Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 295 The Unkillable Enemy

The battle in the dark dimension is fierce, and the battle in New York City on Earth has also become fierce. After replacing the second-generation Ark reaction ring on the 18th, the combat effectiveness was greatly improved again. She teamed up with Kakarot and finally suppressed Unicron.


Kakarot exploded with all his energy, and dazzling aura enveloped his whole body. As one of the top talents among Saiyans, she became stronger in the battle just now.


As soon as he put his hands together, a terrifying wave of Qigong blasted straight towards the Emperor of the Universe. Unicron, who was restrained by No. 18, had no time to dodge and could only rely on his own defense to block the blow.

A violent flash of light instantly illuminated an area dozens of miles around like daylight, and the shock wave advancing like a wall completely crushed the surrounding ruins.

The battle between Cybertron robots and demon robots has been forced to a halt. Optimus Prime directly led his men to use the steel in the ruins to build bunkers to withstand the aftermath of the battle.

Those demon robots fell into chaos because they lost the command of the Emperor of the Universe. Some scattered into the ruins of New York City, some wandered around the periphery of the battlefield, and the rest flew into the pseudo-Cybertron star in the sky.

Peter Parker and his team had already joined up with the survivors of the New York City Police Department. He stood on the roof of the badly damaged police station building. With his excellent eyesight, he could barely see the battle in the distance.

"What kind of monsters are these?"

He said in an almost strangled tone. The battle in the distance completely shattered the three views built over more than ten years. The power of an individual can actually be so powerful. The God of Thunder, Thor, who was so powerful in my impression, could barely withstand the aftermath of such a battle.

Wade raised his head, put down the telescope in his hand, and rubbed his eyes that were almost blinded by the flash.

"Ever since I met that guy, the earth has become more and more strange. Let's go before those monsters are gone."

George Stacey has barely controlled order in the police headquarters. Most of the people who can escape here in the chaos are not good and orderly people, especially the giant crocodile Kingpin in the underground world. The police force does not have an absolute advantage.

After losing the external pressure, there was no fight in the police station over the escape vehicle. This was already the result of George Stacey's outstanding ability and prestige.

"We have no real security now. We must take the survivors and leave New York City as soon as possible."

"We are just ordinary citizens. Why should we follow you to find survivors? You guys should do this job yourself. The taxes I have paid for so many years are not all in vain."

Jin Bin, who had a big bald head and leaned on a cane, said in a bad tone. He has already commanded his men to seize several large vehicles and prepare to escape New York City at any time. If he hadn't known that there should be a large number of troops on display outside New York City, he would have killed George Stacy and left with everyone.

"You also heard the explosion just now. If we don't want to be buried with the entire New York City, we should leave here immediately."

His words not only made the mercenaries look moved, but even some police officers began to waver. They become police officers to support their families, but they don't want to risk their lives.

George Stacey's face was dark. He knew that it was the best outcome that these people were not angry with each other, but he still had the delusion to drive them to search for survivors in New York City.

"Those who want to leave? You can leave now? Those who want to stay can come and gather by my side."

Most people quickly distanced themselves from George Stacey, leaving only a few people around him.

"It seems that most people choose to follow me? Director Stacey."

Kingpin leaned on his cane and laughed.

George Stacey looked at his men who chose to abandon him with disappointment and anger. He knew that the number of people who would choose to stay would be a minority, but he did not expect that it would be so few.

"Since everyone has made a choice? Let's go our separate ways."

Kingpin bald his head? He never wanted to stay in New York for another second. The reason why they are kept until now is purely to take away more cannon fodder.

Those weird robots suddenly disappeared. Who knows if they will suddenly appear again. He, who is always cautious, will not act rashly before he has gathered enough strength.

Vanessa tugged on Wade's sleeve.

Wade shook his head. Even if he left, he would not choose to be with Kingpin. This man is a giant crocodile lurking in the river. If you walk with him, you don't know when you will be eaten.

"Dad, there is no time to be depressed anymore? Mom, they are still waiting for us."

Gwen Stacy said. She had no objection to staying and continuing to search for survivors, but she had to gather her relatives first.

The battle in the sky was still continuing. Kakarot appeared behind the Emperor of the Universe at an astonishing high speed. He clasped his hands together and hammered His back hard.


Unicron struck the ground like a meteor.

"Turtle! Pie! Qi! Gong!"

Kakarot seemed to hold the sun between his hands and pushed it toward the ground.

The qigong wave directly bombarded the ground. The ground could be felt violently shaking for dozens of miles around. The shock wave directly formed a deep pit with a diameter of several miles on the ground.

The Unicron stood in the center of the pit, holding the magic sword in his hand. The scales on his body were severely damaged, exposing the metal and flesh components inside.

The scales and flesh slowly squirmed, healing the wounds.


A palm suddenly pierced his chest, directly digging out the beating demonic heart.

No. 18 squeezed the demon's heart with a strong squeeze, and demon blood, mucus, and metal components splashed all over his hand.

"It's so disgusting."


Unicron's body exploded with a ball of electric sparks, and he turned around and slashed with his sword. No. 18 ducked sideways, stepped on Unicron's long tail, and cut off Unicron's head with a slash of her hand.


No. 18 crushed the head on the ground with his foot. Without Qi, she is simply the best assassin, hiding in the smoke and dust to make a sneak attack and accomplish the feat with one strike.

Kakarot fell in front of the Emperor of the Universe, bowed with his hands clasped together, and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry. If possible, I would like to have a fair fight with you, but I have to save Broly."

"Stop dawdling, save that idiot Broly first."

Although No. 18 said this, Qingli's face still showed an expression of relief.

At this moment, a hidden sword light quietly fell from the Cybertron star in the sky, hitting the unsuspecting No. 18 directly.


Kakarot, who could sense Qi, discovered the sword light when it was approaching. He pushed No. 18 in front of him with all his strength, but he was hit by the sword light.

The fourth stage of the Nine Revolutions True Martial God Gang's fire was not deep enough. Kakarot's physical body only blocked the sword light for a moment before being pierced through the chest, and his internal organs were instantly severely injured by the sword light.

On the pseudo-Cybertron star in the sky, another Unicron walked out, holding the magic sword levelly.

"It's such a pity that I couldn't kill you Bichi with one sword."

She already hates No. 18.

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