Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 183 Saving Private Steve

As a man from the World War II era, Steve Rogers has always felt alienated from the current world after being rescued from the ice.

These worlds were too foreign to him.

Only when he was in Titan's control cabin could he truly feel that his heart was still beating.

He didn't know where to go if he abandoned the Titans.


He pulled out the spear stuck in Winston's head, faced the charging Norman Osborne, dragged Winston, and also launched a charge.

At the moment of the encounter, Titan thrust out his gun and stabbed, and Norman Osborn also flicked his long tail, tit for tat.


The needle of the spear had only been discharged once, and its performance had been reduced. It only penetrated a small section and broke in Norman. Inside Osborne's body.

And Norman Osborn's long tail almost hit the Titan's body for real.

The sharp dorsal fin on the long tail rubbed against the Titan's outer armor, shooting out a bright spark on the seabed. Even the enhanced adaptive armor cannot fully transfer the power of this blow to all parts of the body.

"Warning! Warning! The front armor was severely impacted, the armor integrity rate is 79%, the internal cables were impacted, and 11% of the neuromuscular component power was damaged."

A whole row of warnings flashed across.

The damage caused by Norman Osborn's blow to Titan exceeded the total loss during the fight with Winston.

There was no time to replace the gun needle, Steve ignored all the warnings, turned on the plasma cutting flame, and struck the target with a horizontal thrust, right at the place where he stabbed before.

Under the huge force, even the gun barrel with strong bending resistance was bent into a U shape, and the hot plasma cutting flame was cut along the wound where the gun needle was pierced.

Steve twisted the barrel of the gun and cut out a large piece of flesh and blood from Norman Osborn's body.


The angry Norman Osborne grabbed the barrel of the gun with both claws and twisted it with all his strength, twisting the expensive spear into a twist. He slapped a claw on Titan's neck, leaving three ferocious claw marks on it.

Winston, who had regained his mobility, bit the Titan's back crazily, but Winston ignored it and focused all his energy on Norman Osborn in front of him. He operated the Titan and directly threw away the scrapped gun barrel, pulled out the chain sword from his waist, grabbed Norman Osborn's left shoulder with one hand, and stabbed the original wound with the sword.

Three behemoths were just under the sea, fighting together like street gangsters.

Titan was at an absolute disadvantage, and his right arm holding the chain sword was ripped off by Norman Osborn. If Veronica hadn't sealed the wound in time and cut off the relevant circuits, Titan would have been directly destroyed.

Winston's face, which was slightly longer and narrower than Norman Osborn's, was full of pleasure. He bit down on Titan's intact left arm, and the outer armor creaked under the force of his powerful bite.

"Bang! Bang!"

Steve directly activated the plasma pulse cannon installed in the palm of his left arm. The hot plasma pulse blasted away the Titan's left arm and Winston's mouth.

Winston let out a shrill scream, and there was almost no good piece of meat left in his mouth.

The angry Norman Osborn bit the Titan on the shoulder and dragged the Titan towards the deep sea. With continuous gains, the defensive power of the adaptive armor that can evolve is getting stronger and stronger. Even for him, it is not easy to completely destroy the Titan. Especially the torso, which has no weak point of joints.

He wants to use the water pressure in the deep sea to crush Titan into a meat pie.

Winston spat out the blood in his mouth, then caught up and bit Titan's side.

The Titan's amazingly defensive outer armor only covers most of its vital parts, but does not completely seal the entire body. The all-pervasive water pressure can break through weak points such as sonar.

Steve Rogers simply turned off the waterfall of warnings on the screen and changed into a more comfortable position. Titan's arms were completely destroyed, all weapons were damaged and lost, and he completely lost the ability to resist.

"It seems that my destination is the sea, Veronica, thank you for accompanying me to the end."

This is not the first time he has died calmly.

"It's my pleasure, Captain!"

Veronica's voice sounded in the control cabin.

Without power, Titan was sinking very quickly, not to mention that Norman Osborn was still pulling it. The surrounding water pressure is getting stronger and stronger, and the gold and titanium alloy frame pressing against Titan makes an overwhelmed creaking sound.

Even if the adaptive armor rapidly becomes stronger under the stimulation of water pressure, it still cannot change the fate of Titan's imminent destruction.

Suddenly, a point of light appeared on the dark bottom of the deep sea. It's Tony Stark! He wore MK2 and dived into the deep sea.

Behind him was a steel cable that was originally used by the turbine engine to tow the Titan.

"What are you going to do?"

Steve was shocked and moved as he looked at the scene in front of him. The weak MK2 was definitely no match for the two Godzillas. Tony's death was in vain when he dived underwater.

"I worked so hard to design and manufacture Titan. Look what you have done to her!"

Tony Stark's angry voice appeared in the communication channel. Now the distance between them is only a few hundred meters, and they can barely communicate through radio waves.

"Idiot, don't give up, start the plasma jet thruster quickly, I have a way to get you back to the surface!"

Steve understood Tony's plan instantly. Although he thought the success rate was not high, he still controlled the Titan, reluctantly changed its posture, and activated the plasma jet thruster. Several faint blue flames lit up in the deep sea. Two of the thrusters were extinguished not long after they were started, but the remaining thrusters still slowed down the Titan's sinking trend.

"sucker Punch!"

Norman Osborn sneered in his heart, MK2, which was smaller than a flea, could not pose any threat to him. It was simply wishful thinking to save Titan under his nose.

"Dip! Dip!"

Another MK2 suddenly rushed from the side, holding a huge torpedo in his arms. The plasma jet thruster was running at super power, accelerating the torpedo to a terrifying speed.

Just when it was a thousand meters away, the MK2 let go of the torpedo in its arms and fled quickly. Tony Stark, who was above, also dragged the chain to the surface at a high speed.

"This is"

An ominous premonition suddenly arose in Norman Osborne's heart.


The torpedo detonated directly midway, and the dazzling light was like the sun falling into the sea, completely illuminating the deep sea that had been dark for almost millions of years.

An overwhelming shock wave swept in all directions.

"Faq! This is a nuclear torpedo!"

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