Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 167 Supreme Mage

The three fighter jets were flying at supersonic speed in the air, white rings of air spreading against the fuselage, and shock waves making the glass of the buildings in the city below rattle.

Even though the huge noise generated by supersonic flight may cause harm to civilians below, the fighter pilot still dare not slow down. They fear being hit by Godzilla's ultra-long-range atomic breath.

The commander's order to them was to hover over Tokyo and be on standby to launch an air attack on Godzilla on the campus of Tokyo University at any time.

At this moment, the University of Tokyo was in chaos. Norman Osborn drove groups of students and professors to the vicinity of the biochemical laboratory, and used them as hostages to force the Japanese and American sides.

These ordinary people were frightened when faced with a huge monster like Norman. The young students were doing better, but an elderly professor was so frightened that he had a heart attack. He collapsed on the ground, his face turned blue, and he covered his chest in pain.

Several courageous students stepped forward and loosened the professor's clothes, but because the professor lost the emergency medicine in his panic and haste, they were unable to relieve the symptoms at all and could only let the professor's body begin to stiffen and his life flow away.

There were bursts of sobs among the crowd.

Norman Osborn looked on with cold eyes. Since being injected with Godzilla serum, he thought he had become transcendent from mortals. Even if he killed thousands of people with his own hands, he could not be moved, let alone the sudden death of an old man.

There was panic outside the campus, and nearby residents and students who escaped from the campus were quickly evacuated under the organization of the police. The upper echelons of the Japanese side were well aware of Godzilla's huge destructive power and directly evacuated all citizens within a few kilometers of the area. As for the senior officials and the emperor, they had already left Tokyo on a military transport plane as soon as possible.

In the biochemical laboratory, Winston was looking feverishly at the serum being filled into the syringe. The entire gene editing machine can produce three serums at the same time. Among the three egg sheaths, the larvae of Godzilla were completely drained, leaving only a layer of skin, and the shriveled body was thrown directly to the ground. The remaining four egg sheaths were placed on the experimental table, and the larvae inside were also dying.

After taking out the three tubes of serum from the gene editing machine, he took out a disposable syringe and directly drained the three Godzilla larvae and entered them into the gene editing machine.

Winston has already entered the synthesis formula into the gene editing machine. In just a few minutes, the editing machine can automatically synthesize the serum.

Afraid that Norman Osborn would go back on his word, he picked up a serum and couldn't wait to inject it directly into the vein of his arm. The cold serum flowed in his blood vessels like hot lava, making him scream in agony.

It was the aggressive Godzilla genes in the serum that were eroding his body. The lizard genes he originally embedded in the gene chain were defeated, and even the genes belonging to humans were losing ground.

Godzilla's genes are violently transforming his body, and like Norman Osborn, he can never turn back into a human.

Lying on the floor of the laboratory, although his whole body was in pain as if it had been cut open by a sharp knife, he was still laughing crazily, until tears burst into his eyes.

After today, he will truly be in control of his own destiny.

Suddenly, a bunch of brilliant golden sparks appeared in the void, falling like rain in the laboratory. The sparks rotated, expanded rapidly, and turned into a huge aperture that kept rotating.

Winston realized something was wrong, but the severe pain all over his body made him immobile and unable to stand up from the ground. Due to the limitation of his viewing angle, he could only see a boot stepping on his side.

The mysterious man who suddenly appeared in the laboratory picked up the intact egg sheath placed on the table.

"Who are you?"

Winston let out an angry roar. He was frightened and angry. At this time, he had almost no ability to resist, and almost anyone could easily take his life.

The Supreme Mage Ancient One held the only surviving egg sheath in her hand. She could sense that the larvae of Godzilla in this egg sheath had reached its limit of weakness, and was like a candle in the wind that could be extinguished at any time.

She did not save the other six hatchlings, or directly kill the pregnant Winston Jensen. Through the Eye of Agamotto, nearly 16,000 future results have been viewed, and the results of the current choices are already the most acceptable.

Godzilla, the patron saint of the earth, was completely extinct thousands of years ago due to an invasion of alien species. The Ancient One learned about their existence from the classics passed down by the previous Supreme Mage. He originally thought that they had completely disappeared from the earth, but he did not expect that modern human technology would allow Godzilla to reappear on the earth.

As the current Supreme Mage, facing a steady stream of foreign invasions, she was exhausted and could barely maintain the current peace of the earth. If Godzilla can truly be resurrected, it will undoubtedly make the earth safer.

She waved her hand to erase the portal in the void, and opened another one at random. Through the portal, you can see a hospital on the other side.

The current baby Godzilla could die at any time, but Ancient One knew there was someone on Earth who could save the poor little thing.

Before leaving, he took a look at the serum in the gene editing device. Gu Yi was not tempted at all by the power he had at his fingertips. Godzilla's power came easily, but when it came time to pay the price, no one could bear it.

The golden sparks slowly extinguished, and Winston could feel the mysterious man who suddenly appeared in the laboratory leaving. He endured the severe pain and stood up while trembling with control of his body.

After confirming that the serum in the gene editing machine and on the experimental table was still there, but that one egg sheath was missing, he breathed a sigh of relief and finally looked at himself in the mirror.

Compared to his previous lizard-man state, he is now almost a shrunken Godzilla. His body is much stronger, and layers of muscles are constantly arching from under his skin.

Hunger, a hunger so intense that it almost engulfed him.


The walls of the biochemical laboratory were torn apart like pieces of paper, and the entire roof was lifted like a toy. Norman Osborne's huge head drilled right through.

"Who is he? Where is my serum?"

He could sense that a very strange aura suddenly appeared in the laboratory, and then disappeared mysteriously. Under the worry serum, the laboratory was directly destroyed.

"The serum is here. The mysterious man who suddenly appeared just took away an egg."

Winston held all the serum in his hands.

"I need radioactive sources to feed me"

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