T'Challa was somewhat unwilling to admit his father's failure. In his eyes, the world outside Wakanda is backward and barbaric. They are resource-poor, ignorant and aggressive, capable of doing any appalling evil for profit. There was no way they could defeat the heavily armed female Royal Guards.

It wasn't until Okoye quietly used a holographic image to send back the image of the cabin that he could only accept this reality.

"Where did these orcs come from!"

He watched Sun Eclipse insert the dagger into his father's thigh, and he felt anxious and stood up directly. As a prince, he has a very harmonious relationship with his father, T'Chaka.

His father had been grooming him as an heir.

He volunteered to participate in this operation, but was stopped by T'Chaka.

Sharp claws popped out of the gloves of the Black Panther suit, and he asked anxiously:

"How long will it take to arrive!"

"It's almost there. Captain Okoye quietly made a large circle and changed the direction of the spacecraft. The barbarians didn't notice it. We will be able to rendezvous in about three minutes!"

The female royal guard flying a Wakanda fighter plane said.

T'Challa circled uneasily in the cockpit of the fighter plane. Ready to rescue his father, T'Chaka, from those half-animal savages.

"We have met and are flying together!"

They plan to return to Wakanda before launching an operation against the spacecraft. Wakanda's medical technology is very advanced. Even if King T'Chaka is seriously injured, it is possible to save him as long as he does not die on the spot.

"We're still fifty kilometers away from Wakanda."

Wakanda's technology is very advanced, and the spacecraft flies extremely fast. In just ten minutes, it has penetrated from the island to the interior.

"Wait a little longer and wait until it reaches the sky above Wakanda before launching the hook."

T'Challa opened the door of the fighter plane and prepared to jump directly to the spacecraft through the hook.

"No, Your Highness, those barbarians discovered that the spacecraft's course was wrong!"

"Shoot the hook directly!"

The three fighter planes flying around the spacecraft immediately fired hook lines and fixed them on the spacecraft. T'Challa grabbed the hook with one hand and flew towards the spacecraft.

The spacecraft that was originally flying flat suddenly sank and rushed straight towards the ground. As the king's ship, this spaceship is not only sturdy in armor and huge in size, but also has far more power than other fighter planes. It can't even pull three fighter planes when it dives.


The entire spacecraft hit the ground hard, and even the three fighter planes it was dragging were pulled down by the huge force.

T'Challa, who was still hanging on the hook, suffered the worst. He was thrown directly away and hit the ground like a cannonball.


The door of the spacecraft cockpit was kicked open. Eclipse held a heavy ax in one hand and T'Challa walked out of the crashed spacecraft with the other. His strong physique was directly immune to the impact of the spacecraft crash.

The tiger man Callisto followed behind with a huge sword.

The remaining killers stayed in the spacecraft to guard the female royal guards.


T'Challa let out a roar, jumped up directly from the crater, and flew towards the eclipse.

"Let go of my father!"

Eclipse swung the battle ax in his hand and struck T'Challa's arm with all his strength. The impact caused T'Challa to stumble, and the battle ax carefully forged by Cade burst into pieces, leaving only the handle.

He pointed directly at T'Chaka's head with the stubble of the ax handle.

"If you don't want a hole the size of an arm poked through your father's head, just stand there and don't move."

Eclipse knew that it was impossible to leave Africa smoothly in the current situation, but he was unwilling to give up the struggle.

T'Challa raised his arms.

"As long as you don't hurt my father, you have a chance to survive!"

He said while suppressing the anger in his heart.

"I'm sorry, but your father wanted to kill us at first."

Eclipse said, throwing T'Chaka to the ground. Kalisto placed the giant sword on T'Chaka's neck, ready to cut off his head at any time.

"It's just you and me, let's compete. If I lose, you take your father away. If I win, you let me and my companions leave safely."

"Okay, I hope you won't regret it!"

T'Challa gritted his teeth and said, the tips of the claws popping out of the palms of the Black Panther suit. Sun Eclipse twisted his neck and put on a Kame Senryu starting move.


T'Challa jumped up and launched a series of flying kicks towards Eclipse.

Dazzling light condensed on Sun Eclipse's fingertips. He blocked these powerful and heavy kicks with his cross-arm, and grabbed T'Challa's head with one claw.

The two of them fought on the meadow.

T'Challa is not like his father T'Chaka. He is a young man who undergoes arduous fighting training almost every day and even wrestles with rhinos raised by the tribe.

Eclipse has huge advantages in strength and martial arts, but T'Challa's body is more agile, and the powerful defensive capabilities of the Black Panther suit allow him to dare to withstand Eclipse's attacks wantonly, exchanging injuries for injuries.


The blazing light left scorch marks on the Black Panther suit. The hard scales of Eclipse were scratched with five bloody marks by T'Challa.

Eclipse suddenly swung its long tail, sending T'Challa flying away. Then he opened his arms and a dazzling light hit T'Challa's body.

The powerful light radiation almost melted everything, and the moist soil was directly melted into magma. After practicing the Kame Senryu, perhaps his own energy increased, and his supernatural powers became more powerful.

T'Challa blocked the beam with his arms, jumped hard, avoided the scope of the beam, and lay down on the grass.

"Damn it!"

The vibranium fibers on his arm were severely damaged and his arm had been burned.

"It seems you are no match for me, Prince!"

Eclipse said, grabbing T'Challa's neck.


A small bead was suddenly hit on his back, instantly releasing high-intensity voltage. Eclipse was convulsed by the electricity, and Callisto behind him also enjoyed the same treatment. Although the two struggled hard, they still fell to the ground helplessly.

"This is different from what we agreed before."

Rishi moved his arms with difficulty, trying to take off the beads on his back.

T'Challa stood up and took off his hood, not even daring to look at Eclipse.

"They are enemies, my child, no matter what means you use, don't feel guilty."

T'Chaka carefully moved his head out from under the giant sword. It was he who quietly directed the two escorts to take action.

"Father Me"

T'Challa didn't know what to say.

Okoye, who ran out of the spaceship, interrupted the conversation between the two of them.

"Your Majesty the King! When the spaceship crashed, a barbarian transformed into a golden eagle and escaped!"

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