength.


1. The object's A-level ability to swallow ferocious pigs is in a special situation. It contains the blood of Taotie. Under the influence of Taotie, it is difficult to use the ability to swallow ferocious pigs.

2. The exercise method is not suitable, the energy conversion rate of practice is too low, the energy consumption in actual combat is too high, and there are tingling lesions in the third meridian of the right arm.

Guidance plan:

1. Secondary evolution ability, specific optimization plan...

2. The practice method is not suitable, specific optimization plan...

I see.....

Looking at the analysis given by the system to Wang Dachun, Ye Ran recalled Wang Dachun's experience.

As an A-level awakened person, Wang Dachun was one of the best geniuses in the college entrance examination.

The Magic City Gaowu Academy also spent a huge amount of money to win over Wang Dachun.

But who would have thought that Wang Dachun's superpowers would be so weird.

It was obviously an A-level power awakening, but as a result, he was hit with a huge amount of energy stones, and his training progress was at a crawl.

The progress is not even as good as an E-level superpower.

Not only that, Wang Dachun's actual combat ability does not have any special characteristics of A-level talent except for his great strength.

In response, the Magic City Gaowu Academy even invited a diamond-level master to personally lead Wang Dachun for a period of time.

But in the end it was nothing,

Gradually, Wang Dachun was considered a loser by the school.

Gradually he became a repeater and naturally came to his own class.

Ye Ran looked at Wang Dachun and sighed slightly,

It's not Wang Dachun who is a waste of feelings, it's the teachers of the Magic City Gaowu Academy who are a waste.

Almost burying a hidden genius in the bud!

"Teacher, is this blow okay?" Wang Dachun looked at Ye Ran complacently, obviously quite satisfied with this value.

Ye Ran glanced at the scorer and shook his head,

"Dachun, the power of your attack seems to be okay, but in the eyes of the teacher, you still have room for improvement."

"Impossible, Teacher Ye, I practiced this attack step by step with the top martial arts teacher in our school." Wang Dachun shook his head seriously,

"I throw a million punches every day. Whether it is the essentials of movements, techniques, or breathing, I am 100% sure that I can fully comply with the requirements of our academy's techniques."

Seeing the honest and honest Wang Dachun retort to himself, Ye Ran was not in a hurry.

"Dachun, I naturally believe that you can do what you say. What I want to say is not that there is a problem with your practice, but that there is a problem with the teaching materials you studied."

Listening to Ye Ran's words, Wang Dachun's eyes almost popped out of his head.

Brother, people can be crazy, but they can’t be crazy, right?

Although Wang Dachun respected his class teacher very much,

However, the physical training textbooks at the Magic City High Martial Arts Academy were specially compiled by the Dragon Kingdom's extraordinary martial sages who paid a lot of money.

Even the physical training teacher who taught me before was a diamond-level master.

Now you, a silver-level tutor, say there is something wrong with the teaching materials...

"Teacher, why don't we take a rest," Wang Dachun comforted Ye Ran, "Director Le is just talking, we must have other ways."

Obviously in Wang Dachun's eyes,

At this time, Ye Ran had been stimulated by Le Wanyi's high pressure and was talking nonsense.

Ye Ran was not angry at Wang Dachun's distrust, but smiled slightly,

His tone was calm:

"Dachun, but everyone's physique and meridians are different. Although the universal exercises can suit most people, they cannot be a perfect fit. What's more, there is a certain conflict between your meridians and the exercises. ”

"But Teacher Ye, what I practice is the national education textbook that everyone practices. This is a technique written by the Dragon Kingdom's extraordinary martial saint himself..."

"Really?" Ye Ran asked softly, "Then why does the third meridian in your right hand always feel tingling every time you perform the technique?"

These words hit Wang Dachun like a bolt from the blue, and his eyes widened:

" do you know?"

He had never mentioned the tingling pain in his meridians to anyone, and he had never even been to the infirmary.

Ye Ran's eyes were as deep as the stars:

"I said, there is a certain conflict between your meridians and the technique. Even if you use twelve points of strength, you can only achieve eight points of effect. Not only that, if things go on like this, your meridians may leave hidden dangers that cannot be recovered. "

Wang Dachun was a little shocked. He originally thought that the stinging pain was because he used to exercise too hard. Now that Ye Ran told him that it would cause permanent damage, he panicked.

"Teacher, then...what should I do?"

"Try it with your left hand." Ye Ran clicked until he clicked, feeling quite unfathomable.

"Left hand?" Wang Dachun was stunned, "But I have always practiced with my right hand. Wouldn't it be wrong to suddenly switch to my left hand..."

"Whether it's right or not, you won't know until you try it." Ye Ran interrupted him,

His tone was calm but with unparalleled confidence,

Wang Dachun looked at Ye Ran in front of him in a daze,

This calmness, this confidence.

Is this the same head teacher who could fall asleep in class before?

Could it be mentor is really a worldly expert who lives in seclusion in the city??

But modifying the exercises is not a child's play. If something goes wrong, you will suffer from the sequelae and you won't be able to find a place to cry...

Seeing Wang Dachun's hesitation, Ye Ran decided to push again.

"Dachun, are you so afraid of change? Do you really want your arm to become useless like this?"

Ye Ran's words were like a poisonous insect, tickling Wang Dachun's heart.

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Dachun stood up:

"Teacher Ye, I believe you."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Dachun stood up and stood on his horse.

Slowly raised his left hand, his left arm was shaking a little,

At this moment, he didn't know whether the trembling was nervousness or anticipation.

The next second, Wang Dachun's body expanded again,

The purple ferocious beast transformed again, covering its whole body,

He slowly pushed out a palm with his left hand,

The air seemed to be squeezed and deformed by a thick invisible force, causing fluctuations before the wind from his palm could be released.

There was a loud "boom",

At the moment of the attack, this slow palm showed the afterimage of the attack.

The speed was so fast that an astonishing sonic boom exploded.

When the palm actually fell on the test robot, it was duller and more powerful than before.

The primary test dummy was not beaten back much this time,

But traces of cracks began to appear on its body.

The numbers on the test screen began to rotate crazily,

When it finally stops,


The huge red letter stimulated Wang Dachun's nerves,

With just two instructions, the value was far more than double the previous one!!

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