Interstate, a small town east of Pine Grove was embroiled in a fierce gun battle. The two sides in the exchange of fire were local residents and a group of thugs who escaped from the suburbs of New York City.

The core of the thugs were former gang members, and some killers from mainland hotels were also mixed in. They easily gained the upper hand in the battle and defeated the temporarily armed townspeople. From time to time, townspeople were shot to death by bullets and fell to the ground.

The dominant thugs stormed into the house, looted everything of value, and captured the woman hiding in the cellar.

The armed townspeople who were forced into a corner of the town roared with anger and despair, but there was nothing they could do.

These killers also suffered heavy losses when facing Veronica's attack. The Continental Hotel, a neutral zone in the underground world, was directly reduced to rubble. Pursued by demon robots, these killers had to join forces with a group of gangsters.

After escaping from New York, they frantically attacked farms and towns along the way, plundering food, fuel and weapons, and stealing everything of value.

Vigo is the temporary leader of this group of thugs, a ruthless former Russian gang leader. He was relatively lucky. He occupied a territory far away from where Veronica descended. There were not many activated demon robots, and he escaped smoothly after losing a group of subordinates.

At this moment, he was sitting in a stolen armored riot vehicle, poured himself a glass of whiskey, and drank it down.

"These are the best of times, my friends. America is back to what it was three hundred years ago, and now this is our paradise. As long as you have a gun in your hand, you can do anything you want. , we can turn anyone into a slave."

Vigo said, kicking the iron cage next to him.

In the iron cage was a middle-aged man who had been stripped of his clothes. The man was a police sergeant who had been giving him trouble when he was in New York. Vigo lost millions of dollars because of him and was almost sent to jail. Unexpectedly, he bumped into him on the way out of New York.

Vigo was so excited that he killed all his family members on the spot, then put him in a cage and kept him as a pet.

"One day I will put Kingpin in this cage and repay him a hundred times the humiliation he inflicted on me."

The subordinates in the car burst into compliments.

"Where's Trasov?"

Vigo put down his glass. Trasov was his son.

"Trasov has taken a liking to the town's women."

A subordinate reported.

Vigo kicked the iron cage next to him heavily.

"This damn waste, I will put him in an iron cage one day. Go and pull him out of the women's bellies, and then kill all those women."

He said somewhat cruelly.


Suddenly there was a muffled sound, and something heavy was thrown onto the vehicle, causing the entire heavy armored riot control vehicle to shake violently.

"What's going on?" Vigo immediately took out his pistol and picked up the walkie-talkie. As a result, there was only rustling noise on the other end of the intercom.

The fierce gunfire outside suddenly stopped, and the silence outside the car was a little overwhelming.

"You, go out and take a look."

Vigo pointed to one of his men.

The man was startled, not expecting to be hit, but after looking at Vigo's cold eyes, he could only open the car door with a sad face and get out of the car slowly.

Not long after getting off the car, there was a burst of exclamation.

"It was Trasov, Trasov was killed! Someone smashed his body into the car."

Vigo's face turned ugly for a while. Although Trasov was useless, he was also his only child.

"Where are the others? Where did the others go?"

“I don’t know, there’s no one else out there!!!”

The men outside the car suddenly let out a scream and then disappeared.

"Seryozha! Seryozha! Damn it, who is outside?!"

The people in the car trembled. Vigo held the pistol in his hand tightly.

"What are you doing standing still? Drive quickly!"

he shouted to the driver in front of him.

The driver in the front row started the riot vehicle, and what the wheels hit was probably Trasov's body.

"Don't worry, let's go!"

Vigo shouted nervously, holding the pistol in his hand tightly and aiming outside the car.


Something stuck in the riot control truck. The diesel engine roared, but the whole car didn't move at all, as if it was stuck and couldn't move.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! What kind of monster is out there!"

Vigo shouted hysterically.

The man locked in the iron cage laughed hysterically, and faced Vigo with a face covered with dirt:

"Viggo, your end has come."

He grinned with big yellow teeth that looked like they had been knocked out, and shouted in a sharp voice.

"Then I'll kill you first!"

Viggo raised his pistol.

"Tear it apart!"

The armor plate of the riot control vehicle that could withstand direct fire from 62mm rifle bullets was suddenly torn open like a piece of paper. A thread of spider thread stuck to Vigo's head, and a huge force came along the thread, pulling him out of the car.

Peter Parker holds the magic sword in one hand and holds Viggo's head in the other. Blood dripped down the blade of the magic sword. Almost all the thugs under Vigo's command died under this magic sword.

"Are you the leader of these thugs?"

He said in a low voice, the tragedy in the town making his heart filled with anger.

Vigo felt like his head was about to be crushed. He struggled violently and let out a shrill scream.

The magic sword sliced ​​off his head. The dying head was thrown away, and Peter Parker jumped off the roof of the car.

The tragic situations encountered along the way made this high school student quickly mature and lose his original innocence.

When the original rules have almost collapsed, continuing to adhere to principles will only make evil people unscrupulous and good people have nowhere to turn.

Suddenly a gunshot was heard inside the car.

George Stacey walked out of the riot vehicle with a sullen face.

"Martin committed suicide by grabbing the gun that was on the ground."

Martin is his old subordinate, and the reason why he can bring so much trouble to Vigo is because he has the support behind him.

"Get on the road as soon as possible. If the source of the demon cannot be solved, tragedies like this will become normal in North America."

Nowadays, radio broadcasts no longer broadcast battle conditions on the front lines. There is all kinds of information on the Internet. Some people say that Washington, D.C., has also been destroyed, and a video was released, but it was not long before the video was deleted and the account was completely banned. The West Coast, which has not yet been invaded by demon robots, is also panicked, prices are rising, and the roads to Canada and Mexico are jammed with traffic for dozens of kilometers. Air tickets to Europe have risen to more than half a million dollars each.

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