Saiyans in the Marvel Universe

Chapter 147 Investigation (Revision)

The sad look on Phil Coulson's face, if he wasn't wearing a high-end suit issued by S.H.I.E.L.D., would be no different from a middle-aged homeless man who was unemployed and had all his family property taken away by his divorced wife.

He got off the car and looked at the completely unfamiliar town of Laxitas. The entire town has disappeared, completely demolished, replaced by a factory and endless pastures.

A long wooden fence encloses the entire vast farm, suggesting that the front is private property.

Phil Colson's open hands felt the fresh air blowing from the pasture. The cool wind carries the fresh scent of grass. After inhaling it, you feel refreshed and refreshed.

He found that the air here was exceptionally fresh and refreshing.

In order to carry out his mission, Phil Coulson has traveled almost all over the world. Even so, there are few places where the air is better than here.

An idea flashed through his mind. Maybe after retirement, he could consider using his savings to buy a farm for retirement.

"I almost don't recognize this place."

A S.H.I.E.L.D. agent lamented that he once dug three feet into the nearby desert, trying to find traces of the mysterious giant ape. If it weren't for the fact that the GPS positioning couldn't be wrong, he would have thought he was in the wrong place.

"Let's go and find out the details of that Cade."

SHIELD didn't let Cade's presence in New York City go lightly. In Natasha's eyes, there were still many unexplained doubts about him. After checking her report, Nick Fury sent over Phil Coulson, who had been running around.

After all, Agent Coulson has been performing missions in this desert for a long time, and he already knows his way around. His goal is not to arrest Cade, but to determine Tessa's condition and find out the details about Cade.

Phil Coulson stepped forward and rang the doorbell next to the door. With a click, the intercom next to the doorbell connected.

"Hello, this is Laxitas Farm, who are you looking for?"

Cade's voice sounded on the other end of the intercom.

"I'm an agent of SHIELD and we have some questions we need to ask Tessa about, Mr. Eagle."

Phil Coulson said. He could hear that the breathing on the other end of the intercom suddenly became faster.

"Uh ok, I'll be right over."

Phil Coulson hung up the intercom and waited quietly for Cade's arrival.

After a while, they saw a brand new Ford F150 Raptor pickup truck appear in sight. Cade got off the car and opened the farm gate.

He looked at Phil Coulson and his party with vigilant eyes.

"What do you want to know?"

Phil Coulson shook his hand with a harmless smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Mr. Eagle, we are all Bob's colleagues and the investigation is just routine."

Cade could only drive two SHIELD agents into the farm.

Along the way, the lush alfalfa undulated like waves, dotted with purple alfalfa flowers. From time to time, you can see cattle grazing leisurely.

Although Phil Colson didn't understand the work on the farm, he saw that the cows in the herd were all smooth and shiny, and their smooth muscle outlines could be seen when they moved around. He knew that these cows were carefully raised and were all valuable. Not cheap.

Is Cade really just an ordinary farmer, and Clark Kent is just an ordinary investor?

Doubts arose in Phil Colson's heart, and his previous guesses were somewhat shaken. You can't fool anyone about the condition of the cattle. Raising such a large herd requires a lot of energy. If the farm is just a front for money laundering, just raise some cattle to deal with the fools like the FBI and the IRS.

"These are Angus cattle, don't you recognize them? Only our farm can raise these cattle so well. Not only Austin, but also high-end restaurants in New York and Los Angeles will come to our farm to purchase beef."

Cade Eagle said with some pride.

The main products of the farm are the vegetables from the vegetable patch, with tomatoes, Brussels sprouts and basil being particularly popular. The restaurant's purchasing staff saw that there were beef cattle on the farm and they were in good condition, so they tentatively purchased some in small quantities. Unexpectedly, the quality of the beef on the farm was unexpectedly excellent. The oil is evenly distributed, and the lean meat and oil are skillfully intertwined, making the meat very delicate, tender and juicy, making it the top Angus beef.

These cattle live under the noses of Kakarot and a group of carnivorous beasts. Almost every day, they have several times the amount of exercise than ordinary beef cattle. Coupled with the high-quality alfalfa grown in the daily eclipse, the meat quality is naturally excellent.

Recently, due to the clear spiritual energy escaping from the star calamity, the meat quality of the cattle has further improved.

Now, after satisfying the appetites of Broly and Kakarot, Cade chose to sell a small amount of beef, and his income exceeded that of selling vegetables in a very short period of time.

Broly's concept of money is just enough, so he divided most of the farm's income.

This month, almost every killer has received more than 10,000 yuan in salary plus dividends. For some serious jobs, they have received nearly 20,000 yuan, and for the solar eclipse, they have received 30,000 yuan. This income has exceeded their previous income as killers. income.

In Mexican gangs, the middle- and upper-level cadre leaders naturally spend their days drinking and making money every day. But these lower-level killers and gunmen are different. Their income is meager and they can only receive a sum of money for their lives during gang conflicts. Some people even have to live with their girlfriends or mothers because they can't afford the rent.

After crossing the grassland, there is a sparkling artificial lake and acres of rice fields. Several helpers were tending rice in the rice fields, and further away were vegetable gardens and orchards, creating a peaceful and vibrant scene.

Phil Coulson recognized the helpers as Mexicans. This is the U.S.-Mexico border, and it is normal for a few Mexicans to have smuggled in on the farm. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not an immigration agency, and it doesn't bother to meddle in this business.

The pickup truck stopped in front of an exquisite villa.


Tessa frowned and looked at the two agents who got out of the car. Because of the cross-species gene transplant project, she has already had a lot of dealings with SHIELD.

"Don't worry, Tessa, we need to ask some very simple questions."

Phil Colson looked at the treadmill outside the villa. His attention was attracted by the iron cage on the treadmill. He asked Cade curiously:

"What is this? Is it a torture device you use on those lazy workers?"

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